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is there any way to know what would you look like with a buzz cut? hairdresser is pretty bussy (next 10 days or so booked up) and I really need an haircut but man Im not sure if buzzing my shit would suit me
>hairdresser is pretty bussy

What did anon mean by this?
The only real way to determine if a buzz cut would suit you is to just do it and live with the consequences.
it will grow out and look like a regular short hairstyle in 2 months. just cut it. you will most probably look like some weird slav but its fun to try it once.
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>buzz cut
The whole point of a buzz cut is that it's a low maintenance haircut that you can do yourself. If you don't do it yourself you failed.
If you don't look and dress like a basedboi it can't look that bad on you, it might not look great but you will still just look like a normal guy. Hair isn't very important unless you don't have any of it (bald, not buzzed).
A buzzcut can be easy and quick, but many are short fades and aren't very easy at all to maintain, just look at the OP pic.
Horrible advice unless you want to look retarded
Most people here are going to hate this but the reality of buzz cuts is that they look significantly better with some degree of fading or tapering as opposed to just taking one clipper length across the head.
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Not OP but I recently shaved my head because I was too busy in life otherwise and first thing a colleague said to me was
>When did you turn into a gopnik? You're not even a slav
So yeah that definitely can happen and if being perceived like that bothers you then be wary. Though my vintage Adidas jacket was also a part of it.
just do it, hair grows back. also
>an haircut
how do i know youre from the uk
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my forehead its kinda fucked up tho
Fucked up how? Like you have a high hairline or do you have scars or acne or something like that?
high hairline, big forehead
That his hairdresser has a pretty bussin bussy.
For what it’s worth, I have those exact problems but I still got plenty of compliments from people telling me I pulled off the buzz cut very well.
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At the very least ask for a fade, maybe even a small lineup. For the money you spend for a backed up "hairdresser" can be spent on some cheap barber near a military base if you're just asking for JUST a simple buzzcut.
The sad fact is that even high-priced barbers aren't willing to put this much detail into a fade.

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