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Why do Mexicans always stare and do double takes when I wear this.

Hell all the people at the hospital today that looked at me were Mexicans and Filipinos lol
Because it looks like this hat that they would've robbed you for
why would a self respecting white guy ever wear a 59fifty fitted?
You are probably accidentally wearing colors but look like a 4channer lol
What other hats even are there? I'm not wearing no damn monochrome hat like a cartoon character
Lmao this is probably true. You mean gang colour's? And yeah I'm a white dude with glasses so classic 4channer.
ebbets, flexfit, or 47 brand clean up cap will make you look significantly less niggardly.
you can get flexfits or clean up caps with your favorite licensed sports ball teams on them easily. ebbets only makes unliscenced retro sports team hats but they have some kind of cool stuff and their hats are top quality.
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47 clean up
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actually no flexfits but you can get la dodgers on new era's version of it (39thirty)
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closest ebbets does'd be the la angels pcl hat.
their hats are wool and very kino fall winter but too hot for summer.
You guys need to start wearing suits!
Are you in Los Angeles? Do you not know of the history of gangs in LA? Are you fucking retarded? I'm from LA, am latino, but not a gangbanger or anything like that. Still, if you're a white dude, black dude, asian dude, doesn't mean shit cause any skin tone or race can be a gang member and put in work. Hats are a way of letting other people know where you're possibly from. Even though that hat is kind of neutral and down the middle of the road, it is kind of affiliated. The black and white, the LA right there. It is sort of ambigious. If you dress like a square then it doesn't matter, but hats, clothes, the way you dress, carry yourself, your shoes, all are ways of letting others know where you're from and what you're about.
And not no dickie suits
Im talking real zoot suits!
Idk what you're talking about, just that this really shouldn't be that big a surprise.
You caught there attention since that hat is usually worn by troublemakers. It sucks that some people ruin the perception of things for the rest of us but it would be a different story if you were in a different state or country. The human eye sees pattern recognition. Now if you had that hat with a different logo like something cool like stuff from mewt.shop then it would be ok
I'll look into these. I was disspointed see how unstretchy and stiff the fabric was getting this brand but I thought this all there was (besides gas station and cables hats lol)
I live in a Midwestern city. I just wear Adidas shorts and white tees lol. Old shoes that need to be replaced desu. Idk I carry myself like a normal dude not a nerd or hooligan
Yeah I never get any looks from my KC royals hat. With this I get curiosity and sometimes fear and smug looks (guess they think I'm false claiming lol)
Because they're for bangers and cholos gringo
Go back to Mexico
dicks sporting goods carries 47 clean up hats with sportsball teams on them if you live around one.
>unstretchy and stiff the fabric was getting
you'll like flexfit and 39thirty. the chink brand yunpoong or whatever the fuck its called also makes good versions of these maybe the best one actually.
they'll mess your hair up but they're great for big or not-round domes.
Thanks a lot man. We got a few of those thankfully

Turns out why I was dissapointed was that my middle school DC hat is actually flexfit yay (too old to wear)

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