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When the FUCK did these get do popular?
Le wacky hats have been popular for a while now, maybe a decade +
when being outdoorsy became a subtle status flex and when irony poisoning convinced urbanites that dressing like a redneck is cool actualkly
I mean specifically bass pro shop hats. I feel like I woke up one day and everyone was wearing one
I don't know if being outdoorsy is even what people are trying to convey with the hat though
i know you don't know. if you knew, you wouldn't have made the thread.
That's true. I don't know.
I bought a black and a green one a year ago.
These were big in 2012. Did they come back around or is it regional?
years ago, wtf lol
Could be regional. They're really popular where I am in Southern California and it seems like mostly Mexicans. Even I'm LA people are wearing them which is weird.
Urban liberals trying to engage in performative masculinity. Pic related (AKA y’all-ternative core) is the modern version of this
They cost $5. I only purchase extremely cheap stuff.
Like ten years ago. No one has worn one in toronto for like a couple years but l now
Well all they wear in Toronto now is burkas, so who fuckin cares
Literally the only thing that will save the west at this point is a voluntary right wing nationalist dictatorship
True true. And it will all start with bass pro shop hats
Lol, modern equivalent of the brown shirts is the bass pro shop hats
same reason why I see 50 zoomers per day biting their necklace. chain reaction copying. a tiktok "influencer" does it. people copy him. more people copy those people and on and on.
I saw a zoomer in my class doing that (I'm an older college student) and I thought it was some kind of nervous tic.
They're $8 and other hats are $40
Up state New York
How big is your head? I'm about a 7 1/2 or a 7 3/8 LO, not crazy big, but snap backs and shit like that always felt like garbage to me.
Who remembers the monster energy era?
It never ended, Kyle.
I still have a beaten up to shit monster hoodie from 2012 I cherish immensely.

I'm only getting rid of it once a sleeve falls off or something.
I think it's an autismo thing.
I considered buying one for the fun of it until I saw two different people in bumfuck nowhere Bavaria wearing BPS merch. If Germans find it funny it probably isn't.
Even thr Germans are on it now? Crazy
What is the most /fa/ color to buy this hat in?
I was hammered at a party and asked a girl wearing one of these if she liked fishing. She twisted her face and replied that she just liked the hat.
You have to find ones built large enough
idk but I have 6, some truckers, some regular caps
this is insanely wrong. I have the largest forehead of anyone I know and my hat size is 62. bass pro shops trucker hats are the only hat I've worn that truly fits me well.
>harris walz realtree hat
I can't believe this exists but based. the coconut queen is coming to the white house!
Well duh
I unfortunately have to agree with this. I live in a liberal hellhole and every couple of years the lefty soibois ditch the gay look for something more rugged. There was a hipster Americana blue jean boot look a couple of years ago and now it’s workwear, hunter camo and bass pro hats.
I think carhart is part of that trend. Really annoys me because I used to get shunned for wearing blue jeans and flannels in high school. Apparently it was too redneck for their gay liberal sensibilities.
Yeah, dickies and carhartt all have “premium” products now that are basically the same shit but marked up for dumb hipsters.
I’ve been buying carhartt because for the price, it’s actually pretty tough and warm.
This. Urbanite leftists have to ruin everything. Funny how they cry about cultural appropriation but then immediately appropriate part of the culture of the people they are afraid of most
carhartt wip. aimed at skaters and streetwear goobers. they even have a skate team and wip skateshop/boutiques. no skaters wear it though. they just buy normal carhartt pants because they're made way better and cost 1/3 the price.
I just want to make all of my own clothes, bags, shoes, and leather goods at this point
You could just wear classic vintage pieces. 501 repro cuts, shell cordovan dress shoes, dress shirts, flannels, converse, etc.. Those are timeless pieces of clothing that libs have not coopted into a political trope
I saw a 12 year old girl wearing a full e-girl costume standing in line for a ride with her parents at an amusement park. Striped socks on her arms, furry ear hat, some kind of anime shirt. She was doing a weird flappy hand japanese dance to no one in particular, not even a camera I could see and her dad looked like he wanted to kill himself. I think there's something in the water supply.
Lest one begins to believe anything about a woman is genuine
That's just a normal 12 year old girl. They're retarded and like to dress up.
Would be cringe, but at least it wasn’t his son doing that. Would basically be the end of his bloodline
I hate that shit man. I'm an actual blue collar skilled tradie - a motorsports mechanic and fabricator - working in LA, and I've been wearing workwear and western stuff for the last 20 years because it's actually practical for the job - cowboy boots are comfy, don't snag when crawling around a car with a rollcage, and leather is way more resistant to welding/grinding sparks than synthetics, western jeans and shirts are rugged, cheap, and mostly cotton so also better around welders (and the snaps on western shirts let me rip them off really fast if it does catch on fire or whatever), and I spend a lot of time at the track which means standing around all day in the middle of the desert so a full-brim hat is mandatory and may as well make that cowboy too since I can get them from the same places as everything else.

I used to wear less western workwear and had to deal with the hipsters all deciding to dress like me 10 years ago, now they're suddenly all going cowboy larp and I have to go through the same shit again with people confusing me with them. I guess the one bright side is country/western bars opening up and being full of women who are into the aesthetic and I can mog all the other guys at them by actually looking legit instead of like somebody in a halloween costume, it's already directly gotten me laid once and would probably work pretty regularly if I bothered to go out to those bars more.
>Striped socks on her arms, furry ear hat, some kind of anime shirt. She was doing a weird flappy hand japanese dance
weeblets (and furries) have been doing that for 20 years
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oh wow another thing from a subculture get adopted by the mainstream because it's cheap and nostalgic. How surprising!
I saw Mexicans only wearing bass pro shop hat. I think they saw people wearing that on TikTok.
Shes already there anon
Yeah it seems mostly a Mexican thing
Fuck you
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Saw two guys wearing matching bass pro shop hates and carrying fishing equipment in Milano yesterday. It's going worldwide.
I love American culture
These were all the rage when i was in high school so 2015 or 2016 maybe
What state?
Southern ontario
Same culture as upstate new york
super popular with middle class mexicans in mexico too. guadalajara at least where the cowboy/redneck look is common
I thought northern Mexico is where the cowboy look is most prominent

saw some in canada too, what is this?
Where are the Von Dutch hats now?
Sir... A third bass pro shop hat has been sighted in the galleria dell'accademia in Florence...
i had one for years now people start buying them
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>verification not required
i want one in europe

mexicans i mean

and almost no one wears them here

they definitely didn't look like they had ever been finishing in their lives

they were mexican zoomers speaking spanish no mames wey ay cabron a la verga onions tan mexicano que no puedo durar ni 30 segundos sin decir wey no mames wey type guys
You're literally me but I'm in NY kek
>now they're suddenly all going cowboy larp and I have to go through the same shit again with people confusing me with them
They threw away their chelseas for luccheses during the pandemic, that's when I started seeing them regularly here. "Are those cowboy boots?!" was fun while it lasted
bro I feel this so much.
I work a blue collar job, grew up in a rural area, have a slight southern accent, etc.
I just moved to New York City and so many of these fucking faggots literally dress like gas station creatures from where I grew up. It's like, 'what the fuck when did fly over country become cool?'
I get told all the time I look like a kid from Bushwick.
I hate it.
People definitely see how I'm dressed and think, "Wow he's one of THOSE Types of faggots" when I'm literally just going to work. My culture is now trendy. I have software developers friends who work from home wearing raggedy ass steel tip work boots, and hunter camo pants while they work from home for a tech startup.
Like... why?
It seems like it comes from a sense of shame. Like they're embarrassed to not be a dirty gross blue collar worker or something. Like fuck bro if I could never wear boots again I would.
>when irony poisoning convinced urbanites that dressing like a redneck is cool actualkly
During the pandemic "80's dad core" was fucking huge, pit vipers, short shorts, cropped tshirts all exploded in popularity during this time. It was half irony half nostalgia cosplay for an era they weren't around for
I think urban/suburban middle class white guys have finally gotten sick of mindlessly emulating black fashion like they had been for the last couple of decades and now they're desperately searching for something that's uniquely white, and a lot of other options come with some kind of baggage (nobody wants to wear something too much like a work uniform, or that looks too upper class, etc.) or are prohibitively expensive. These caricatures of 80s/90s redneck fashion that they're wearing now are solidly white looks that they can't be accused of "culturally appropriating" or anything, but at the same time are so obviously ironic that nobody's gonna think they're actually endorsing rural politics that would get them ostracized in big liberal cities.

I'll admit that cowboymaxxing was a similar thing for me, not really the same since I actually have a blue collar trade background and was never into hip-hop and its associated fashions or anything, but there was definitely a point where I said "fuck it, I'm sick of suppressing my inner redneck to try and fit in with these faggots, this is my heritage and I like what it represents and how it look in it so anybody who's got a problem with it can go fuck themselves"
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Remember this bullshit
"black" fashion is just whatever skaters and california cholos were doing 10 years prior though. they're even copying 90's rave fashion now. and rap was just blacks aping kraftwerk. appropriating black fashion is really just re-appropriating white fashion.
It's bad when you're in your mid 20s not a 12-year-old.

t. kid who used to be an emo at 13
I hate seeing that shit
It makes me wish I was cool when I was a teen rather than straight edge JROTC nerd
So is a lot of shit that people scream "cultural appropriation" over but that doesn't stop them from doing it. Personally I don't give a fuck but if you're stuck in that kind of urban liberal hipster hellscape you kind of have to unless you want to get ostracized and end up a friendless sexless outcast.
I'm not that old
Have some conviction faggot
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You must be 35 to post here
Thrasher hoodies trend came and went ten years ago gramps
Yup you have to be a loser to fit in with the other losers (the rest of society basically).

If you're not, you end up like one of those weird autist Beethovens/Teslas/Newtons/Galileos/etc. rejected by their cuntemporaries.


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