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Watch thread freed from the avatarfag plague.

Please, do not post the following brands:
>Grand Seiko

Thank you.
Has Breitling offered any news on what it's going to do with UG?
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Nope, but it won't be anything good, rest assured.

Of course it is. Fuck Jews.
what's wrong with Moser?
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Why is neovintage Breitling so fucking cool btw?
In terms of brand positioning, it should be around the Blancpain-JLC tier, based on Universal's history. I don't think that Breitling will be interested in having it be the shitter brand in its own group, though.
Nothing, it's just that the unbearable faggot keeps posting it, I suppose.
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You don't always have to compare things. To place objects in "tier" categories to know whether they're good or bad. Universal Geneve was a unique brand with an incredible history, and the reason why they left their mark in horology is the stunningly beautiful designs they created. Some movements were actually average or below average, so it doesn't make much sense to compare them to JLC, let alone Blancpain. Breitling would make the worst mistake of all time by reissuing UG classics with enlarged diameters and impeccable movements. They will also probably turn them into CAD shitters, fearing that the present day customers will not like the classic UG sloppiness, when in fact that was exactly the reason why it was great.
I have no doubt they'll make a reedition of the Polerouter in 40mm. Only boomers buy luxury watches, and boomers love reeditions of classic watches in enlarged diameters.
It's not a comparison but most people, in this thread or otherwise, don't know much about UG.
Saying, "historically, they were a high-tier luxury brand with a specific focus on technologically sophisticated movements" doesn't mean much without a sense of context.

For that matter, marketing still counts. If they don't market it correctly, it will just be another flop.

They will probably make the Polerouter in multiple sizes, if I had to guess. That's something that's becoming more common in the watch industry. So they can make a 40mm for the tasteless Boomers and make a 35mm version for people who like the classic design.
What's the perfect 3 watches collection for a conservative white man in his late 30s / early 40s?
Whatever quartz shitters they sell at the local Wal-Mart.
Really, you only need two. The third one is optional.

1. A steel sports Rolex for casual wear
2. A precious metal dress watch for less casual wear. Should be on the smaller side, thin, and without complications. Think Cartier Tanks, older Patek Calatravas, AP Jules Audemars, Breguet Classiques, or Piaget Altiplanos.

3. This one is technically a watch but it's more a piece of sporting equipment, a fitness tracker if you do endurance sports.
small wrist loser here, how do we feel about old 32mm bulovas
That's too broad of a question. Bulova made tons of different references, some are shit, some are good.

To that end, though, don't buy a shit watch if you don't have to. 32mm watches are so unpopular they are wildly undervalued.

You can get a 32mm Vacheron or AP for 3-4k. Breguet for about 5-6k. Even 32mm Patek Calatravas are only around 7-8k. These are all gold, by the way.

Now, you take the (correct) advice from >>18237189 and pair your gold watch with a 34mm Rolex OP or Air King 5500, a good example of which can easily be found between 3-4k and you'd have a collection that would mog literally anyone ITT for around 6k. You'd never have to buy another watch again.
sorry about that. i mentioned bulovas specifically because older examples (especially like their military-issued field watches) can be had for pretty cheap, usually under a grand from what i've seen. i just graduated high school and i thought one of them would make for a nice way to get into this stuff without breaking the bank.

now, when it comes to thinking about the future, would one of those Rolexes really be a good "pinnacle" of a collection? as i understand the models you mentioned are entry-level (which is fine, who am i to talk lol), but im just concerned ill regret buying one some day. a shitty analogy would be saving up lots of money for a Mustang and then getting a 4-cylinder one. but i dont know.
i really am clueless about this stuff though
A Rolex is a Rolex. (Obviously, buying one in good condition vs. shitty condition matters but that's true for any vintage watch.) Jealous faggots ITT will try to troll you by asking if you couldn't afford a Daytona or something.
In the real world, it's a Rolex. Normal people don't know one from the other. The 34mm models aren't as popular, again, because they're small, but they're still built to the same standard as all the others. They're very durable, accurate, and easy to service. From an older, better era of Rolex.

If you bought a bigger "better" Rolex, you'd just end up looking silly because it wouldn't fit your wrist.
I lurked watchexchange on r*ddit recently in the hunt for a 5 digit Rolex. What's their obsession with getting a birth year watch? It's a comment in like half the listings. I never heard of this before, who the fuck cares?
omegadrunk mort reversocel whoretadello finncel trannyfaggot
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The truth is le "muh 2/3 watch collection" is a gigantic cope. You're just larping as le lone wolf freed from needs when in fact you'll keep looking for more watches or you'll have other obsessions.
A 2 or 3 watch collection is a retarded and awful idea because you'll get tired of wearing always the same shit in every possible situation. Yes, even if you bought a Rolex and a Cartier.
The reasoning that "Rolex and Cartier are the best possible watches of their respective kinds so you don't need anything else" is completely fallacious, because the point is not the brand or the performance.
The point is the aesthetic. The shape, the color, the feeling. Good luck staying satisfied with a pepsi GMT Master II all your life, while the moment you'll wish you had a white dial or a black bezel is always around the corner.
Buy whatever you need, nowhere it is etched in stone that you will only ever need two watches. Don't buy shitters, that's needless to say, but expand your collection if you feel like having more options for your fits and activities.

I set out to keep it under 5 watches. Number pulled out of my ass but 5 seemed right. I am just about to pass 60. It just keeps happening. I wear around 8-10 of them regularly and others not so much.
>but expand your collection
if it's all modern slop whose only barrier to entry was handing over money then it's not a collection but rather the asian reddit bugman tier accumulation
better to own one good watch rather than many you'll seldom wear
watch buyers in the past would've bought or been given one watch and it worked with everything they wore
the watch is just accessory, you don't dress around the watch you throw it on after every thing else because it's like a wedding ring
if you have to dress around the watch then you've bought some massive gaudy or novelty tier eye-catching shit that so conspicuous that it overpowers your whole look and you cannot pull off wearing the watch, the watch wears you
sure you can change watches like you change outfits but you'd better have the money to back that up otherwise you're just another faggot with an aliexpress watchbox full of chink or halfchink made disposable shitters, 95% of "swiss" stuff on the market are chink shitters keep in mind
you were better off not even cluttering your life with disposable junk unless disposable fashion is the look you want for yourself
by disposable i mean watches that aren't even worth servicing from your or the watchmaker's pov

if you can't afford what, 10 real luxury pieces of value or whatever number it is you advocate, and by that I mean rolex and above tiers, then a single decent watch is better than a drawerful of mediocrity
that's why people end up regressing to the boring tried standards of basic rolex and cartier or whatever
it is nice to keep things fresh for the eyes whenever you look at your wrist? yes
is keeping it fresh worth the price of buying junk? no
basically just be rich and handsome and you can do whatever you want lol
for everyone else you'd be prudent to compromise
The perfect collection would be one watch. A watch you can give to your kids at some point.
This is absolute brain poison type thinking, no thanks.
When I see a poo skin jeet with a Casio collection I see someone who is probably poor and into watches, when I see someone who calls themselves a watch enthusiast but only owns a Rolex Sub and/or a Cartier tank I see a nobody who's not worth bothering with.
Give it to your son, for what purpose? Chances are it's gonna be a shitty memento that will collect dust somewhere out of sight or they'll just sell it eventually. There's a low chance that they'll occasionally wear it and it will inevitably fail on them, then it's gonna be a shitty memento that collects dust in the attic because your son would be a retard to actually pay servicing costs for your ancient junk.
The whole generational watch stuff is just a marketing shtick, no one is out there wearing their grandpa's Rolex as their daily.
i don't even notice jeets or what they wear on their wrists
whether it's into watches or not means nothing to me as i won't associate with it either way
>brain poison
buying a bunch of junk is jew consooooomer brain poison
buying one measured thing that you deliberated on and chose to buy isn't
if you chose rolex or cartier then that's on you for not thinking very hard or for being a boring faggot who only skimmed the surface of what available
>buying one measured thing that you deliberated on and chose to buy isn't
You're still dropping thousands on a piece of jewelry you have and you're probably supporting the mountain jews in the process as well, it is consoooomerism, just like jeet who dropped a few hundred on a dozen beaters.
Why? You have more than one pair of shoes, more than one jacket, more than one shirt, right?
Watches are no different. They're fashion accessories.
I cannot waitfor the nu-Bicompax with a B-01 constantly shitting itself inside.
Your mindset is deplorable.
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Great argument bro.
>it is consoooomerism,
by jew consooomerism i mean that mindless mass consumerism where you buy more and more and more and never stop, enjoying none of them and just look forward to the buying of something else
if you can afford 100 really actually good watches then more power to you
you'd not be posting itt if that were the case though
better to buy one nice watch rather than 100 disposable shitters
if you can afford 30 shitters you can buy something actually good
Is this the most retarded watch design of all time?
>43mm in diameter
>12.5mm thick
What were they thinking?
>What were they thinking?
The following:
>gee golly! the chinks and russians, paragons of good taste will eat this shit right up!!!1
>what, the russian economy crashed? that's ok we still have the- winniethepooh is stamping out corruption gifts... wait, come back white man! don't leeeeeave meeeeeee!
Faterico will still shill them. You want to be just like Faterico, don't you?
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I think I am gonna get a Kuoe 006.

Price is a tad high, but hand made in Kyoto and that dial looks SEXY.

Just wish they had a silver index version...
piaget is for europeans and arabs anon

asians and russians think it's a literally who brand
I like Kuoe a lot anon, its one of my favourite brands. I want to accomplish other things this year to be throwing $500 on a watch, but at some point I think I'll get one as well.

Blessed choice.
It is now, but richemont went hard in chingchongland and dinnerplate dress watches existed to satisfy asian wristlets who needed massive conspicuous watches to cope for all their other shortcomings.
you sound like a terminally online incel
>seething chinklet got a nerve struck
>everytime I get bullied online it must be da chinese or da russians
why is this a trend for all you incels lol
keep feeding me (you)s chinaman lol
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Call me a normie, but speedmaster is cute
you're the one obsessed with me chuddie

you even created an entire backstory in your head from one of my posts

I now live rent free in your head lmao

keep seething
So, literally the Patrimony?
>passive aggressive incel deflection
Either a women (unlikely), or some kind of seething asian.
I can smell the stale basedasauce through the screen. It's ok to have tiny hairless bitch wrists characteristic of your race anon.
Perfectly ok kek
>tries hard to be tough
>still reeks of incel coping

the watch looks big for your wrist size. do a mirror shot?
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So close, yet so far.

I just wish the hour hand was more sharper and trimmed down a bit, it should resemble a sharp spear, not a blunt buttplug.
>So, literally the Patrimony?
Basically, yeah.

Since we all agree that a watch is merely jewelry, the idea notion that some tough-guy sports watch is necessary is about as legitimate as the screw heads on a Cartier Love bracelet. It's just a LARP.

Precious metal, tasteful design, and hand finishing is more important than a 48mm wide steel chronograph's 1000m depth rating.
>poor mans explorer
tudor is such a cope brand lol
The Patrimony is fucking disgusting.
>39mm dress watch
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It's also way too big. It looks comically bloated at 39mm because it's a design for a 34mm watch that's been scaled up. The dial is too big and empty so they made the hands and indices bigger and thicker which is why, as you pointed out, the hour hand now looks like a buttplug instead of an arrowhead like in the original.

Tudor didn't have a choice in the matter. They couldn't make it 34mm because then it would never sell. They couldn't make it 36mm because then it would directly compete with and shine light on the flaws of the Rolex Explorer.
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And yet the Black Bay 58 GMT is better in every way than the ceramic GMT Master II.
They make a 36mm version.
Uh, you're right. I didn't know.
Yeah well I still don't like the hands. It needs dauphine hands.
>uh, what about a completely different watch though?
What does that have to do with anything?
You're implying Tudor makes shit watches on purpose in order to avoid competition with Rolex.
The BB58 GMT is proof this is not true, as it's better than its Rolex counterpart.
Would be cool if the movement somehow powered the hands.
No need, I already know it is way too big for my wrist.
But there aren't many options when one wants manual winding and decent quality stuff without dropping 50k for a patek
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I like the smaller Overseas for a "one watch" collection.

Switching the straps is huge.
Oh shit, it's no-bully anon.
How is your transition going?
>as it's better than its Rolex counterpart.
Not with the meme hands and the fake rivets. It's a near miss.
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The traditionelle, at 38mm, is the only decent VC dress watch imo. The regular patrimony is too large to be proportionate unless you got massive 8+" wrists. The smaller one was marketed as a women's model mainly hence all the variants with the diamonds.
It's too plain. Yes I know that's the point, but give me a seconds subdial at least ffs.
You could wear the traditionelle with clothes that aren't solely formal too.
If you want plain look at the piaget altiplaino, the plain as fuck one. It's too boring. It's almost homos-level german-tier bland. The traditionelle has some elegance and interest to it.
>nazi iron cross on your watch

>You could wear the traditionelle with clothes that aren't solely formal too.
Agreed. Especially if you swap out the gator for a nice calfskin strap.

I also like the tonneau-shaped Malte, but I know non-round watches are an acquired taste.
It's at least 2mm too large for a dress watch.
VC seems like an S tier brand to most people. Do you have a negative opinion towards a religious symbol?

>captcha: HH08
>zomg incel!!
virgin projection lmao
women are repelled by riceniggers
never forget this
I know, but it's the best looking one in current production. Only just found out that Lange discontinued the 35mm Saxonia who knows how long ago; surprisingly hard to come across for some reason, too.
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>nazi iron cross on your watch
the chinks do it better
Isn't it fatter?
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Well lads, I got the watch
Quite like it, feels better in person than I expected, more solid
Strap is surprisingly decent as well, will still replace with an olive nato though I think
Only thing I don't understand - the second hand moves not second to second but every two seconds and covers two markers - is this normal or is it because it was in the dark and it needs to charge up, or is it just defective?
12mm vs 13mm. The additional thickness of the Tudor is due to the tall, domed crystal. The original 41mm BB GMT was the fat one. That thing was damn near 15mm thick. That may be what you're thinking of.

On the wrist, though, the Rolex still wears better because the Tudor caseback is very flat while the conical caseback of the Rolex sinks down into the wrist.
>is this normal or is it because it was in the dark and it needs to charge up
Yeah, that's the low-power indicator. Give it a little light and it will work normally.
>2 secs interval
citizen eco-drive also does this when the capacitor has low charge. also, don't put it inside a drawer if you're not using it for a very long time. just leave it in a well lit area. even near a lamp helps.
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
Damn it looks noice.

Great buy anon, now I want one too.
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Makes sense, I left in the sun for half an hour an now it runs as normal, thanks
yeah I'm pretty pleased with it, will be curious to see how durable it is and how long it lasts me etc
only thing that's a shame is that the crystal isn't domed, I didnt realise this before buying but whatever
btw I saw some people mention that some Timexes like the weekender are noisy, however this one is very quiet
>Makes sense, I left in the sun for half an hour an now it runs as normal, thanks
if you're interested, this might be the movt. used.

not timex related, but I didn't know Epson produces solar movts. checking Orient which has epson movts, it seems that they only have one solar panda watch. interesting.
I'm a dude, thank you
woha longines! longines make cool dress watches
yours also looks pretty cool!
it's all Swatch anyways...
36mm steel Rolex Explorer and white gold PP Calatrava with white dial, small case. Both, the most conservative watches you can imagine. You don't need a third watch, but you can add a digital Casio for sport activities.
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>here’s your 2 millions eurobucks watch bro
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That's why you need a 74000n with an explorer dial. For the anon asking about the bracelet on my watch, here it is. Older than the watch, but very light and comfy.
>2cm thick
Rolex Explorer 114270 (the last of the true 36mm Explorers)
Patek Calatrava 3998

I used to work with a guy who wore a 3998 as his daily watch. Totally understated.
Rolex needs to bring back the pencil hands.
I'm wearing 25mm gold filled Bulovas on expanding straps (tank looking ones from 1930-50
That's a Maltese cross. And iron cross is from 1870
What? It's just under 13mm thick. Very reasonable for a GMT sports watch.
I dunno about cope, to me it sounds like it's what you do when you don't know what you want to collect and what you don't really know what you like.
If you're looking to collect a specific type (one brand in particular, chronographs, military issue/milspec, a given nationality...) then you know exactly what to look for and you can even be in a situation where your collection is complete.
If you know your own taste then it's more about finding what will best suit it than narrowing your choices down based on perceived utility and ready-made styles.
The "three watch collection" sounds to me like a guideline so you can "get into watches" without really needing to research anything other than price ranges and specs for contemporary models.
>The "three watch collection" sounds to me like a guideline so you can "get into watches" without really needing to research anything other than price ranges and specs for contemporary models.

It's two separate things that have some overlap.
The three-watch collection is more for someone who's looking at incorporating a watch into his wardrobe.
The larger collection can be because you're actually interested in the watches themselves apart from how they look. (Funny enough, most people with these large collections happen to dress like shit.)

You can actually have both. A perfect example is a watch nerd whom I know IRL. Big-time Cartier collector. Owns at least two dozen that I know of, many of them quite old. He hardly ever wears any of them. Most days he's wearing an 80s-era gold Pasha, Pierce Brosnan-style, or an Apple Watch.

Then you have other people (I count myself among these) who really like watches, learning about them, talking about them, working on them, but don't like the feeling of owning a huge collection. I keep two pieces and if I ever want a new one, I force myself to sell one.
Probably thinking of the fat fuck 41mm version.
Interesting schematics
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Post it.
Post the watch that's on your mind these days.
Not a particular watch but I'm really into these integrated bracelet dress watches from the 70s these days.
Especially this Vacheron.
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I'm into neo-vintage, pre-Richemont Vacherons.
Someone ITT posted a Phidias like this a while ago and I've been mulling getting one.
i think there are like 4000 other VCs you can buy that are nicer
Don't care didn't ask.

>there are like 4000 other VCs you can buy
...aaaand zero you can
Cartier Tanks, particularly the Normale and 1st gen Francaise.
I've been reading more about the history of the model and getting into the variants with the true square dials.
I hated the Phidias at first but now it's growing on me.
Neo-vintage is an interesting era for watchmaking. There are many watches I kinda like while finding them ugly at the same time. This Blancpain for example.
imagine it is 28th of february 23:59 and you are about to see that hand fucking LEAP forward
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That was me. (picrel)

It's a neat watch, in a 90s sense. I got it because I was bored of my Datejusts and you can get one of these for the same price. It's not perfect by any stretch. Normies seem to like it. It gets more compliments than my other watches. Historically, it's kind of neat because they only made about 250-300 royal chronometer version of the Phidias, so it's uncommon. It's also the last watch they made before the Richemont takeover.

Pros: Very thin. Very comfortable. Extraordinarily accurate (+2 seconds per month). Impeccable finishing. Date snaps over at the crack of midnight
Cons: Clasp is a simple friction pop-clasp. Bracelet has no half-links or microadjust (not uncommon for a 90s watch, but still) so if you're picky about fit, you may be frustrated. Short power reserve, I know 45 hours was normal back then but I've gotten used to longer power reserves.
The 1990's was a fucking wasteland, but there were gems out there if you know where to look.
Nice. JLC movement?
Yep. That was from before VC ever made a single "in-house" movement.
>there are like 4000 other VCs you can buy's
>...aaaand zero you can

I have a Rolex on my wrist
You must have forgotten to attach the timestamped pic of your used frankenshitter.
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i cant be bothered to post a timestamp. fuck your vc and that shite spine looking bracelet
Why did you put your grandpa's watch on your dog's paw?
top banter considering you just mentioned owning multiple datejusts, grandpa
>used frankenshitter.
You called it.
I don't own any DJs. I'm >>18238305 not >>18238348
You need to calm down.
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>Rubs hands together
all factory. wheres your rolex?
I'm sure your watch is nice and all, but if you can't be bothered to look after your ape-like body hair, don't post wrist-shots, please. It's gross.
>inb4 whatever
No, it's thick, black, and animal-like, no amount of coping will change the fact that, somewhere down the line, someone in your family fucked a chimp.
>ape-like body hair
>inb4 whatever
you are an insufferable person and your opinion is worthless
dangerously based.
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Yes, I'm still in Mexico and yesterday, a friend took me to a strip club. There were definitely no rules there.
I wonder if Mexico naturally has a yellow filter. Horrendous watch btw
>a friend took me to a strip club
You're over 40, aren't you? lol
>I wonder if Mexico naturally has a yellow filter.
Kinda has it. The watch looks waaaay better without the red lights of the vip room, btw.

Well yes. Sadly, I turned forty this year.
Still fucked a gorgeous woman, a young colombian striper, so not a bad night.
>. Sadly, I turned forty this year.
You should have a wife and kids, stripperfucking notwithstanding.
A man's son is the measure of a man, after all.
This is the non-avatarfag thread. FYI.
Go blogpost in >>18236920
I'm not a /fa/g but looking to get an actual watch other than what Casio fa/g/ like. Currently wearing black/black Casio gshock

The SRPG41 looks decent, but even that looks too ostentatious.
I call this BS. I've seen the horrors of zombie parents raising a child and a nagging wife here and there. I prefer to be independent and free.
Yeah bro you're on 4chan. What else about your life you wanna spill?
>Yeah bro you're on 4chan. What else about your life you wanna spill?
what else, that the current state of the swiss watch brands is a scam?
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How about you tell me if this Casio in my case has swag? Or go for a real watch?
don't ask "brand" ask who the manufacturer is
Both the SRPG41 and SPRG41K1 look identical. What's the price difference?
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The 1990s are the last decade before CAD and mass production took over in watchmaking. The design language of that era was a bit dubious but the watches still had a lot of SOVL thanks to their imperfections due to human interventions in the production and assembly process.
The worst decade for watchmaking is by far the 2000s. It's the decade of oversized cases, awkward biomorphic shapes, the beginning of niggerflex culture and the introduction of new materials (ceramic, PVD, etc). Everything that still sucks in modern watchmaking comes straight from that cursed decade.
seiko's with "k1" are made in seiko's malay factory rather than the usual chinese
don't get to hung up on "made in japan" though
the only "made in japan" that's most likely actually made somewhere in the japanese archipelago, because people have actually toured the factories and have seen proof, are
>grand seiko + credor
>citizen campagnola + chronomaster/The Citizen's
>casio's MR-G
>Hajime Asaoka + other high end indies
lower end seiko's, including all supposed "JDM" models, are most likely not 100% japanese made and would use parts from the company's SEA or chinese (or even brazilian back in the day for cheap orient) factories.
the more expensive, the more actually domestically produced parts + assembly
it's like swatch group and omega etc., where a non-zero amount are made in chingchong and the cheaper swatch brands, and all cheaper "swiss made" are almost all chinese

"jdm" exists because nips prefer to buy "made in japan", so companies will stretch the shit out of that term so that they can sell to the domestic market at all
nobody wants "made in china", least of all the actual chinese who know it's cheap shit

if the factory is:
>owned by the nips
>nip slave driver foremen manage the line
>upper factory management is 100% pure nipponese descent 1000 chromosome folded
>final assembly is overseen by nipnops
then even if the line worker drones are whogivesafuckbrownsea mystery meat then legally it can be called "made in japan" because essentially the factory grounds are treated as rightful japanese clay NIPPONBANSAI!!11

the moar you kno
oh sorry you asked about price
i just copypasta'd that shit because i had it handy
dunno lol
I was thinking about picking up the Longines Conquest 38mm. But I stumble across this.

"Longines has stuck to its initial decision not to make its own components. Watches are assembled on site but movements come from Swatch Group's Swiss-based manufacturer ETA; 80 percent of Longines' output is mechanical and 20 percent, quartz. Dials come from factories in the Swiss towns of.La Chaux-de-Fonds.and Grenchen, cases are polished in Portugal and Thailand and bracelets are made in China."

I am conflicted, I think it's a nice watch, but just the thought of some tiny gook hands stroking my watch. Well I guess it doesn't matter with how much microplastic and seedoil there is in food nowadays.

Anyways, any other recs?
Where'd you get that quote from?
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
No you good. I like to hear the nips still have slave chains on the chinks

I would have bought a k1 if you were a few hours earlier just to taste the chinks sweat.
>bracelets are made in China."

That's not necessarily unusual. Straps/Bracelets aren't considered part of the watch for the purposes of "Swiss made". JLC's straps are all made in France, for example. Panerai's straps are made in Austria if memory serves.
Even Rolex used to have their bracelets made in Mexico to save on import costs. They would have the bracelet and the watch put together at the jeweler.

>Anyways, any other recs?
Rolex is always the safest bet.
I am deep into the rabbit hole right now. I think my only option is to go vintage. Pre 1990's atleast. More research to be done.
tf does this even mean...
Isn't Epson basically Seiko?
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I like this thread

However I do have something of my own to share. Maybe the guy with the Waltham Vanguard remembers roughly a month ago sharing said piece as I was searching for the pocketwatch from the Rozen Maiden credits. Well I work at a thrift shop on Saturdays, two of which ago me and my friend were working on closing the store when, in the barn where all the donations are processed and priced, I see this box sitting on a table. I am immediately struck and smitten upon reading "Waltham." So I asked the boss if this was being saved for someone else and if I could buy it, and she says to take it for 5 bucks. There are many things to be fixed, most notably the absence of the second hand, though the watch winds and runs for as long as it says it does. I haven't been able to find an exact match that I am sure of online but have gathered that it's a clock for maritime use. Currently it stays on my desk and I plan to restore it in at least some ways.
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Men can be women too, sweetheart. Don't you EVER let anyone tell you otherwise.
this general always makes me feel good about my wrist size
yes, remember that simple three hand dress watch or field watch over 36mm is an atrocity.
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If you're a woman.
What's your most inaccurate watch?
I have a JLC that gains 10s a day.
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That's genuinely beautiful

Maybe it belonged to him?
>What's your most inaccurate watch?
I have a hand-winding Cartier Tank that loses about 10 seconds per day. I'm not exactly sure because it doesn't have a seconds hand, but if I keep it running for a month and never adjust the time, it will be about five minutes behind.

I should probably get it serviced at some point.
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>$100; entry level
>$500; entry level
>$1000; entry level
>$5000; entry level
>$7000; entry level
>$10000; mid-tier sports
>$15000; mid-tier sports
>$20000; entry level luxury
>$50000; entry level investment
>$100000, mid-tier investment

Yea, I think I'm done with the Hebrew watch cabal.
I think so too.

Ah well there is a difference in last name.
It’s only relative to the size of your wrist. Why do men even have shirt sizes? All men should wear an XL.That’s what a manly man would wear.
I have genuinely never seen this model of vacheron before. That strap is horrendous. What the fuck is going on with the dial?? Maybe I’m just a watch normie
Timex Electric. It's a pre-quartz electric movement that uses a battery but still has a balance wheel.
Think of the Oysterquartz system if you're familiar with that but before a lot of necessary R&D was made and much cheaper.
Sometimes it just loses 3 minutes in a day, sometimes it's fine for a week.
That would drive me fucking insane
I mean, when you get your hands on a watch like this now, you know exactly what you're in for.
I like it, the tech is a nice window into that weird era of watchmaking where a lot of experimentation was going on and no one was sure if they should aim towards ultra accuracy, reliability, affordability and ease of maintenance. Everyone knows of the Accutron movements but they were far from the only ones coming out of that pre-quartz age of weirdness.
>I keep two pieces and if I ever want a new one, I force myself to sell one.
This doesn't make much sense. If you NEED a new one, it's because you need one more. No principle, no rule, not even common sense is forcing you to replace a watch you have with a new one if you merely need it as an addition.
My point is that forcing yourself to keep only two watches (for what reason?) sounds very stupid. You may have a sport watch and a dress watch, but at some point you might feel the need for another sport watch with an entirely different aesthetic from the one you already have. That's when you add a watch to your collection. Collections grow in a meaningful and orderly way if you follow this route of common sense.
You must have forgotten to read the part where anon says he doesn't like having a big collection.
Having 4 or 5 watches does not mean having a big collection. He's forcing himself to keep 2.
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I'm wearing a 34mm watch right now
I got a 36mm watch am I'm surprised how normal it looks, was expecting it to be a lot smaller
Unbelievable score for $5 nice one bro
You should try going even smaller. 31-32 mm is the joy and the light, the definitive redpill.
This. Try to find a Patek Calatrava 96. They're only 31mm but so elegant.
What's wrong with posting Credor?
Noobs think Crador = Eichii when really for mots of its history Credor was more of a collection within Seiko and not even a great one.
It's like going to a thread about supercars and talking about your diesel VW Polo because you've read about the XL-1 and the W-12 and they're the same brand.
Redpill me on Baume & Mercier. Some vintage stuff looks really nice.
The Eichi looks terrible on the wrist. It's 39mm in diameter and 10mm thick despite being manual wind. Way too big for a low-key luxury dress watch.
I know nothing of their vintage stuff and have only handled one of their modern dress chronos.
Modern: nothing special, nothing original. Basically one of those brands that have nothing identifiable as their design, a brand which you'd only buy at steep, steep discount or used and only if you really liked some specific piece of theirs in particular.
Oris has more of a character than B&M. That's what I get from looking at them.
Vintage might be another story.
>Vintage might be another story.
Stuff like the Riviera has strong character, in my opinion
Neovintage B&M is probably where they peaked
>Baume started in the mid 1800s like many other watchmaker families, did pretty standard stuff
>becomes Baume & Mercier after the Baume family buys the Mercier workshop in Geneva after WWI
>1930-1950s, they're Landeron merchants like many, many other houses
>in the 60s, the Piaget family becomes involved and buys shares until they own all of B&M
>they move some of the production to the US so they can start building tuning fork movements under license
>Piaget starts using B&M as an "entry level" brand to experiment with different form factors and movements especially once quartz becomes the big thing
>if it works with B&M, it eventually enters the Piaget catalog after being improved a bit
>bought by Cartier as part of the Piaget Group in the 80s
>when Cartier builds up the Richemont Group, B&M becomes its entry-level
Thanks for the quick rundown
ngl Baume & Mercier does have some nice vintage stuff (chronographs and Tank-like dress watches).
The thing is, modern B&M is so bad it retroactively makes vintage B&M undesirable.
Then why doesn't modern Rolex, which is also SO bad, retroactively make vintage Rolex undesirable?
>Anon brings up Rolex out of nowhere
That's why, anon.
Ah, yes, of course. People wear Rolex because of the brand, that's it.
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ok I see what >>18240216 was saying, that's actually a Piaget But Not Really
pretty cool regardless, stone dials are great
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Remember to wear a manly watch.
Rolex is one of the very last company that still makes great watches in 2000+24.
How could that be true when they discontinued their only great watch (Milgauss)
Literally the worst watch they've ever made. You're a retard. Leave this thread.
A watch that is completely stuffed with anti-counterfeit bullshit (that doesn't work, so it's even more bullshit), that will never age because they replaced genuine materials with lab-made shit, that uses vulgar fat unpleasant fonts for their numerals, that has an average size of 40 mm, is a shit-tier watch in my world.
They don't have a choice, retard. What do you want? Rolex to make watches just like they did in the 1960s just to please you? They would have filed for bankruptcy long ago.
Also don't act like a fucking vintage purist you obnoxious autistic faggot. Rolex is the last company that still make 36mm 3 handers, the building construction is unmatched and the design is amazing. Show me a better modern watch than the 36mm Datejust. You can't.
>that has an average size of 40 mm
I was with you until that part, ma'am.
>Show me a better modern watch than the 36mm
So, are you transitioning too?
t. Seiko owner.
>They don't have a choice, retard
Lmfao, then Longines also doesn't have a choice, retard.
Baume & Mercier doesn't have a choice, retard.
Omega doesn't have a choice, retard.
Jaeger Le Coultre doesn't have a choice, retard.
Breitling doesn't have a choice, retard.
Blancpain doesnìt have a choice, retard.
Panerai doesn't have a choice, retard.
Tag Heuer doesn't have a choice, retard.
Topkek, now any brand that turned to literal dogshit it's because they didn't have a choice!
Isn't that just another tiresome Royal Cope?
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fucking fuck yeah bro
What's the Royal?
He meant to say Royal Oak cope.
Aka a Royal Cope, or Rope.
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I really hope this unbearable cocksucker gets beaten to death on the streets by a bunch of niggers who also steal all his watches. Fucking homo, shit-eating clown.
But, are you mad about it?
It looks like, but I'm not. I just want him to suffer.
Credor and GS chads.... We can't stop winning.
M8, thanks for sharing this. Once in a lifetime deal right there.
Left looks kind of cool and doesn't look like a Royal Oak, but don't tell me for a second they weren't thinking of the Royal Oak when they added those bolts to the bezel.
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>but don't tell me for a second they weren't thinking of the Royal Oak when they added those bolts to the bezel
Probably. Anyone was adding bolts to the bezels in that period, though. Pic related.
The originality of the Riviera lies in the dodecagonal shape which it had since the beginning.
Nice watch, pop!
You deserve it after 40 years at the factory.
Not really the best example, since they were using rivets on the bezel back in 1916. Louis Cartier was pretty obsessed with "industrial" looking jewelry.
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>Not really the best example
Maybe it's not the best, but it's spot-on. One of the most iconic watches of that time had bolts on the bezel. It doesn't make much of a difference that they resurrected a 1910s design. Here's another example anyway.
Why don't we also have a Leopard?
>It doesn't make much of a difference that they resurrected a 1910s design.
What do you mean? The Santos-Dumont was made continuously from the start. The Santos de Cartier was a beefed-up sports watch version of the Santos-Dumont.
I'm sure the popularity of the Royal Oak inspired Cartier to develop a steel sports watch of their own but the design was very faithful to Cartier's aesthetic.
>The Santos de Cartier was a beefed-up sports watch version of the Santos-Dumont.
>I'm sure the popularity of the Royal Oak inspired Cartier to develop a steel sports watch of their own
That's what I mean
Yeah the boss definitely hooks us up, that’s why I still work there. Though this is probably my favorite thing I’ve found. You know, thrift shops are an important economic habitat. Rich people get rid pf their or their parent’s shit, which in the case of my new Waltham they clearly have no respect for, boy scouts and kids on probation get service hours, we get paid as employees and fund our eBay businesses, some of the money goes to Peruvians who get to feed their families, and most of the money makes the owners filthy rich. It does a lot for the world. Actually if you’re in to vintage watches and live in the right zip code, I would recommend always checking thrift shops. It’s about profiting off of idiots who don’t know what they have.
yeah a coworker brought him up in conversation when talking watches and I was very disappointed
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>have over $50k worth of watches
>have worn an $11 F91W 6 of the last 7 days
Of course.
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Last video I saw with this twit, that bald jew guy from shark tank said he wears his Hamilton in cities like "New York and London" where its not safe to wear his $100K Swiss shitters.

Tony, mouth agape, grinning like a child, nods in agreement.
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i've stayed away from invicta because i dont like most of their watches. i actually like these 3 and am stuck between which one to pick for my new daily. thoughts?
At least they didn't bring up that fake german bitch. Watch tubers are basically all cancer shills unless they're watchamkers streaming their work or boomers like watchartsci who're not trying to sell you shit.
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For me, its the 68mm Invicta "Rapstallion Liquid Nitrogen" in neon-green with "Victa-Flexx" proprietary silicone strap.
this is one of my watch redpills, that price doesn't matter. plus, proper sizing is more impt. than the price of a watch. a small, thin, light watch will always be comfortble to wear.
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Kofe time.
What's not clear about the thread's rule 'Do not post any Citizen', you fucking retard?
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New Casio watch

It's their first functional ring watch

It is not a G-shock despite the looks and will be released in November

The price is expected to be or £100
He gets off on posting where he isn't welcome. Such is the attention whore life.
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One day I will post my watch and receive ratinganon's first ever negative score
Based ratinganon #1, I'm ratinganon #2 and also the OP of this thread. Let's keep the quality high.
Post your wrist shots frens
Ratinganon is a reaction to avatarfagging. Therefore Ratinganon has to remain anonymous.
What a load of BS, just post your watch.
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I have this watch and honestly it is the best watch ever made.
The high accuracy thermally compensated quartz movement keeps it on the EXACT time pretty much always. plus it has a perpetual calendar that you'll never have to set again.
It also comes very nicely packaged with a mixed zaratzu polished and brushed case with a super comfy and solid bracelet. The double coated antireflective sapphire crystal is so clear you don't even realize it's there.
Anons seethe at it though, must mean I'm doing something right.
>plus it has a perpetual calendar
Where are the day and month displays?
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Nice to see you're here too, how are you doing today, fren?
I'm fine, thank you.
Can you please tell me where are the day and month displays on your perpetual calendar? I can't find them on your pictures.
Why do you bother with an entity that is less than an insect?
shitters kys
Post your Seiko.
fuck off to plebbit with your soiko retard faggots kys
We both know you have a Seiko on your brown pajeet wrist right now. Post it so we can all laugh at you.
Ratinganon's wrist is anonymous to any and all watches.
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How about NO
Someone please help
What do you want us to do?
Thanks for the 9 this time and the 10 last time. Surely different ratinganon but cheers bro.
Make the pain stop
Sit into a bucket of milk?
Update on your ass?
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>paid 10k for a smurf watch
What's wrong with it?
Who makes the best Seamaster homages?
What is a smurf watch? Also, where are you getting a full gold Day-Date on the bracelet for 10k?
>where are you getting a full gold Day-Date on the bracelet for 10k?
Doesn't exist. The best you can get for that price is an overpolished DD on leather strap.
Yeah, I was wondering the same, what >>18243212 meant.
Sent my Rolex out for service today. It's been 10 years and it's starting to run a little fast. Wish me luck, bros.
>Sent my Rolex out for service today.
To Rolex?
My father has a GMT Master II he bought in the 1990s. He never had it serviced and it still keeps good time.
Yeah. I looked around and there's no independent watch service people in my area. Nor was I going to just put it in the mail and send it to someone.

The Rolex AD is practically within walking distance of my house and I liked their process. They took a million pictures of the watch and sent me copies of all of them so that we could prove it if the watch came back with a new scratch or something.
I know Rolexes can last forever without being serviced but mine went from being a half-second slow per day to three seconds fast, so I'm guessing it took a knock or some glob of old grease is gumming up the works.

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