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I'm not trying to hide my hairline, but it looks like I am if I ever wear my hair forward so I have no choice but to wear it tied back/up(when it's long enough) or look like I'm coping and hiding(I'm not, I'm a middle aged man with a naturally high hairline to begin with)

Basically having hair between short and long is a pain because it doesn't truly reflect my character...............

you are remarkably handsome sir
just shave it bro I doubt you have any obligations for a good cut
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I do not support the confederacy, I just hate America. It's more of an international symbol of White solidarity or something.
Ty :3
No, I'm never cutting it again. Growing it down to my butt.
>Growing it down to my butt.
Then middle part like you're in a Lynyrd Skynyrd tribute band or comb to the side and back and embrace your bushwhacker roots.
When it's longer and has more weight that'll be possible. I have a cowlick so it's ornery.
>It's more of an international symbol of White solidarity or something.
that's retarded bro
>Ty :3
You CAN'T say :3 while being a white supremacist baka

also just use hair gel and style your own hair, i feel like you look great with your hair slicked back. I mean you'd love majestic if you look "clean", either go proper full beard or trim them so you can look clean.
I'm not a supreemist in either sense of the word(a synonym for sovereignty and the colloquial "better than others")

I don't wanna use product, it's annoying and then my hair is full of gunk. I don't like itchy beard and I don't like shaving every day so scruffy is just how it is. It can't be helped desu
I have a similar thing so i figure ill say it here rather than make a new thread

Someone just posted pics with me.online and ive noticed my nose is fucking huge when seen from.the side
I think im good looking when i look in the mirror and see my face from the front, my nose looks.norma, there.

but those pictures where im on profile or slightly sideways were shocking bexause when seen from the side theres this huge fuxking pointy nose poking out and i fucking hate it

How do i cope with this?
bro stop that shit right now, get yourself clean and shower everyday, I'm saying this right now you have potential to look majestic, do not fucking throw it away you tard
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>how cope
Big nose for more oxygen because you have a big brain. I cope big head for big brain.
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hmmmmmmm..........nyo, i will be a scruffy dirtbag instead.
From my understanding of racial science, a big nose is most typically associated with hot, humid weather
Euroasiatic races evolved to have smaller nose in order to filter and warm up the freezing air of the ice age and avoid lung damage
Dam dis nigga mad cute
Maybe post outfits so we can see if you are actually cute or not
The flag is only based because its funny but i hope you tip black people at the restaurants and stuff and not just white people
I dont tip indians though is that rude ?
I'm thinking of replacing all my clothes with dickies jumpsuits.
Nice wear it with an army style leather boot
Just let it go bro. It's dead...
I have the same problem, lmk if you find a solution
Why did you leave /cum/ Jason?
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I changed my mind. This is an older pic of me but this is my drip
spinny was mean go me
Is that real? have you worn it outdoors? and what did people say
If i saw this irl i might think you have a big dick and are trying to be ironic
It's a real pic from like 6 years ago, idk why he has that saved. Probably gay. I do have a small peepee.
Dont worry you can’t beat toys anyways
Women can cum from a finger, a lot of it is mental but yeah if she's been stretched by a big toy or other men or if she's just naturally big I wouldn't be able to satisfy her and our relationship would sour.

That is why I want a virgin and preferably an Oriental woman so her vagina will be smaller and I can satisfy her. Part of a marriage is being sexually satisfied and it's valid for me to want my wife to be satisfied. Some people think it's shameful and try to denigrate men with "you just want a virgin/Asian because your dick is small" and yeah, thats true and valid get over it. I have a small peepee
Ew you are gross go to hell
Grow up
Kys weeb your hairline sucks
You're bald and short
I’m 178cm and my hair is thick and full
You are an asian lover because your penis is small
Two different kinds of people
I do love Asians but I'd take a short White woman too if I fell in love with one. 178cm is short if you're a White male(giving you the benefit of the doubt)

My hair is full, I have a big forehead because I'm an Aryan.
I thought aryans are the elite race ? You look mixed with mongol dna
Nonsensical post, but if I look Mongol then my liking fellow Asiatics is perfectly fine? You're an unhinged person, grow up.

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