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Watch thread: art deco shitter edition

"Suggest a watch for me."
>Your budget
>Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot
>Movement, e.g. automatic, hand-wound, quartz
>Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, 2nd-time zone
>Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet
>Wrist size or desired watch size

Previous thread: >>18231311
For me it's counter clockwise watches
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This website has Rolex for like $300
.>preowned reps
A new dawn
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The perfect casual watch
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Which of the two should I pick up for my birthday?

Any recs under $1000 are welcomed too. I was looking into the Tissot Gentleman
Watch thread: non nigger cattle edition
Does that read 1:53?
Very aesthetix.

I like the Murph. Bought one not long ago and wear it often. Neither of those is a bad choice though.
the one you think you'll be happiest with.
why do you want a bunch of bitter dummies to make a choice for you?
buy an ad, watch shill
>only watch thread with a pic of a watch the OP owns and is not Chinese chrome plated lead
>also out of production for half of a century
>hurr buy an ad
What a fucking dumbass
Probably the one on the left, if for no other reason that it doesn't say "Khaki" on the dial.
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depends what chink watch you want
I raise you 100hrs pr + actually made in germany unlike stowa aka chinkwa.
At some point we have to choose between a boring thread or a thread with avatarfags.
We have to accept that it's not the same and that it is more engaging, interesting and more inspiring having people in our community who we can follow in their watch journey.
How hype would it be if Finncel popped up with a new watch? Think about it.
OD getting that JLC reverso out of nowhere??? How is this NOT hype af?
Whoretadello aka /wt/? Every time he posts you don't know if he got a new watch or where he even is right now.
HamiltonChad? Bro... His long distance shots are out of this world.
Mort? He has every watch we could ever want and more.
And this is just scratching the surface.
The CatMoserChad-CMC for short. The cockwatch faggot too. The Germoid who might just be Bitteranon(???).
It's just very entertaining. It gives a certain one of a kind-character and feel and makes this thread extremely unique.
And we get to talk about watches directly THROUGH them, their objective experiences and analyse them in depth.
I love our All-stars and I hope they're doing well.
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Requesting discord link. I mistakenly closed the tab then cleared all the history.
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is the hype over?
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Pretty cheap German watch I wear for work
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New Casigod release

A ring watch

Set to have basic water resistance

Priced around £100
are you PF?
I see alot of chink ring watches on aliex. what took casio so long?
fuck me I guess I want one, but I promised I won't buy another watch. Does this one count?
Technically not and I can't imagine anything like it will be made by them again

November release date so time to save money
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How would you, in your own words, define an Ultra Luxury Lifestyle?
>lumed dial on the corners and center
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Owning the best watch ever made and enjoying the finest brew daily.
Kofe time.
Finally, the thread can start now.
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thanks doc
It's not lumed, it's porcelain, it shines
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got a couple ostrich leg straps for my casios
I don't know what to say, I didn't think I would witness this level of Basedness on /wt/
This is either incredibly based or utterly retarded and I honestly can't tell which.
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nice, I strap my casios with a variety of colors.
most models still go for 150-200% MSRP on the second hand market
I love the 36mm OP w/silver dial but the double batons are retarded. Should I go vintage?
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I like it.
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Happy birthday
are you the one who ordered the red one?
I can't afford neither buying it nor waiting for 4 years for it.
What are the best cope watches?


Everything is a fucking scam, loopholes within loopholes.

I think Rolex is the only brand now where you acutally get value for your money, right?

So much outsourcing and bullshit.


What is the Heckler & Koch of watches?
Explain for non gun fags.
>non gun fags
You mean just fags?
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>I think Rolex is the only brand now where you acutally get value for your money, right?
Lmfao, modern Rolex is utter crap.
This is extremely homosexual.
tries to talk the talk before walking the walk

post some brands, faggot

oh wait
>I think Rolex is the only brand now where you acutally get value for your money, right?
It was, then they decided to rush out a new movement with inherent flaws.
Ignore the rolexfag cope, look into the cal.32xx problems.
>Rolex is crap
>posts 9/10 watch
This isn’t the own you think it is, jeet
you have never posted a watch. Your rmonthly salary is 300$
>I'm very happy though...
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Objectively overpriced german horseshit that is behind the curve and has no original ideas anymore. Just riding out their previous acclaim from the 80’s and 90’s. Yet people still want the stuff they make.
Hey that does sound like rolex.
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Based response time and watch.
/wt/ is healing
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Patek Philippe.
Although they have new ideas, they're shit.
Resting on their laurels while their quality has lessened and you have to spend 100k before you actually get that real fabled "patek philippe quality muh rollsroyce of wetches". But the diminished quality doesn't matter because the people that want to ride their dildotrain don't know nor care so they can get away with dogshit finishing compared with the past and compared with their competitors who are all so pathetic that pp still wins by default. They're kinda like rolex in that way.
Maybe rollsroyce is the patek of cars? Although at least patek isn't just a rebadged, tarted up other brand like rr is I suppose.
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Sure thing Rajeesh
hey nice watch post-
Does anyone make a watch like the UBoat Classico but with less shit on it?
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I am shitting out raw chilis someone please help
the biggest lie that I was told online is that a GS looks like shit after a year of daily wear because the zaratsu gets scratched and loses its shine. No matter how beaten it gets, it's still amazingly reflective and playful with lightsources. Even beaten up, Zaratsu bros can Not stop winning.
And you're concsiousness is also at peace because you know you're supporting glorious Nippon instead of Swtachnese shit.
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ratingbro? I want my 0s.
10/10, wear them in good health.
isn't this the Ginza watch that went from 800 dollars to 1500?
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Very comfy thread. Thought to drop by real quick.
It is, it was a limited edition and has quite a nice dial, so naturally the price went up.
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You can send the link to filename if you don't want to post it here.
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It's a fucking travesty considering the regular models of it (used and otherwise) still go for 400-1k, and they're literally the same watch except for the dial.
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>Two German names
>Very popular with upper middlebrow suburban dads
>Has one or two iconic designs
>Too expensive to be attainable
>Not expensive enough to be prestigious
There's only one choice
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Prove you’re not Indian first, and then I’ll let you see my Rolex.
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Possibly the greatest thread we had in quite a while.
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If you had some self control you would have a nice watch by now.
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Where's my 0?
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Your avatarfag rank is granted, discord link will follow shortly.
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What's a discord?
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H&k actually makes good products though. Their problem is if you're not some kind of military or government or police contractor they hate you and don't give a fuck what you want to buy, you'll buy what they want to sell you or you can go fuck yourself. I don't know that watches really have an equivalent. A lot want you to build a purchase history before they'll sell you the really rare shit, but as long as your money is flowing you'll get watches. It certainly doesn't apply to tag, you can almost guarantee you can walk in a store and walk out with almost any watch in the catalog.

I think tag might be more like keltec? A couple half decent models, most of them are just weird shit you see in action movies and normies think they must just be made up prop guns that would never function, and when you see them in the store you point and say "hey it's that gun from that movie" and then never buy it because it's a jamamatic fuckfest.
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i got this one on ebay and had the crystal replaced. it's my favorite watch
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Picked this up used kinda on a whim the other day. At first I wasn't sure about the roman numerals (which is why the guy sold it), but they've grown on me. Any love for Stowa around here?
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Any recommendations for a flieger/pilot watch around $700? I'm open to a world timer as well. I'm willing to up the budget for something worthwhile.

I was looking at the Laco basics but I'd end up paying ~100 euros in shipping and duties alone. Rubs me the wrong way having to spend a quarter of the watch's worth just to get it.
>the HK hates you meme
HK doesn’t hate anyone, sort of. The problem is that HK went all in on the american market right before the Assault weapons ban in the 90’s and that burned them HARD. Most of their catalogue was banned by name. Fast forward to today, the German govt has put a crazy amount of restrictions on weapon export because their fuhrer Merkel refuses to let her muslim hovel be accused by the UN of supplying the black market.
Additionally, they did try some new stuff, like the UMP, the XM8, etc but nothing stuck because the AR-15 was too well developed to compete and had proliferated too much by the time they introduced those weapons.
Tl.dr they hate you.
No, motherfucker, they don’t.
Also they don’t hate the german govt either, despite everything I said, seeing as they robbed Haenel of the contract that they won thanks to the german govt corruption.
Laco is pretty widely available, you sure there aren't any available in your area? I think Dekla has some well priced Fliegers, but you'll have to deal with shipping and duties from them as well.
Should I cop or should I no?
Sinn prices have shot up considerably recently, If you're fine with that, it's a great reference.
I've seen these go for 1250-1300€ (+200-300 if going for bracelet). How much were they at release?
What are some good small watches? I unironically have 5.5 inch wrists.
they look so cheap it's not even funny
Vintage 34mm dress watches maybe. Omega if you want to spend, various soviet brands if you don't
Tldr they couldn't be fucked
Imagine all your watches got burgled and then you son died. How do you even cope?
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>market is allegedly crashing
>STILL not getting the call
It hurts to live.
>wrist size changes every day

>can never wear watches with metal bracelets

I think I get a perfect fit then the next day later it'll be too tight or too loose
Well first stop posting woke bullshit my dude and just get a 36mm
beautiful piece bro
>I think tag might be more like keltec?
Kel-Tec would be the microbrand that's also from Florida and has had QC issues in the past. Would be more apt if they made stuff like G Shocks though.
Any other watches with stylized art deco numerals like that? Doesn't necessarily have to be vintage.
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Uh oh stinky
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Anybody know what kinda watch Donald is wearing in this pic? I like the simple style w/ the flashy metallic green face.
>in the past
Are they good now? Sometimes late at night these watches call to me.
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Vario's entire design language is art deco
The black case and bare steel crown makes me think it's probably a swatch classic from the 90s/early 2000s. I've looked around and it seems they don't do a green faced one at the moment. Here's a similar one but red available today.
They made millions of the things in various liveries in the last 35ish years, so if you're looking for one exactly like Don's good luck anon
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I can’t put my finger on why citizen looks so bad. These are rough on the eyes
Recent reviews I've seen haven't mentioned any issues on that front. I was considering getting one too since I like the mint green dials.
this put me in so much pain and cringe
I quite like this one.
Yeah i like these.
Thanks for the info! Very helpful. Sounds like I should start scouring eBay. I’ve had a couple swatches in the past. They’re chill.
thanks, brother.

i'm not aware of anything specific, but there are so many ebay sellers with huge inventories. if you look around i bet you can find something cool.
>bid the bullut!!!1
>god da coll!!
>aforddable luggxury!!1
>dreggs diber!!!
>granb seggo!!1
>seggo fibe!!1
>disso peeareggs!!
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here's a sampling of randoms i just pulled up
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Kofe time.
it's aggressively a mallshitter design

citizen really has that market cornered
This description is indistinguishable from a description of Audemars Piguet.
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Any thoughts on this?
this cunt had it coming
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Should I?
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Thanks doc
Tudor has super cool-looking mockup images but then the watches look like sheap shiny mall shit irl. If you've ever seen them in a shop window you know what I'm talking about.
>Seen them through a shop window
Anon you're a window shopper, mad at me, I think I know why.
Why do you keep posting this horror in every thread? What kind of disease do you carry?
Window shopper? What does that even mean? Yes there are shops, I visit them, and yes they have windows, I look through them.
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>I got the call
You can't make this shit up.
Nothing, don't think about it.
Enjoy your timex/fossil/casio
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Take meds, subhuman.
This is the Google streetview of the address Konfox gives on their website.
why is it in chinese?
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Based Aoi-San.
Thanks for blessing the thread.
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Afternoon kofe time.
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>shits on all the chinkslop itt
>shits on everything else
Wow, look, another CAD shitter.
Why do I love digital watches so fucking much?
The 34mm Timex Marlin I think
Where can I find a 34 mm Panerai?
finally someone posted a good watch
Hey, nice wat-
Creed = Rolex
Parfums de Marly = Omega
Clive Christian = Patek Phillipe
Calvin Klein = Casio
Dior = Tudor
Chanel = Longines
Tom Ford = Audemars Piguet
Frédéric Malle = Breguet
Armaf = San Martin
Lattafa = Pagani Design
Mont Blanc = Seiko
sorry for blabbering about this watch but what strap should i get for it if i want a more casual and non-military look?
the default one is ugly as shit. i'm thinking something leather but i'm not sure if i should get a black one to match the watch or a brown one for contrast.
i like them both a lot. the one on the right is particularly appealing to me.
Live with it.
Post wife
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>V6 Camaro
>Ethnic jogger
Someone should order from them, they seem reputable.
Brown, all black watches make you look like a schizo dick cutter.

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Got this absolute beast of a watch in 2 tone for a steal.
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This one
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When will they release it?
What is this watch called? It's actually pretty amazing.
Lmao even.
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The only watch you need in 2024.
What he's talking about is real though? It's hard to capture in photos but the suburst dials on the BB36 and its variants in other sizes look horrendous. They have the same sort of record groove sunburst pattern cheap chinese watch dials have, like they're just scratched up. The ad renders and professionally touched up model photos they post online don't show what they actually look like IRL.
Bruh how are you going to argue with GOLD markers and hands?
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Love my S tier mall shitters!
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while I do appreciate the cal. 0100, you do gotta admit anon that the white gold + white dial ver. mogs the black dial handily. the bracelet on the black ver. just doesn't sit right with me however much I want to like it.
citizen on the left looks not the best though, bracelet to case ratio just doesn't work for such a thin watch - but could be the angle?
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I got the call, finally got my Yachtmaster. I asked the AD about the weird logo but he said it's Rolex's new branding
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So what's you guys' favourite 'Made in Japan™'-watch?
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>white gold + white dial ver. mogs the black dial handily
Just a bit. It has a more pristine look by virtue of it being a white dial. The design of the case, the indices, the hands, they don't lend themselves to that though. Then you have that strap, the white gold. It's like throwing stuff at the wall and hoping the image of a dress watch will appear, when it's clear the whole thing was clearly leaning sporty. I'd rather go for the proper mall shitter than one that pretends it's not.
It looks like some generic shit my 90 year old grandma would wear.
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>I got the call
summer is over anon
based swissy slut
You already know which one.
what brand is this?
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Kofe time.
What is your favorite Casio?
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What watch would you wear on 9/11?
Casio f-91W
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what else
Osama was a handsome man.
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Osama dindu nuffin
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Good morning gentlemen.

It”s hard to say, there are so many to like. Probably something from the TGW series from the late 80s and early 90s.
Deciding between these two. Any thoughts?

The right one is available in my country but Laco discontinued it years ago so it's possible that it's old stock, stored in a warehouse for a while. The left would be ordered new.
You are so annoying with this endless Laco-posting. Stupid brand, they both suck shit.
I like the bigger hands on the right one better anon. Also the bigger numbers.

Also the black is a bit more neutral than the blue and it goes well with more things. I'd go for that one!
the less cluttered dial for me, right
If you like watches, leave. Just leave, now. This board has become the worst possible place to discuss horology. Look at the watch threads. Half the posts are now from a new avatard cunt who feels the need to show dozens of shots of his ugly dinnerplates that no one even looks at, all with the same awkward light and angle. Then there is the deathless (unfortunately) shit-eating beetle who keeps telling everyone when he drinks a cup of coffee. This literal subhuman (I wouldn't call him that if he was, say, a guy with down syndrome, as his wrist depicted in the photos seems to suggest, but the issue is really that everything he posts and the way he behaves do make him – it – less than a human person), this literal subhuman, I was saying, loves to carry out its excretory activity in the public spaces that least look like toilets, such as our threads, in fact. It jumps in, it crouches down, it takes a shit, leaves. "Kofe time" – and there it is, its big turd. And you, who came here to discuss horology from Casio to Patek, are forced to smell its huge noisy farts, to take them all in your face. And it's no use arguing with it, because it will fart more. It's no use to report it, because it has never been banned, not even once, and all evidence points to the obvious fact that it is a janny itself, so it will always get away with its compulsive animal urge to smear social venues with its own poisonous feces. An alternative watch thread (/alt-wt/) was created specifically to keep that coprophagous worm and other avatards away from watch discussion, but it was in vain: among them all, the subhuman shit-eater is the only one who keeps encroaching on that space to take its huge toxic droppings on civilized people's shoes. It doesn't matter how many times you report it, the other jannies will take no action against it.
>If you like watches, leave. Just leave, now. This board has become the worst possible place to discuss horology.
I thought /wt/ stood for whoretadello's thread?
>made in germany
it's not
it's made in guangzhou along with stowa and other low tier "german" brands
some low tiers that're are part of german casemaker brands might be more of an exception but as far as I can remember laco doesn't even use german cases, dials, handsets or movements which are low "swiss" calibers
as long as you understand this and are willing to pay whatever price for a chinkwatch or at least mostly chinkwatch with an incredibly generic design then get whichever one who gives a shit
but if you actually wanted a german made watch you'll have to spend a fair bit more
if "swiss made" is a loophole riddled rotten swiss cheese, "made in germany" is a joke and is entirely meaningless
>made in glashütte
on the other hand is actually regulated
It's a Moser Pioneer 3200-1217

One of the very very few brands that are actually Swiss Made.
>Obsessed with feces
What part of India are you from, Bittercel?
Your quartz shitter is what Indian people wear.
All modern watches are soulless CAD shitters.
People are looking into vintage and neovintage for this only reason. It's unconscious hatred for kikes.
Watch companies get it wrong: they think people like vintage, so they make CAD shitters that look vintage.
No one buys their crap.
Watch industry is finished forever because the soul of watch-making is dead.
End of the story.
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They've made nicer digital watches since, but I'll always appreciate the A158W I got in high school and continue to use to this day.
5'3 is a cutie.
I hate watches so much. Unless you keep it in a box and never wear it you will scratch it sooner or later. It will never look like new ever again. It will always look like crap forever after. Fuck that. Fuck watches. Fuck me for wasting any money on this.
I like moser
toss up between gen z boss and 5'3
0/10, kys
0/10, kys
0/10, kys
0/10, kys
0/10, kys
10/10, even in that condition this is the best watch in this terrible thread

>post his Seiko
>expect to get a 10/10 from me, the best poster itt
>get a 0/10
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Waiting for the call
I've seen sad shit before as all of us have in here but this is very sad indeed. If he has fun doing this then whatever but yeah.
He never posted a watch?
>post his Seiko
>expect to get a 10/10 from me, the best poster itt
>get a 0/10
Is he the indian?
Why is rating watches so controversial? We all do it mentally.
I thought japs dont fuck anymore?
Watches? There is only one watch in this thread. The rest are fucking nasty disgusting shitters.
Why do I even bother coming here...
The calculator watch that was abandoned at my gym for two weeks so I claimed it
They do for money.
whorecel btfo lmfao
Rent free
why you so fuckin mad nigga
I'm glad the "kys" is back. Cheers, ratingbro.
Jealousy, being poor.
It's impossible to "win" in these threads anyway.
>if you post a watch below 5000 that's not a Rolex:
it's Cope and you should've gotten a Rolex
>If you post not-a-rolex that's above 5000:
you're a tryhard contrarian, you're not impressing anyone and you should've gotten a Rolex instead
>If you DO post a Rolex:
You're a normie NPC.

The silent majority though doesn't care about that. It's honestly just a very few individuals with too much hate and time on their hands that try to ruin it for the rest. Just buy whatever You like and let it be. If you've noticed, the loudest ones are the ones who never post any watches and are projecting the hardest. It's understandable. One contemplates for years and years going back and forth juggling in his mind if getting a 500$ watch would be financial suicide, and others seemingly buy 5 Digit watches every other week. It is a reaction that makes a lot of sense.
I don't pity them/him, don't get me wrong. People have to realise at some point that there is a disparity in wealth, maybe even an unfair one, both IRL and online. Sooner or later. It's part of growing up.
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We're gunna defeat the globalists
Not my marrying a J*wish woman, alex.
I've inherited around 25 thousand dollars and want to create a 3-watch collection. I'm looking for a daily watch, a dress watch, and a diver watch. What three watches would you recommend?
It depends, do you want others to see that you have said watches or do you want them for you?
Rolex Submariner Date and Cartier Tank
The Submariner Date will be both your daily and diver.
>finally got my 0s
What watch is that?
Rolex Datejust Turnograph
I remember when Whoretadello first posted this. He's still sobbing today.
Rent free
Yep. /wt/ crawled into his head and made itself comfortable.
cope, if you must, and (You) are
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He goes by the name Roachadello now.
100% unironically rent free holy kek
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The krauts don't fuck around. This thing is solid.
Only bittercel uses those terms, his real alias is WhoreAnon which the rest of us, regular posters, use.
Model of watch?
qrd? I'm new
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Fine by me Roachadello. I'll keep calling you Roachadello and you keep calling me bittercel.
watch thread more like FUCKING SHITTERS
retards and avatard poorfags lmaoo
That's what yo momma said last nite!
Hey, anon, is that a good wa--...oh, I've got to go.
Why does this thread hate rating Chad so much? Literally all he does is rate watches according to his own taste. Maybe if you can't take someone's honest (subjective) rating, do not post your watch here.
Thank you rating Chad for doing the lord's work.
All he does is spam zeros, basically.
Check >>18243562
And you will understand
Ratinganon make everyone seethe because he has established a set of rules he stands by.
>enter a watch thread
>rate watches
>never post a watch
If he gives you a poor rating you're left with two choice. Either ignore him or confront him, but in that case he will finish you with his special move >>18243563
Basically you can't beat him.
Also he has solid taste and is honest enough to give cheap watches some good ratings if he likes the design (he gave a Kuoe I posted a while ago a 7 or 8).
>all he does is correctly rate garbage

fixed for ya.
that's not the only thing he does, he sometimes engages in conversation and then you can see he is truly an absolute retard
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Picked up a clearance ladies' Tossit and threw it on a boomer expansion band.
>sapphire and steel
>sector dial
>no powermatic swisstematic 51 plastic escapement nonsense, just a normal auto
>live in California so no problem with light cross-dressing
Based support small business
Who makes the best Seamaster homages?
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Anyone ID this watch?
Yep its a Casio or Casio made one like it.
Not a common model but it is/was mass produced.
Doesn't look like any casio I've ever seen. Do they even make a diver without crown guards?
I want one so bad but can't decide on whether to get the black or blue dial. isn't the blue the classic dial for the original aerospace? either way, leaning more towards that since I don't particularly like stark black or white dials too much.
also, I'm a wristlet so I'm not quite sure if it'll look good on wrist in person - largest watch I have is 45mm lug to lug and the only reason that works is because the autistic Russians that originally designed the vostok amphibia were masters of vintage styling and proportions. just over 6/6.5in wrist last I checked.
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This much money for a mechanical chronograph from Seiko. Is it worth it?
Rolex $200k truck, Jewish wife. Yeah he's learned the hard way but optics is defiantly something he does not understand. Probably why the establishment left him alone so long.

Just a working stiff with my $200k truck and $15k watch goys. lmfao.
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You as a person

Looks good, wouldn't have known that was a ladies watch
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I'm in the seiko museum in ginza. I think they forgot "make it as thick as you can possibly get away with"
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Kofe time.
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show them this
This such a subversion of reality it's delusional

It's either a Rolexfag seething someone bought Grand Seiko

or a Rolexfag who has to debase himself sucking off an AD to get bumped up the waitlist
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Soiko home base
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Based Ginza Enjoyer.
Go to the Nissan store and get a Coffe on the 2nd floor.
New thread. Let's go.



both of those events seem to be connected by more than one person
Dang, that gold one looks great.

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