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Kofe Time edition.

"Suggest a watch for me."
>Your budget
>Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot
>Movement, e.g. automatic, hand-wound, quartz
>Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, 2nd-time zone
>Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet
>Wrist size or desired watch size

Previous thread: >>18233759
If you like watches, leave. Just leave, now. This board has become the worst possible place to discuss horology. Look at the watch threads. Half the posts are now from a new avatard cunt who feels the need to show dozens of shots of his ugly dinnerplates that no one even looks at, all with the same awkward light and angle. Then there is the deathless (unfortunately) shit-eating beetle who keeps telling everyone when he drinks a cup of coffee. This literal subhuman (I wouldn't call him that if he was, say, a guy with down syndrome, as his wrist depicted in the photos seems to suggest, but the issue is really that everything he posts and the way he behaves do make him – it – less than a human person), this literal subhuman, I was saying, loves to carry out its excretory activity in the public spaces that least look like toilets, such as our threads, in fact. It jumps in, it crouches down, it takes a shit, leaves. "Kofe time" – and there it is, its big turd. And you, who came here to discuss horology from Casio to Patek, are forced to smell its huge noisy farts, to take them all in your face. And it's no use arguing with it, because it will fart more. It's no use to report it, because it has never been banned, not even once, and all evidence points to the obvious fact that it is a janny itself, so it will always get away with its compulsive animal urge to smear social venues with its own poisonous feces. An alternative watch thread (/alt-wt/) was created specifically to keep that coprophagous worm and other avatards away from watch discussion, but it was in vain: among them all, the subhuman shit-eater is the only one who keeps encroaching on that space to take its huge toxic droppings on civilized people's shoes. It doesn't matter how many times you report it, the other jannies will take no action against it.
Why does this thread hate bittercel so much? He is unironically the best poster we have ever had. Here's my reasons:

bittercel is always brutally honest. He is like water, he will find a crack in your watch and pour in from there. He is the criticism we need. You never get that in watchuseek or reddit, you only get an echo chamber of “nice watch, wear it in good health, champ” bullshit. Not with bittercel, he does not care for your feelings which is why he will tell you the truth. Yes, your watch is too big for you, yes it’s a shitter, yes the lugs look like shit, yes the movement is crap. You, as a critically thinking individual, should embrace this.

We are all protected by anonymity here which is the point of this site. Avatarfags are pathetic going against this. Take reversocel for example; he couldn’t handle a bit of heat from bittercel and immediately fucked off to r/watches as soon as someone wasn’t sucking his cock over his shitters and pens lmfao.

Yes, bittercel may seem bitter at first, but he is the counter force to all this circle-jerking in here. He is harsh but fair. You hold the fact he never posts a watch against him, but that is merely him not taking a side. He is not a brain-dead fanboy to brands (other than Rolex, but Rolex is Rolex). This way he maintains his unbiased position.

And the best part of bittercel? He is always there for you, right here, in this thread.
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Ultra Luxury Kofe Time.
What is the most /fa/ digital watch?
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Macro Time.
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I'd say this one. It's kinda hard to pull of the look though.
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Wow, this kind of samefagging posts are pathetic and you must be ashamed for doing this pasta everyday specially being a janny, but anyways no one is listening to you anymore.

So here it is a watch that I like to make this post "relevant" whatever you like it or not and with this you don't have any excuse to ban me (again)
Wait you got banned, Why?
Anyway did you find a strap to replace the stock one with?
>>>18244282 (OP)
>>>18244296 (You)
>Wow, this kind of samefagging posts are patheti
>turbochad Lukashenko wears a 35mm yellow gold Calatrava

B-but the internet told me anything smaller than 42mm is a girl watch that'll make people point and laugh...
Sup cockwatch, did you like your new chastity cage?
A watch can never be too small (unless you can't read it anymore)

Watches can easily be too big (lug overhang)

Big watches are obnoxious and get in the way of your sleeves/suit
old seiko5 def feels like it could have been smaller like easy 36
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Yes I was banned multiple times by the citizen janny, that watch is not mine but I really like it and maybe i will buying it with the nato strap or change it with a brown leather also I will post another watch that I like too.

Oh and this guy is the same dude as the citizen anon >>18244321
Why do we hate it again?
threadly reminder if you pay > $300 for a watch and you're not 40+yo making more than six figures you have brain damage
That's a decent cope if I've ever seen one. Nice. Black Friday sales are starting soon! Be patient.
something something swatch slop
any other enlightening cope/advice?
there's nothing more cringe than some 20yo kid wearing a rolex or omega

like did your daddy buy that for you? or worse did you max your credit card for a pointless trinket when you should be investing in other things in your life lol
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this just sounds like envy to me
Absolute Seethe.

Did it hurt realizing you did the opposite of impressing anyone lmao
>Yes I was banned multiple times
Maybe stop posting offtopic/trolling/racism/lowquality bait/spammin/ban evading instead of blaming the rules.
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you're very insecure if the only reason you buy a watch is to impress other people
nobody buys $$$$ watch on a whim unless you were a very liquid 40+ like a said

you had to psyopped by marketers and online forums to lust over these dumb things
I don't expect someone who thinks 300$ is a financial irresponsibility to understand, but if you own a Ferrari at 65, nobody cares. Not even the owner.
>"Oh, you're a boomer in your mid-late 60s that finally decided to live? Great"
You know who cared and how many
he got when he bought his dreamcar at 27? Me. My family cared, my friends cared and my wife cared.
I couldn't do anything with my GTR in my 60s, no Nürburgring, no Autobahn top speed runs, nothing.
Same with watches, LITERALLY nobody cares NOT even yourself if you got that watch that you wanted in your 20s during your retirement.
But again, I do Not expect someone who thinks 300$ is a lot of money to understand.
does the idea of a very liquid 20yrold mindbreak you or something? hows that college debt
>doesn't get it
if you needed to tell the time you don't need to pay more than $300
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I got you now citizen janny! And no, you are lying right now about YOUR "rules" because you are so subjective that at all, you even break those rules everyday everytime here so you don't have any objective criteria for ban me now.

Anyways, these kind of watches I like too
>He thinks watches are about telling the time
Exactly, you don't get it. This is a watch thread, now fuck off.
>trying to be nonsensical
yep I'm arguing with a dumb boomer

nobody buys $$$$ watch unless they got psyopped. simple as.
you're missing the point, if i wanted it purely for telling the time i would just buy a $20 casio, or better yet, look at my phone connected to an atomic clock through the web
I like the one on the right.
You got it.

If you were buying a watch then that's what you would do.

But the golems in this thread aren't buying a watch. They think they're buying some magical personal totem that imbues them with HERITAGE and CLASS because some swiss marketer printed out some mindvomit lol.
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You're talking to an average American.
Don't forget they're poor af.
Have you not seen all those videos of americans crying after buying a 400$ console? It's a lot too them. Stop bullying.
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kinda sounds like you're falling for the marketing too in a bastardised sort of way then, if you're not appreciating them for their looks and mechanical functions, which is what most people in the hobby do, rather than seeing them as a heirloom or an identifier of class
Just a third party, the problem here is that, the other guy can not comprehend that someone in his late 20s and or early 30s can both be financially secured and responsible and be able to buy an expensive watch as well. Yes, there are people, successful people, in their early 30s, believe it or not. And the fact that he has to resort to excuses such as "your father got it for you" instead of accepting the other possibility that he might already have covered his life and investment(s) first, and Then got a watch.
I personally know a handful of people my age, including myself, you've done just that.
I also believe it's the other way around, you're irresponsible if you buy a watch/car you want AFTER you had a family and tons of responsibility. Then you're irresponsible and egoistic beyond belief.
The fact that---shows that he might not be financially well off himself**
how does he afford this on a 33k salary?
>has to create a wall of projection and copes

lmao I rest my case
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Polyester bros, where you at?
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It was allegedly a gift from the King of Whites.
Is making more than 6 figures $100,001 or $1,000,000 ?
>I also believe it's the other way around, you're irresponsible if you buy a watch/car you want AFTER you had a family and tons of responsibility. Then you're irresponsible and egoistic beyond belief.

A psychiatrist could have a field day with just this alone.
Whoretadello sucks.

Verification not required.
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heh heh heh heh
Whoretadello bros, our response?
Serious question, how can you put something that chunky on your wrist and say "yep this is fine, this is the watch for me"?
Can't you see it's at least 5mm too large and 3mm too thick for you?
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I don’t know why Tudor decided to ditch this dial color for their updated Black Bay 36. If they bring this color back, I might buy it.
Rate my new purchase friends
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It's the picture angle.
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My VVV might be a bit too large though, I admit
Fucking hell you're gross dude. What are you, a Syrian refugee?
Still looks too big for you. You look lioe me wearing a 44mm watch.
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Well, that's the life of a 16cm wrist.
And with that, I'm off.
Wish you all a fun Friday night.
Don't overdo it.
There are two kinds of men
>guys who wear 44mm watches
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Anyone who's dead is fair game to posthumously declare a tranny. Kurt Cobain shows us that.
Even flexing your hand to make your wrist look wider doesn't work. You wasted your money, you dumb refugee.
fucking shitters lmfao kys faggots
None of these men are like Cobain. They are wildly more important and successful than you, even after their passing.
>mentions trannies out of nowhere
Sounds like the left and the jews have gotten to you and you're trying to overcompensate with comically oversized watches.
By the way, trannies didn't exist 10 years ago.
bro can you take some new pictures, I like the watch but you've been posting the same set for months now
bulova computron my dude. the hamilton digital one is cool too

yeah this guys >>18244318

very cool
you know what I dont get about you turkroach? You got the grail of all watches, you got the vavavoom, and yet you persist. You buy an expensive citizen, you buy a tudor, you buy a moser, and why? You have the vavavoom.
the explorer is the best rolex and cartiers are pimp, simple as

I'm wearing my Gucci automatic with the sw-200 movement I got for $500 today, what are ya'll wearing?
case and bracelet look actually ver nice. The red dial is kinda out of fashion these days but was very hot two years or so ago.
What's the ID?
It doesn't take much to make watchfags furious enough to lose any and all control over their bladders and sphincters. Infact all it takes is any of the following two words combinations :
>grand seiko
>rolex good
>rolex bad
>swiss made
>coffee time
>small wrist
>authorized dealer
avatarfag drama like this is why I'm glad we have alt-/wt/
what about
>great value
another day where I dont purchase the Monaco, the best watch.
Don't talk about it or they might start posting there and ruin everything.
My first non casio/timex easy reader
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>with a lug to lug of only 13,000mm I could comfortably recommend this to wrists as small as 10cm, all the way down to 5cm in circumference
>email me at Tim Mosso (TM) at TheWatchBox.com for pricing details
Red dials have never been in fashion. 2 years ago, or was it 3? it was the green dial hype. Blue, then green. Never ever red.
I went on one of those net worth listing sites, in the politician category. Claimed this guy is worth 10s of borillions.
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Sometimes I get stuck thinking lustfull thoughts about the dark cherry red dial white gold daydate.
dude that's like a, 7K watch or something. Go and buy it.
There's no way it's that cheap.
失礼 - shitsurei - rude
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nice, I forgot I have one.
>precious metal rolex
what planet are you living on, dude?
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>spend thousands on a watch
>dress like a rapefugee
I hope you guys dress better than this nasty brownoid.
That's one thing I've noticed about watch "people". They usually dress like slobs or dorks.
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My wrists are 15.9cm in circumference. Both are way too big and thick for my wrist.
>''You can't wear casual clothes together with an ultra luxury watch!''
he probably is a rapefugee
I didn't even have to look it up to know it's wrong, but I did for fun and I didn't see one for less than $22k

Sometimes you can find a daydate without a bracelet for $10-15k or so depending on the condition, but you're not getting a gold daydate on a gold bracelet for less than $20k.
>casual clothes
Roachadello dresses like he just got off a rapefugee boat and is about to rape some german teenager.
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Back and a bit drunk. What's going on in this thre-
>"Whoretadello dresses like a refug-"
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Literally ny everyday clothes
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I will probably regret thsi when I'm sober
Anyway I'm off again.
Cringe as fuck.
Just curious, does the whore know you seek personal validation from an anonymous internet imageboard?
Ah, nevermind. She doesn't care.
you can actually book a kimono date with a hooker? hows that work?
>Anyway I'm off again.
Cool. See you in another ten minutes.
>you can actually book a kimono date with a hooker? hows that work?
Yes, you can.

Different escort services offer different experiences. Cosplay-centric escorts are quite popular in Japan. Full-Girlfriend-Experience plus cosplay appears to be what our Roach went for.
One watch that I can't get out of my head, is this one.
Ulysse Nardin GMT "Grande Data" Ref.223-88-7.
I can't find any Lug to Lug info though. Looks like it is around 50.
Glycine Airman No.1 Purist
something at the 4-6K range?
isn't it invicta?
l will take a look but I don't think I can stomache that much for an ETA even though it seems like a reliable and easily servicable movement.
Thank you for the suggestion though.
Same. But then I default to the one I actually want in rose that was discontinued.
>11mm thick
>nice vintage design
>1700 eurobucks
Love it, really do, but that bracelet... I will look into this as well.
Longines, great history, decent design on some watches.


>Portugal, Thailand, China


"Longines has stuck to its initial decision not to make its own components. Watches are assembled on site but movements come from Swatch Group's Swiss-based manufacturer ETA; 80 percent of Longines' output is mechanical and 20 percent, quartz. Dials come from factories in the Swiss towns of.La Chaux-de-Fonds.and Grenchen, cases are polished in Portugal and Thailand and bracelets are made in China."
>but that bracelet
Throw it in the bin and get yourself whatever bracelet/strap you like. Problem solved.
>40 hours power reserve
Aren't they all discontinued? I don't believe rolex currently has a red dial watch in production.
Wasn't referring to red dial DD's, but a specific 36mm everose model that they got rid off a few years ago. The cherry dial DD has only ever been in white gold but almost always found on a burgundy leather strap; finding it on the prez bracelet is rare.
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>oh no, I have to wind my mechanical watch once in a while
>Longines Spirit Zulu Time
>Self-winding mechanical movement beating at 25'200 vibrations per hour, with a monocrystalline silicon balance-spring power reserve up to 72 hours
Next time you post this, please add a link to the source, so you don't have to worry about anyone accusing you of making shit up.
this PR meme only became a thing after everyone was forced to stay home and sit on their fat congealing asses and found that their watches all stopped because the most they did is maybe walk up and down the stairs in their house twice a day
was never even a consideration before
just don't be fat and move more and you can make do with a pr of 12 hrs even
besides this "swiss" bullfuckery swatch does i'm put off by long jeans because for the better part o the past 15yrs their marketing was supposedly full on in india of all places until someone came to their senses and started unfuckingup the brand
i do not want a watch for pajeets
yeah companies like blancpain never made movements that go 100 hours
>i do not want a watch for pajeets
That's Rado, not Longines. Longines is marketed towards the Chinese market
I want a watch that will get me japanese girls
My Seiko works even if i don't do anything but sit behind a computer whole day.
Seiko Chads... we can't stop winning.
>I want a watch that will get me japanese girls
That's easy: Rolex. The only known watch that will get you Japanese girls without you having to pay them.
rent free

You are a retard.

You can literally copy paste that quote and you will find an article in nytimes, but you are a retard.

Here you go retard


fucking retard
I liked the look of this red thing then I looked at the price.
lol in what universe does rado think it can charge that for it's shit? Their entire lineup is ripoff prices for the same shit mido and other lower swatch do.
My friend has the ceramic skeleton version.
Hello saaar
He's a chef at a 1 star Michelin restaurant. I don't exactly agree on the style, it's not for me, but it suits him rather well.
Damn it's incredibly how some people ITT have managed to be so disliked.
only ratinganon can save this thread.....
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>is a cook
>wears a Captain Cook
He's too much of an elitist for me. I can appreciate a variety in tastes.

Except trying too hard. That is difficult to appreciate.
Anons, don't get sick.

I wanted to be away doing normie shit but here I am hanging out with you tards watching time pass by slowly.
At some point we have to choose between a boring thread or a thread with avatarfags.
We have to accept that it's not the same and that it is more engaging, interesting and more inspiring having people in our community who we can follow in their watch journey.
How hype would it be if Finncel popped up with a new watch? Think about it.
OD getting that JLC reverso out of nowhere??? How is this NOT hype af?
Whoretadello aka /wt/? Every time he posts you don't know if he got a new watch or where he even is right now.
HamiltonChad? Bro... His long distance shots are out of this world.
Mort? He has every watch we could ever want and more.
And this is just scratching the surface.
The CatMoserChad-CMC for short. The cockwatch faggot too. The Germoid who might just be Bitteranon(???).
It's just very entertaining. It gives a certain one of a kind-character and feel and makes this thread extremely unique.
And we get to talk about watches directly THROUGH them, their objective experiences and analyse them in depth.
I love our All-stars and I hope they're doing well.
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Let me guess, you "need" more?
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Humble Patek
Based Whoretadello-sama
you are larping as ratinganon, how embarrassing
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I know I probably shouldn't care that much but how much "made in japan" is grand seiko actually? Do we have any actual numbers or sources?
Seeing as how "swiss made" doesn't mean much anymore (if it ever did) so I want to know if "made in japan" has any weight to it.
You should worry about aesthetics first.
Grand Seiko has never made a good looking watch. Into the trash it goes.
Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, your opinion man.
they make a few beautiful watches but they all retail for 100k
They're one of the few companies that invite journos into their factories so that's reassuring, they're so big and even make cases for other brands, my uninformed opinion is that the vast majority of it really is in house
Even their bracelets suck which means they make them themselves

All of it. Some Seiko is made in China and Malasya but GS is all Japan. They make everything, hairsprings, crystals (both the 'glass' and quartz), batteries, diamond paste for Zaratsu polishing, even the trees that they use for wood for the anglage polishing grow there.
That's pretty cool yes. But like you said, they have so much money, it makes sense. If they can't, nobody can.
Reassuring to know that buying a GS directly supports the Japanese economy
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The opposite for me. The only good looking GS are the most affordable and basic ones. No bullshit Springdrive, no shit-tier bracelets, no cringe textured dials.
I refuse to buy one though. I couldn't live with myself knowing I own a Grand Soikope.
>made in Japan A
Is there a Japan B? Where's that one?
>3 hander
>47 jewels
Isn't that a bit of an overkill?
Japana is how it's spelling in japanese
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And the oils. They make their own rather than purchase the shit every single swiss/euro brand uses.
Also they invented and own luminova. The swiss NEEDED it so tritec was set up as a joint venture so that the swiss could use it isn't of tritium and still claim "swiss made". This was back when they paid more lipservice to the designation.
Seiko historically has kind of had a thing for stuffing more jewels into movements. There's an older kind of vintage model they did, I don't remember the name, but it had jewels under the date wheel just to, I guess, make the date wheel movement that much smoother? It's as if they consciously try to pad their jewel count because, obviously, a movement with more jewels must be better, right?
Isn't it Nihon?
This meme hits me on a new level these days because I've been in training classes for work for the last few weeks and the class next to mine is a class for new managers and this is basically what we hear all day through the wall while we're trying to learn how to do real work.
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>There's an older kind of vintage model they did, I don't remember the name, but it had jewels under the date wheel just to, I guess, make the date wheel movement that much smoother?
Yeah, i told you that, the Weekdater, and several others too. picrel.
>It's as if they consciously try to pad their jewel count because, obviously, a movement with more jewels must be better, right?
Ever heard of jewel wars?
the one with hamas?
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The 6218 has 11 extra jewels.
No. Jewels sounded fancy, so watch brands started upping their number, mostly by just adding them without actual function.
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Here's an Orient with 100 jewels.
Allegedly to prevent 'rotor scrape'
Some used it functionally, like this Ricoh Dynamic Auto with its jeweled rotor ball bearing.
I was floored when I looked into it a little bit and saw this. Waltham pulls this shit with putting a shitload of jewels around the periphery of the rotor that don't even touch anything.
Seiko legit tried to ease the motion of the date and day wheels, i can't find what the problem was called now (date something), but others were just sprinkling them all over the movement.
it doesn't need to be 12mm thick either but here we are.
>but others were just sprinkling them all over the movement.
Yeah, eventually the US government had to get involved and say that you could only count jewels that actually served a purpose. So they tried this silly idea that it keeps the rotor from dragging on the mainplate.
On jewels, does anyone use anything besides "synthetic sapphire/rubies"? They all seem to use those reddish, purplish jewels. Presumably back in the day pocket watches used natural jewels found in the ground rather than however this synthetic stuff is made?
>They all seem to use those reddish, purplish jewels.
GS Kodo Daybreak has light blue ones. They probably make their own jewels as well so they can have them in any color they want. I think i remember seeing clear jewels as well, can't remember where though.
I don't like the look of most watches but some dress watches look nice. The problem I have is that they're too big. I think smaller watches look better in general, but the issue is my wrists are too scrawny. Aesthetically-speaking, should I wear a women's watch? Are there any affordable, small, men's dress watches that look good?
Honestly I think it's a conspiracy. To only make a few decent looking designs, which remain in demand. Should I even get a watch?
>On jewels, does anyone use anything besides "synthetic sapphire/rubies"?
It's all corundum, you can dope them to be basically any color you want. Red is simply traditional.
I don't like any watch that has numbers around the outside.
>gen z boss and a mini
>Itty bitty titties and a bob
>5'3" and an attitude
10/10 qt
>secret product and a trench
>new frank green and a sneaky link
>fake tan hands and a hoop
Sizes have been silly xboxhuge for the past 20 years. Immediately after the chink market softened and basically died did the makers start reverting to more proportionate sizes.
The industry is in the midst of this shift, though there's no signs it'll go back to say the pre 90's sizes for mens "dress" watches much less the 50s etc.

Best you can do besides vintage is look at what is available below 40mm.
If your wrist can pull off mat least a 38mm then there's a few modern options. If it can't, there's always the 36mm datejust; just swap to a leather strap.
Wrist size?
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>Are there any affordable, small, men's dress watches that look good?
Yes, many. Vintage especially.
based rating
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Thoughts on this seiko? Loving this so much and the nato is goated
I'm digging the dial texture.
Sorry, you said "affordable". Scratch the DJ then.
I think Orient has a 38mm version of one if their "dress" models now. Used to be a silly 41. Vintage mens watches litter the net. Might be shit accuracy and condition so there's the $$$ concern if you go down that route getting things workable. And the whole water resistance thing we take for granted in modern shit.
basic g-shock/casio worldtime/citizen ana-digi temp if you're broke. breitling aerospace if not.
The smaller, womens cocktail time would work for a smaller wrist especially when swapped to a strap.
That too.
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Lange uses a single diamond in some of their more expensive models.
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This brings to mind a recent occasion when I donned my Grand Seiko for a professional gathering, anticipating it would remain inconspicuous, much like my imaginary acquaintances residing within my computer assured me it would. Ironically, on that very first day, a colleague—someone with whom I had never been closer than two arm's lengths and with whom discussions of horology or "fashionable matters" had never graced our conversations—remarked, “Is that a Grand Seiko?” Remarkably, he even referenced "Zaratsu polish," a phrase I had assumed was exclusive to online discourse.

I felt compelled to clarify that it was merely a 9F model, but instead, I mumbled about acquiring it online before deftly shifting the topic. Meanwhile, you all have thoroughly deceived me, leaving me anxious that others may perceive me as either extravagantly reckless with my finances (which I indeed am) or, conversely, as unreasonably well-compensated (which I am not).

In summary, disregard the advice from /fa/ or /r/watches/, for it seems that I alone have ever ventured beyond the confines of my home.
Based CW Appreciator.
Any complaints?
Can you stop thinking about this guy for just a day? U in love or sumthin'?
I am honestly concerned that if he doesn't get enough (You)s he will genuinely kill himself. A little shitposting is the least I can do.

Plus, all the watch talk is on the alt thread anyway.
What watch should I buy if I want to impress a Chinese girl?
Casio a168
I got skinny auschwitz wrists, what would be a good watch with a textured dial?
Ok, I'm hard now.
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Reddit is hyping up this watch

What do we think about it?

39mm diameter
46mm lug to lug
10.5mm thickness
20mm lug width
Sellita SW200
150m water resistance
HD12 steel 1200 vickers for case and bracelet

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stopped reading right there
no complaints
is this a youtuber watch? it feels like one for some reason
I like the Preventor9 a bit more, but this one seems to have a few more modern features.
How could you possibly know that without knowing who designed it?
it looks exactly like some of other youtube watches lol
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so it is TGV! see? it looks the exact same
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>kerning on that 11
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nice, looks a lot better now
It's kind of sad what a disservice he knowingly does to himself by basing absolutely every watch he's ever worked on on the rolex explorer in some way. Yeah, explorer is a great watch, but there are plenty of other great watches to make copes of. Diversify, son.
Unironically amazing.
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I tested that one, and it looks nice. there was also a big price hike.
I also like this.
vintage is always the answer for batch wrists like us anon. linen dials were very popular back in the day, so that's your texture for you.
she won't like that
I got one for my fiance to try and she almost never takes it off. People compliment her on it and her young cousins like to press the light button. If she has to try on a different watch she acts like Jeff Goldblum in Kaos when he has to take off his casio to try on the shitter his son got him.
I wore my Pagani Design to a work thing figuring it would fly under the radar like my imaginary friends living inside my computer said would happen, and LITERALLY the first day I did that, one of my coworkers who had never stood closer than about two arm's lengths and with whom I have never discussed watches or "effay stuff" even ONCE was like "is that a Pagani" and (this part is going to sound like "and then everyone clapped") he actually said "mens watch top brand luxury waterproof ultra thin date clock male steel strap casual quartz watch men sports wrist watch reloj hombre", a term I never thought I would hear outside of the internet.

I wanted to say something about how it was just a NH shitter but I just mumbled about how I bought it on the internet and then changed the subject but you people fucking lied to me and now I'm paranoid people are going to think I'm either wildly responsible with my money (which I am) or that I'm underpaid (which I am not).

tl;dr don't listen to /fa/ or /r/watches/ because nobody except me has ever gone outside.
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Currently on ebay
3k lol
im a seikofag but this is way too much
if youre gonna spend more than $500 on a watch, you might as well go all the way and buy a rolex.
Holy fuck what the hell happened to these threads? They used to be fun but now it's just a bunch of fags trolling each other while the frogniggers and soijak trannies fellate each other over which post got more(You)s.
look at the "what are you wearing today" threads to see who is posting here now.
It's like that hamilton but not shitty.
I was wondering why in the Jurassic Park films they gave the characters whatever watch choices they did. Different from films today including the latest JP dogshit films. Everything today is a chance to shill some bullshit.
Ian Malcolm wore a vintage hanhart. The modern versions of these chronos are fat pieces of shit.
Anyone know who makes Hanhart? Are they secretly chink like Laco/Stowa and the non Ickler house brands?
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[cont] Lastly but not least, you have that Turkish cockroach who can't refrain from posting his dirty-looking body and his tacky overpriced mall shitters that he was memed into buying by 4chan anonymous pranksters. The awareness that he was bullied in the most brutal and complete way for being a retard makes him rage uncontrollably, to the point where he starts flooding the threads with utter nonsense and boatloads of copypastas that he keeps in the notes of his phone for some reason. They also do a lot of samefagging, all of them and all the time, in the desperate attempt to bring attention to their laughable shitters and get a shred of validation, since they're no longer able to even convince themselves that what they got is worth the thousands of bucks they threw in the trash bin. They constantly break all of the following rules: a) spamming/flooding; b) intentionally evading spam/post filters; c) this post appears to be an automated spambot; d) avatar or signature use; e) this post is off-topic; f) trolling outside of /b/; g) this post is extremely low quality. But they never get banned. Only seldom does the Turkroach, since he's probably too much of a shitbrain scumbag even for such lifeless and useless jannies. But then he evades the ban and starts again. This board is doomed. Watch threads in particular are a wasteland and an expanse of shit. Let these curious insects throw excrements at each other until they die. Go away, even reddit is better than this.
That's really 3K?
Damn, wouldn't be my first choice.
Hey STERN you nepobaby NIGGGERR
I fixed your faggots' watch for you.
I'd have clipped off the fugly can't-unsee "ears" too but then it'd just be copying the piaget polo lmao
Redpill me on that watch
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>philips ducuck
The right's date makes it look like a chinkfake special supreme from 20 years ago.

Extremely ugly, uncomfortable, unpleasant watch.
New Seiko Speedtimer automatic, thoughts?

Directly competing with luxury models here.
If only the dial said "SE-X" instead of "Seiko X", it could bring this line in a new dimension.
or maybe SこX, something stylized.
Are the pushers on seiko chronos abnormally long? I recall that they're ridiculous on the grand seiko chronos.

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