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Why is boomer fashion so hilarious lmfao
It's that boomer or are you associating a thing you don't like with boomers because you think you will earn you praise?
leather jackets have got to be the worst thing to ever happen to fashion. they NEVER look good. even when a young attractive person is wearing one, its the person being hot that makes it look good (but even then, not really)

Because they either gave up or try to hard to be the John Waynes they are not. There is no aging with grace with them.
Such a short sighted dimwit take
because they are all posers
Mostly because Boomers live in a world that no longer exists, if it ever did.
What makes it soi
Hes bald.

I am tall, lean, full head of hair and no baby face and am trepidatious in my ability to pull a leather jacket off.
That's a millennial, Don Johnson is a boomer.
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Found the skinnyfat retard. OP is an outdated riding jacket. It was never meant to be a fashion item until Hollywood actors started wearing them. There are plenty of good leather jackets if you know anything about material used and fit.
this fit sucks if it was worn by someone other than mads though
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No u
So how do you dress for the world that's existing now?
The fact that the stereotypical cool bad boy jacket is being worn by a hunched over bald middle aged man who looks like he's confused?
>how do you dress for the world that's existing now?
assless chaps and a lube dispenser connected to a twitch chat
>ugly people wearing clothes is ugly
>attractive people wearing clothes is attractive
thanks for explaining fashion to me.
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>It was never meant to be a fashion item
west coast style jackets like that were definetly fashion items.
practical riding gear, sure, but east coast and euro jackets were always more conservative. often just a regular chore coat or barn coat in leather instead of fabric.
Nah just get an a1 or a2
>looks like he’s confused
Your are an autistic retard that can’t read body language and context. The man is looking around nonchalantly like models do to POSE for the camera as if it’s not there. What you want him to do is look at the camera and prance around gayly because you have no real exposure as to what real people act like on film.
>even when a attractive person is wearing one, its the person being hot that makes it look good
thanks for proving my point lol
mads could wear my ass for a hat and it would look good
made that shit look like a humiliation ritual
I still want a nice leather jacket but nothing aspie
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>they NEVER look good

>It was never meant to be a fashion item until Hollywood actors started wearing them. There are plenty of good leather jackets if you know anything about material used and fit.
fashion leather jackets are good too. sometimes you want one you can ride in sometimes you want something thats actually wearable. time and place for both.
a lot of my friends are really into bikes or motocross. boomer to zoomer age range. one of the moto guys could probably go pro if he stopped drinking. back when moto pants were a trend i bought balmain leathers in a very THESE ARE FOR MOTORCYCLES style. i asked around before i copped and the sentiment was pretty universal no one gives a shit that i've never even sat on a bike.
>hurr durr that jacket was not mean as a fashion item
>jusy wear a jacket specificaly designer for pilots
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>went to an outdoor mall in 95 degree weather
>fat guy, maybe in his 40's or a very, very harsh 30's
>balding but slicked back hair
>zipped up skin tight perfecto but he has a massive chest and tiny arms
>skinny black jeans
>black/black/black vans
wouldn't believe the fucking aroma when i walked past him

stay away from the fucking perfecto
nobody but twink models in saint laurant or celine photoshoots look good in them i swear to god
I look great in mine, suck my dick
kek pot calling the kettle black - spergy (you) blows up at the last bit of the sentence and completely ignores the rest
How many compliments per wear on average?
They all look kinda stupid
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um what
>my dad's an investigative journalist, he writes for The Grain Weekly
implying retarded zoomers have a sense of fashion lmao
are you really "my uncle works at nintendo"ing that i know a few guys into mx and bikes?
haha wild you must have a super boring shut-in life.
Im indian
My life is like a bollywood movie
they smoked real cigs back then, none of that trash that fits in your t-shirt sleeve
Is that a cast?
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Mine looks good
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You gotta be a wokstar to pull it off
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Take that back right NOW!
yeah looks like a primitive cast. wrap the leg with padding, set it with a splint and fill the empty space around the leg in the box with more padding, then wrap the box. not an expert, just guessing
boomers are the shittiest dressers alive which is ironic since they grew up during the decades when dressing up nice was still normal
Sometimed I wonder what goes on in Nicholas Cage's head.
Why do boomers use polyester when they know from their youth what good quality garments are?
Several factors. For once poly was fairly new, and boomers, like every generation, liked novelty stuff. Also boomers liked cheap stuff, as in not paying much for things. And comfy shit. I've talked to several boomers and a lot of them welcomed when jeans became lighter because they were more comfortable from the get go.
Most of the boomers who are into classic stufg actually just feel nostalgia for their youth.
A classic car from the 60s or 70s for boomers is just the new car that they couldn't afford back then.
maybe you dont look good in it
>muh person the person
Just say 'guy', you fucking tranny. Nobody cares about leather jackets on women or trannies. They'll look like shit on them by default.
>Why do boomers use polyester when they know from their youth what good quality garments are?
Boomers really fucking hate ironing. As soon as there was the option to buy all their business clothes in polyester blends with thick fused interlining in the cuffs collar and placket they went all in. Same with pants, all cotton pants crease quickly and require frequent laundering and ironing, switching to formaldehyde treated no iron cotton or polyester means they don't have to iron and can wash their clothes less frequently.
Most men simply don't care that much about clothing, they wear whatever they have to for work and will go with whatever the lowest effort option is.
Women are basically the only people that can pull off a double rider because they have tits
You do look good anon. Don't let the retards tell you otherwise.
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real women in leather jackets look great, you just have the bone structure of a man with the muscle content of a woman
post pic then fagit
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jesus you want us to take your opinion seriously and you post a fit with those jeans in.

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