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Redpill me on jewellery on men

What can you wear / should you wear in public?
If your concerned about public perception, wear jewelry with personal import. Like the ring and bracelet chain I wear were my grandfathers.
Fair skinned men usually look better in silver, the darker you are the better gold starts to look. Keep it simple, clean and straightforward. Dont be that guy with a chicken foot around his neck. And dont wear a cross unless you're a Christian
It is prohibited for men to imitate women and vice versa, because if it is prohibited with regard to clothing then imitating them in one’s movements and tone of voice is even more abhorrent. So it is prohibited for men to imitate women and vice versa with regard to clothing that is unique to one’s sex, and the one who does that is subject to the threat of being cursed. (Fayd Al-Qadir, 5/343)
What banana leaf did your child rape slave get that off of, Mo?
Any man who visibly wears a cross in public is carrying around a deep guilt and fear of discovery of some moral crime.
It's like publicly donating money to charity.
We all see what you are trying to make us see and we wonder why you want to make us see you that way.
1 wrist watch with metal strap
1 wedding band
Agreed, and jewelry was not created for women.
I wear a necklace depicting a sigil of Lilith
What about wearing a star of david?
I've never seen it done, they're usually trying to pass themselves off as something else.
iced out grillz
iced out chains
iced out bracelet on reight hand
iced out watch on left hand
diamond rings like a pimp
>diamond rings like a pimp

Finger fucking with my diamonds on
I recently bought one of those bullet pendants. A steel necklace with small fake bullet at the end. I thought it looks cool. Haven't actually wore it outside yet.
Wonder what people will think when they see me wearing it. Maybe they'll think it's a bit too try-hard.
Stolen valor
What valor was stolen?
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Nope. Mine looks more like this.
The pic you posted looks like completely different metallic object people puts inside other people's body, not a bullet.
nigga does that look like a bullet to you?
It could be special ammo pickups? Don't you get different kinds of bullets you can use in your guns that have different effects? Those look like long range bullets.
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acceptable tier
a watch
a nice cross of gold or silver

literally everything else
two exceptions, wedding rings and some can pull off earrings
only very basic earrings work though, anything gaudy doesnt
An outwardly displayed cross is a no. It looks awful and everyone knows what you're trying to do. You don't just look like a 2nd gen Hispanic/Guido, you look like a fuckboy

Men's jewelry should always be understated and not on display. I generally don't like rings but aside from a wedding ring if you MUST wear rings I'd say keep it below 3 and none of that cringey mall ninja shit. For necklaces I'd say no unless it was a gift or a religious item. Nothing wrong with wearing something from your girlfriend, but keep that or crosses/star of davids/etc. under your damn shirt. Bracelets should follow the same logic, it should have sentimental value, be lowkey, and less than 3 total for both wrists combined.

Unless you are wearing a suit where cufflinks/tiebars/tietacks/etc. come into play, that is it. Piercings on men are the cringiest fucking thing ever conceived. Eyebrow, nose, septum, ear, nipple, all of it. Show off shit like that is bad enough on women and it's unacceptable on men. There are no good examples. Morgan Freedman looks worse for his "sailor earrings." I shouldn't even have to expand on gauges.
I didn't mention watches because I don't consider them jewelry. If your watch crosses the line into that then you're an idiot. It can be expensive, but if it has precious stones
Dude I'm wearing Le jewelry that my grandpa owned it . It has Le meaning !!!

You faggots are so pathetically insecure . Also no one literally no one cares about it's faggy meaning . As you can see you for some reason feel the need to explain the meaning behind it to us because women are tired of being around the faggot which is yiu
Anything you want.
>For necklaces I'd say no unless it was a gift or a religious item.
How would anyone know if it was a gift? So what difference does this make in the slightest?
Also you say unless it's a religious item but in your first sentence you said no to crosses, which are a religious item.

Fucking clown.
It's a pathetic and sad cope.
They lack the confidence to wear what they want becuase they've been mind raped by jews to be plain and boring NPCs who shouldn't deviate from the crowd.
So their cope for wearing jewellery is "well my grandma gave jt to me!" as if anyone is supposed to know that.
Do they wear a shirt saying so? Lmao. It's so pathetic.
>Dude I'm wearing Le jewelry that my grandpa owned it . It has Le meaning !!!
Calm down bro not everything is about you, everybody does things for a different reason. And if you shut the fuck up for 5 minutes you'd maybe learn some simple social skills and not be a screeching autist about everything
You sound like a faggot.

my grandpappy who bareback Ed me gave me this epic bracelet and necklace guys!!!

I'm so sorry you gave no one to tell that story to but people that never asked and it must suck to be so insecure tgat you can't wear something unless it has Le epic meaning, dumb man child. Are drumph supports this sad ?

There's no logic behind your stupid reason for wearing jewellery.
What difference does it make whether it was a gift or not?
No one except you knows, and no one cares. So there is zero difference to wearing a "sentimental" piece compared to one you bought yourself.
Dude I know you didn't ask but these pants I'm wearing are my grandmas! They have meaning. I just wanted to let you know because I'm insecure with zero confidence and have a tiny cock .

Dude I have no one to talk to and no one cares but these pants have meaning isn't that cool?, I can finally cross dress like a little faggot because now I can cope with the fact they have meaning. Now after my grandpa opt bareback me hell give me his bracelet I always wanted one but I just don't have confidence to wear one because I'm a pale beta incel . I hope I get friends one day then I won't have to tell strangers this online

Tgey don't feel so insecure. It makes the pale beta incels feel less embarrassed
Okay cool, but do you even have a class ring?
How pale are you?
Pale enough that I can't wear jewellery becuase the reflection of the sun off the metal burns my skin.
Also necklaces are heavy and pull my head down. My little pencil neck can't support the weight.
i've become obsessed with gold jewelry and can't really stand anything under the 20 karats. it's expensive unfortunately
looks like a stainless steel machine made 3~ mm cuban
could be silver or white gold but i'm assuming not just from the manufacturing.
rounded box chain
5+ mm ball chain and a steel rolo/cable link
If there's one thing I dislike it's wearing expensive crosses. I'm a Christian, and I know that I could probably be using the money I spend on fashion for charity instead. Wearing an expensive cross is practically profane and is the easiest way to show that you don't think to anyone with a brain.
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I like my 14k 3mm rope chain and .950 sterling 8mm handmade miami cuban link. I actually had a dream last night that I got a matching bracelet for the cuban lol
kek a thread where OP asks for permission from his internet friends to wear a tiny necklace turns into two retards duking it out over meaning, self confidence, and paleness
yeah goy just give your money to black rock NGO charities
the only charities that have a shred of being legit are pet charities
gus villa cuban?
i really want a solid gold one from him but i don't have 10k to dish out. i'd rather take 3 and get thailand 23/24k gold. or just wait for my 50 gram 18k japanese cuban to come
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this is my favorite chain right now, 32 gram 5.5mm solid gucci link in 14k with an 18k pendant
very very hard to find gucci links that aren’t hollow even though i know an Italian factory made mine. got lucky finding it used for very cheap, paid about 150 dollars over spot and i have since made all that money back just from gold appreciating
Why are you strawmanning me? Why do you assume I've ever made a donation to any charity?
Probably because you said for charity and most people think of charities when someone brings up donating to charity.
How can you tell it wasn't made in China if you don't buy it new but it tests positive for gold or silver?
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Yeah its a gus villa chain.
i want one of his miami figaros now that i think about it.
well there are a lot of ways to test it. specific gravity, acid testing, or if you're rich or have a good relationship with a jeweler you can use their 25,000 dollar XRF gun to figure out the exact alloy composition. in my case i trust my jeweler and it was proven to me to be 14k. i paid just under 1500 bucks for it and it's about 1500 dollars at melt right now depending on the price of gold throughout the week

if you want to get into gold you have to learn how to buy per gram and who's reputable. there's some good online jewelers i deal with but i primarily buy used from reputable jewelers now. you're going to pay the cheapest premium for used jewelry which is around 20 to 40%. under 100% is considered a good deal in the west. most will charge you 150% + if you go to a mall or something. asian high karat gold comes new and handmade at basically the same premium of used so i would consider that too.
and in my case my jeweler had this chain as left over inventory when he was sampling link styles and he just straight up told me it was italian and i have no reason to doubt him. it's blatantly italian if you know the quirks of italian jewelry vs saudi or chink 10-14k pieces
even without the markings i can identify italian jewelry by the construction. chinese pieces lack the fine script of the stamps italians use, the end caps and etc. even if they get italian pieces and assemble it the soldering will be bad, polish etc. retailers just buy from italy, china, peru and you don't really have chinese jewelers buying italian jewelry and trying to counterfeit it or just resale it. china doesn't have any botique stores for anything below 21 karats. you're more likely to come across a gold plated piece but it'll be easy to identify from the construction. poorer solders and such are generally seen in silver pieces, even italian silver pieces on the cheaper end. but you never see china copy italian markings. there are some chinese companies like customhiphop that cater to niggers specifically and will stamp silver pieces with 10 or 14k if you ask but you can still tell it apart from a real piece if you look at the construction like the smoothness of the cuts, polish, soldering of the links and stamp quality.

i don't have to worry about this because i only buy from jewelers i trust or i get it from asia outside of china and it's a high karat piece with authentication
there's not too much gucci jewelry i actually like besides the mariner links. i kind of like the cartier bangle design so i might get one of those in 24 karat
Not really into necklaces, but someday I’m going to blow $2500 on a Good Art Model 10 bracelet. I love the aesthetic of some chunky ass silver links, and their design is just perfect
I guess. I buy homeless people meals sometimes. I don't do it through any charity. I'll walk with them into a local deli, let them order whatever they want, then I pay for them.
Don't wear anything but a wedding ring, if you're married, and a watch. If you wear a cross, you better live your life in a Christ-like manner. Simple as.
The only jewelry that got me frequent compliments from women were random $10 gemstones on a leather cord.
I don't understand the "don't wear jewelry" perspective
It's convenient to have a couple thousand on your neck tucked under a shirt in an emergency. And it will hold its value unlike toilet paper money. I have 4500 dollars on my neck and it's subtle and classy. Not garish or niggerish and I've been in situations where it came in handy as a monetary asset or barter.
you could get that bracelet made for far less than 2500 if you want it in silver. rhodium plating will increase the cost by a lot if you want it to have that white gold look and to protect it from tarnishing
probably 2 ounces of silver plus labor would come out to under a thousand easily if you know someone skilled who won't jew you because of a brand name. a hand made 150 gram .950 or .999 piece from gus villa would be just under a thousand and there are plenty of guys who will make anything you want to a high level of quality
that's cool, unless it's niggers or other browns you're giving free shit to. nothing wrong with a gold or silver cross either, i wear one that's been in the family for like a hundred years.
He needs the name brand of whatever brand that is
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Brand appeal is for fags.
I know it sounds very gay, but at the end of the day the Good Art design with the clamp is the endgame bracelet for me. I'm going to be paying for some brandname upcharge, but it just has the best looking aesthetic in my opinion, so whatever
that's fair as long as you know that and accept the premium. i'm okay with premiums for custom or one of a kind pieces but i wouldn't pay 300% of the value of the material. but if it's silver, 2500 dollars for a custom/unique piece is different to the same item in gold weight plus 300%.

i like silver too but it's a bit too pale for me but it shines like nothing else in the sun. i have a hermes link in .950 that turns a lot of heads but i usually just wear gold and forget about it until someone asks me how much its worth
100% correct, especially the necklace under the shirt thing.
The problem is most jewelry doesn't have much value in the first place. Paying thousands of dollars for something that when melted down you're lucky to get a couple hundred for is the opposite of holding value.
That's not what happens with gold jewelry. If you overpay for it, sure. I can go get an ounce of pure gold in chain form and only pay a few hundred over. You lose more than with bullion on the premium but if you can afford a few hundred it's nothing. An ounce will always be an ounce and a year from now that ounce will be worth more dollars and the dollar will buy less. I don't recommend anyone get robbed for 4,000 dollars for 800 dollars of gold and a tiny diamond or something. It's different if you know how to shop for as low a premium as possible.
You are still getting 90% of what you paid for it back at minimum on average. This is acceptable for people who want a piece to wear but may contemplate selling it in the future for most of their money back if they're strapped for cash.
Platinum isn't bad either if you like it. I don't personally and it gets beat up a lot faster than gold or silver and starts to look like rough steel for anyone who might be into platinum rings.
Grandma's vintage gold jewelry might only get scrap value but designer stuff or Cuban chains even in silver can be ridiculous.
Grandma's shit adds up. I have a couple ounces in grandma's scrap, after melt.
A 285 gram 14k Cuban has 12,700 dollars of value in it and I can get a new one hand made for 15,600. So commissioning a brand new piece will make you lose a percentage of the overall price because it goes to the business owner or manufacturer.

On the other hand, I can buy the same chain on the used market for a couple hundred bucks over the price of the weight. I've done this many many times and you even get lucky sometimes and pay 500 bucks for 2,000 dollars of gold. Can speak from personal experience.
Your little rant came off way more insecure and gay than his post
Also, antique chains or jewelry like Edwardian or older carry a HIGH premium. A 70 gram 18 carat anchor chain from long enough ago can easily be sold at over 10,000 depending on the vintage. Even pieces as recent as 1900 weighing only a little over ounce of 14 or 15 carat gold will easily get bought by collectors for 5 or 6k. Shit, 9 carat dainty pieces that don't even weigh 20 grams go for over 2,000. Old stuff can be more expensive than new but people will buy it all the same.
I see what you mean. I would like to see it more as an investment, the problem is I struggle to find stuff that I both like and that is worth the price of the metal. Even worse because a lot of times sites will not even list the weight of the item.
I don't see it as an investment but a hedge you can enjoy beyond clinking some coins and bars before putting them up. But it can be an investment in times like now if you buy some coins at say 25 bucks over spot, in a year you'll likely gain money since gold keeps shooting past its all time highs. But it'd take longer and more drastic of an increase to get that back with jewelry if you're buying it right now.
But in my case I had a bunch of gold that's gone up multiple times what it was bought for over the years. Now and forever war moments like now are really the only times you can bank on gold going up, so it can be an investment but only when the entire fabric of society is falling apart. In general it's just converting your 1900 dollars to a one ounce gold piece that turns into 2500 dollars 9~ months later like we've seen seen in the past year.
>Even worse because a lot of times sites will not even list the weight of the item.
Yeah I fucking hate that. There's really only a handful of reputable jewelers on the internet who sell at remotely fair prices. Even fewer resale sites so when you find one it becomes a treasure hoarde because now you're getting the lowest possible premiums.

If you want to try out silver I can recommend Luke Zion for really nice quality silver pieces to see what you like before you take the plunge and buy something in platinum or gold. Silver is much cheaper even though the premium is much more with silver, you can get a 45 gram chain for 150 bucks. Great quality.
I'd recommend trying out a loose link chain first. Try the 3.5-5mm Forzentinas and see what lengths you like, widths, weights, etc. Loose link chains are good beginner chains because you can just throw them on and forget about them, rounder stiffer ones can be a problem if you like to sleep in your jewelry because if you might bend or break it unless it's sufficiently thick enough. Deformation would take place over time anyways but this isn't a problem with something loose. Ropes are classic, I might pick up one of the bigger width ropes some day if I feel like burning 800 bucks.
kill 50 bald eagles then make a necklace from their talons
luke is great for silver, he started stocking solid silver gucci links recently
A great way to get AIDS
Kinda neat. Too gappy for my tastes
Women are the only group who would see those necklaces as remotely cool
People who are educated on jewelry and metals will be more impressed by the deal you got than how much money you spent on it. Niggers flex the 5k watch they spent 50 on and say they spent 500 on it and the white man is impressed with the other white man who got something real at under spot.
Yeah, I'd love to get into it, it's just that I can't determine spot price on the item if I don't know how much it weighs, which most stores won't provide.
Luke lists their gram weight, so does Saints Gold, Jacoje, LinxResale (owned by the guy who owns Jacoje, resale site) HawaiiRopeChains
Bayam Jewelry if you're more into nigger type pieces. Cheap 10 karat in particular. Niggers love 10k because you can get a big piece but it'll be a very pale faded yellow compared to 18k or higher.
why would you not want women to think you are cool?
Because they will annoy me and ruin my life, I already have a woman
I’m gay
>Women are the only group who would see those necklaces as remotely cool
that's the plan
Cool =/= attractive to women
They'll want their own and otherwise regard anyone but Brad as an ugly beta wearing vaginal healing crystal necklaces.
Good point

Same as guys buying a mini cooper because girls like it, then be flabbergasted when they go for the guy in a raptor pickup or a 5 ton beemer two seater (cars women famously hate)
This is a new kind of cope to me. Or is it a faggot thing?
put on a dress you see a cutie pie call cool and see if that'll help her fuck you
better yet, learn astrology and see how wet she gets
Faggot thing, got it.
Im black please help
Guys a girls complimented me, am I gay?
Yes she was trans and You are too
>Any man who visibly wears a cross in public is carrying around a deep guilt and fear of discovery of some moral crime.
..... why do I feel called out
Projecting as fuck post, the cringe is unreal
I want a compass pendant
How should I feel about rhodium plated sterling?
I’ve heard it wears away quite quickly, but even so bare silver looks nice. Why are jewelers plating it anyway? Are they jewing me somehow with it?
Rhodium is expensive but keeps it from tarnishing and eliminates maintenance and gives the metal a darker undertone, natural silver is very pale white
Usually it has palladium under the rhodium too
There are some parts of the country where there are almost 0 because there's no government programs or housing for them
Where you at?
Well don't post where because they will make sure to send you some diversity
>>18242588 is a city-dwelling bugman.
Lockets, plain metal bands, wedding rings, watches and religious symbols are about all you can manage in formal settings.
Piercings if you're a faggot.
Leather straps and gemstones if you're a stoner.
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My everyday.

>yes I need to clean the chains
Why are you answering for me?
>anything religious
Not a great idea.

Whether or not Jesus was real and communicated with God, the religion created after his death has become a scam.
If I'm Christian, how do I view not dating a Christian or someone who accepts Christianity as a win?
nice flat curb
I don't even dislike christianity or jesus but the circlejerk is gay
even the most hardcore chan christians have never read the fucking book let alone even considered the canon
Don’t get anything made out of plastic, but the cheap stuff should do just fine.

Why did my pictures get deleted?
I'm thinking of wearing a cross. Been irreligious for 3 generations. I just think it looks cool.
I like the bangle
Free deli handouts. I make sure to keep that thang on me when i go to la or new york
>wearing a buttplug on a string around your neck
I just bought a 14k 6.5mm cuban link bracelet as my first jewelry piece. Wasnt sure I was gonna like it but after a day of adjustment I really enjoy it. Its a little flash to draw the eye without being obnoxious and its classic design works with everything. Also i get to look like a beaner at the gym so thats fun. I think a bit of ornamentation worn casually shows confidence in your general appearance
>being muslim
Oh no no no
Have you ever pawn shopped or anything similar for gold jewelry? Wondering if its worth the squeeze
>welts on your neck from the necklace stripping
>18k japanese cuban
are you talking about those kihei chains? where are you buying those in japan I couldnt find a place that ships internationally
I often leave the house wearing a larger chain around my neck, a smaller chain, a wallet chain, a watch with matching bracelet, a ring on each hand, earrings, a belt buckle, cuff links, and a tie pin. Trust me, people respect the commitment
yeah they look based but damn looks like i have to go to japan to pick one up if I want a good deal
Good morning, I hate lobster clasps.
The M cut sort of look similar to the 12cut but yeah no clue what it meant either lol
Let me guess, trans?
What brand can I actually by a few gold cross from?
I just cant operate them one handed worth a shit. Much prefer box clasps
Urbanite detected
You have colored skin
Nigga I hope so. Are you translucent? Thats nasty
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life's too short to worry about that stuff. Buy and wear stuff you love. No matter what it is, someone's always gonna hate it. Also, less is more
Rosary beads and silver rings?
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nah just bead necklaces but yeah silver. Also have gold jewelry but I don't wear it as often
>I hate society mom! It's not a phase I'll dress the way I want!!
I remember being 15
the ring facing the camera looks nice
snag a couple thick old silver rings from the ussr on ebay and wear a nice ring stack , if you have nice hands this ones a killer. necklaces are too much unless youre a fat old sicilian man
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nice cubans. i would rock those as daily pieces

thinking of getting a giant 12mm silver rope as a statement piece for wearing over a hoodie in mall lighting
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Thoughts on southwestern Indian turquoise jewelry? My mom died and had a huge collection of some pretty neat vintage stuff but theyre obviously womens rings as well as cuffs and bolos. Think a guy could rock those? I love turquoise and lapis
Related, baller sterling ball necklace I found in there. Ignore nasty ass mirror, its not mine
Post the rings, depending on the style you can rock them
India though...... yuck........ I'd sterilize anything you get from India because they use cow shit in the process of making their jewelry
No shit either, look it up, they use cow shit in most processes in general, weird ass religion
Nice greek statue sized forearms. You should get a chain link like a heavy link in the same length it'll suit your build and compliment the look with the wife beater
It's okay to limit your fashion to what others say is okay too.
thanks. It's called shield from clocks and colours. It's a pietersite ring
Thanks. It's solid 14k from danieljewelryinc
Indian like american indian. Ill take some pics later. She also had some pretty dope tuareg shit and red coral from somewhere idk. Africa maybe
Also ty for compliment. Ive been looking around. I really like john hardys art, especially the naga lariat but seems expensive for sterling and not sure if it would look right on a man. Probably just go with a classic gold chain. You got a link style you prefer? I think cuban and wheat are both pretty cool
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5mm cuban
>rain dance intensifies
so do i, it was over 15 years ago
what does wanting to wear accessories have to do with hating society? thats some really weird projection
Want to ask some chain dudes a question. I live in a place with a lot of diversity and cultural enrichment so I dont always want to go out with the good shit on but still want the look. Anyone know a high quality option for a well plated gold over silver chain that wont fall to bits in a year?
I want DJI and Gus Villa pieces
I like Cubans but I like to wear my pieces 24/7 so I would go for something flexible like a Cuban or a figaro or a heavy link.
Very nice
Well the lifespan of the plating depends on how often you wear it and the amount of sweat etc. For good handmade plated go with Gus Villa Jewelry or Goldzenn
Solid unplated silver, go Luke Zion jewelry
You can get a very nice GP cuban from Gus for like 500-600 bucks and it'll look identical to a solid piece, just don't sleep in it or shower or it'll wear very fast.

Gold filled pieces can last very long but typically smell bad and have a darker "faker" color that's different to the darkness of high karat solid gold

Maybe go for a Miami Figaro from Gus plated in Rhodium for something that looks like white gold and has more durability than gold plating. It'll be in the mid hundreds region maybe high but under a thousand for a very nice look. If you want to go as cheap as possible it's easier but durability is less so I'd go with Gus and get a GP cuban or accept the look of silver and get a Luke Zion piece like his heavy cable chain series. Basically a heavy link style chain but the insides of the link are polished so it'll sparkle more
>what style do you prefer?
Cubans, getting a Japanese Kihei soon, 50g 18k. Also looking around for solid 18k gucci puff links. Most puff links are hollow sadly and rare to find a solid one in general, let alone one at a good price. Got very very lucky with mine only paying 1550 for the kind of weight and width it has. If you can afford it get a Byzantine or King's Chain.
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This is the kinda shit I was talking about. These arent even choice pieces, this is just what Im going through right now. Its unreal how much of this stuff she had. I think theyre pretty cool but theyd all need to be polished and resized. Picture looks like shit thank god i spent so much on this giant piece garbage phone
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Fuck this fucking captcha
All mah christfags lemme here ya say heeeeey
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Forgot the fuckin pic
3mm too skinny for a Cuban? Or is 5mm about the lowest that still looks nice
What you're feeling is the experience of being 3d-scanned through your computer, and you don't like the result.
>Also looking around for solid 18k gucci puff links.
Go to assodiori.com. They have solid 18k puff chains and bracelets, straight from Italy. Ben Baller also has his ocean links
6mm daily wear, 6-8 specifically
3 is tiny and they only make machine made unless you pay a huge amount of premium for a handmade one. they're hard to make handmade in that size.

5 works but i prefer 6+ but a 3-4mm can be very nice with a pendant but only with a pendant
i like the bangle
personally i'd save up for a big 18k or 22k bracelet or something
https://danieljewelryinc.com/7mm-miami-cuban-link-22k-solid-bracelet/ 3300 in 7"

https://danieljewelryinc.com/6mm-miami-cuban-link-22k-solid-bracelet/ 2300 for 6mm 22k
move up 1 mm in width in 22k and they have one for around 3k IIRC
i feel like the real thick ones kinda look nig tier, ill try out 5mm cheers
nig tier is like 12+ which is huge compared to 5 or even 7-8

6-8 is good daily wear 5mm is the minimum but if you get a quality solid gold one itll be gorgeous and stand out regardless
6-8 is the sweet spot for daily wear and not looking like a nigger
big enough that it acts like a herringbone in how the light runs through it but flexible and strong unlike herringbones which are extremely fragile
Gold is based.
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I have been wearing the following a decent amount and people keep thinking its a cross and asking me about it and I just don't understand how you can see this and think "thats a cross"
Wearing just a standard cross is kind of weird unless you are a kid.
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Pretty legit. Might seriously consider. I ve been shopping chains and it seems like going online is the best way to get ok markup over spot. Its insane how dodgy some of these chinese jewelers are.

Anyway I settled on wearing this piece. Seems to be at least 18k. I like the anchor chain look and it has a nice little engraving of some saint on the back not that im really all that religious. No escape from being irish+catholic in the end.
very nice anchor chain bro. i wanted a 5mm 18k one before it got sold
i just wait for a used one to go up so i can buy it 300 bucks over spot
Im going to be completing my instruction phase and being baptized into the Catholic Church in a few months and want to either get a steel crucifix necklace or a chrome hearts cross ring to celebrate. I like the idea of the necklace more but I’m not sure how comfortable it will be as I’ve never worn a necklace before and I know the ring would be easier to wear. What do you guys think?
id say what do you do for work? if you have to work with your hands a lot, you are probably going to be not wearing the ring more than youre wearing it. something to consider. also, easier to lose
Ay Uncle Tone Chrissy Paulie!!!!!!!!!
Hmm good point I already have a silver oura ring so I’m not too worried about it getting lost because I take care of that fine. Maybe two non wedding rings is too much though.
What is a good style link for someone with a hairy chest to wear daily?
i mean i dont think 2 rings is too much, its just personal preference. id think youd want something chunky without a lot of gaps. figaros might get lost in the forest. if its a pendant you could do a small cuban or box chain. i like anchors and heavy links
anchor chain
A small Cuban is nice with a pendant but only with a pendant
Get one with decent weight and it'll be a nice compliment to a smaller chain
Kek fr
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I really like the LV logo Cuban. It's too bad you have to buy a knock off to get it in real silver.
Ok I got the kihei and its fucking crazy.
it's all about how you use it and the amount.
My daily jewelry is 1 ring (rugged not polished) and 2 necklaces (1 small hammer and 1 sword cross guard with nordic runes)

It all depends on your style and comfort
bro post that shit, from the pictures i liked it way more than a gold cuban something about it is more elegant. What do you like about it?
K sec bro
>What do you like about it?
Far more reflective. Even if it's machine made it's very tight because of the construction, thing is heavy as shit at over 50g, 6.5mm wide (I suspect, my caliper batteries are dead but eyeballing it with the manual measurements on it it checks out) and the lock is absurdly secure

Sparkles way more than a traditional cuban because of the surfaces

A normal cuban is still heavier but you get a similar look with a modern and unique twist for cheaper because a cuban of this size would normally be like upwards of 200g unless you go hollow. This ain't hollow. I like it a lot
got no pic of them. not in the mood to take the pick and share it to my computer and then upload it. yeah...

I like jewelry that can be damaged. My ring is a basic silver ring but fucked up with daily damage and some specific hand made damage. Making it look used, old and damaged.

My necklaces are nordic/viking replicas from a museum in Bergen, Norway. With some specific hand made damage. I do not remove them and both are made of silver.
(A) Hammer - Thors hammer. There are many styles but I personally prefer a small one that can be used daily with a brown leather chain.
(B) Sword's Cross Guard - Also small but with a silver chain. The original belonged to a shieldmaiden.

Personally I think silver is more versatile than gold. Gold grabs the attention and is sometimes gaudy.

Earrings are also a good idea, but remember to go all out. The more subtle and complimentary the better it is. (Amber earrings are a great start)
cop one if you can, 800 over spot was the BEST deal they could find for me so 3800 for 52g. double that for 100g. i'd start with 50 and make sure it's at least 5.5 mm minimum but mine came out at 6.5 eyeballing on a mm ruler but i'll confirm when my calipers have batteries. pretty sure you need to get 40-50g minimum to break into 5mm and it mogs my little 5mm machine cuban.
also make sure you get one with two figure 8s for that classic look, sometimes they only have one at least from what I saw online
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Anyone know what this type of necklace is called?
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that looks incredible
Which kind? Bottom is a type of ball bead chain, top is a fancy kind of puffed mariner. This on the left is a basic solid mariner >>18258132
oh dude it's nice. tons of neck presence. only thing is it might turn over and wink at you a bit but that's true even of cubans unless you get a handmade one that's specially made to stay flat, and people deal with it with curb chains too so it's whatever. i love it. lays great on me so far and looks great with a giant high purity pendant. get one bro you won't regret it just try to shop around for the lowest premiums. ebay will rob you but if you got 4.6~K to blow there's tons on there just like mine right now.
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yeah i want a gold piece, now im definitely going kihei over cuban now
depending on how autistic you are about a flat chain winking as it rolls on your chest cubans may be better but honestly winking is part of curb style chains. and to get a cuban that won't wink you have to go to around the same size (6mm+) and handmade so you're already gonna be spending like 5-6k minimum
if you like the kihei aesthetic like me it's worth it bro. just look for that 20 to 40 percent used tier premium if you can otherwise bring the bank with these gold prices constantly eclipsing ATHs
I also like how TIGHT the links are, people pay a pretty dime for tight tolerance cubans but I get the same look for cheaper and it's unique in the west. so it's a win to me. good length, good daily wear size at 6.5mm and quite heavy to a normal person. it's not some 180g piece but idc. that'll come later.
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Wore this today. Im warming up to this stuff. Its kinda archaic but it firts with earthy outfits really well and the artistry is undeniable
Surprisingly nice. I like gemstone bracelets but usually just wear gold tennis bracelets in blue or red stones or diamonds/moissanite
yea this shit's like a herringbone but durable and not instantly broken from wearing once. the cuts add a lot of extra reflection and light runs thru it like a herringbone. get one bro. even if it's platinum
Honestly the chain is really nice. Karat color will vary, I THINK it's a bit paler than my other 5mm machine made cuban but it's so much nicer. Just a 2% difference of silver content v copper content and etc can make a notable change in color but it still puts my 14k stuff to shame in color terms
May or may not sleep in it because I don't wanna wear the lock out but next goal is 23/24k. Overall really like kiheis.
Is it OK to wear a choker as a man?
Do you have an example? We have no idea what you look like or what you’re going for lookwise

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