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you guys shilled this meme so hard that zoomers are trying to cosplay it

>the chad embrace
I prefer to call it the Waingro
It's like a chubby guy dirty bulking trying to hit le bear mode and just looking like an obese slob.
His latest video is just him whining about the patriarchy forcing women to do anti aging stuff
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If you can’t tell the different between le ironic millennial mullet and the Chad embrace, then you’re retarded. Balding or not, the only guys that are actually respectable for pulling off the mullet are high T or actually rural right winger. Anything else is just cringe performative masculinity. Urbanite liberals really have to appropriate and ruin literally everything which is hilarious because they are the ones complaining about appropriation while they are literally the only ones doing it
The zoomer mullet and moustache doesn't look anything like the Chad embrace tho (reddit embrace)
Why do most of these guys that WASP puffy eyed bugman phenotype?
>ummm it only looks good if they have the same politics as me!
fuck off buckbroken retard
not fashion related
He’s not wrong. It’s like a rural conservative woman cutting her hair short and dying it hair green or purple. It just doesn’t work.
notice how this word serves no purpose in your statement? politics are not fashion
They’re the same thing rural/conservative urban/nigger/liberal/faggot. They can be used interchangeably and they certainly do affect fashion. I can’t wear a suit where I live. But when I go on business trips to cities I wear a suit and it doesn’t look out of place.
based retard
I wouldn't even consider this a mullet, this is just long hair
seriously, wtf are zoomers doing with this shit? theyve taken a lot of fashion Ls but this one is just indefensible. theyre always twiggy losers. i suppose its no different than the turbohipsters of the 10s with the curled handlebar moustache.

incidentally, most of the dudes i see rocking moustaches do not have the jawlines to make it work and its a travesty.
>Urbanite liberals
like kurt russell
Two completely different hair styles
And the soi mullet was in fashion before the "Chad embrace" became a meme
he gets a pass cuz he’s cool
He's wrong for implying it only looks good on right-wingers because it doesn't. Most of those rural rightwingers are obese or look like methheads, a mullet just amplifies that to look even more trashy than before. Meanwhile any guy who's actually good looking can pull off a mullet because...he's good looking. Thats it, has nothing to do with politics, race or anything else
Nobody got bullied so they have nobody to keep them in check. It’s the unironic faggotry. He doesn’t fit the part of being a mullet wearing red neck. He isn’t being ironic trying to dress like a red neck. He is just unironically being a faggot.
Looks good, also works with hockey players, surfers, and laborers
He has everything to do with politics, because geography and demographics are politics. Just like it looks retarded wearing a suit to a dive bar in the sticks, unless you have a reason, “yea we just left a wedding”
One more thing, if he wasn’t dressed like a flamboyant faggot and was wearing a hockey uniform or coveralls he wouldn’t look like such a try hard faggot/liberal.
i agree desu
It's nothing to do with politics, and more to do with world view and personal philosophy which politics is downstream of. Modern urban liberals are unsufferable faggots, and it ruins it because a guy with a mullet should be someone you should be able to grab a beer and chat shit with. It's a hairstyle that should be embodied by someone with a laid back view of life, not some faggot who is gonna get triggered and try to check you for micro aggressions. I wouldn't usually give a fuck about a person's politics, but liberals make me care by being such terrible fucking company to be around. Leave mullets to men who aren't pussies
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Who is this guy?
All his videos have to include "Us white people/men suck and lame and we oppress everyone!" dude def has skeletons in his closet
>performative masculinity
Everything about your post is performative masculinity, m8.
>Makes a post pointing out the inauthenticity of sois having mullets
>”N-n-no you!!!!”
Arguing on the internet is performative femininity
Oh hi there, idubzzz
This is probably the best explanation of this genre of man
I never see people like this,everyone here with facial here is either a muslim, balding or over 50. Only excaption is one Football player who looks like that one french rugby guy.
Yeah, because this type of guy would never be seen lurking such a horrible, bigoted imageboard such as 4chan
not very funny
Yeah, you’re so right. It’s just blatantly “problematic”
no just lame faggot
Wow bro. Now THAT is just so not cool. I can’t believe we are ACTUALLY dropping the hard F in 2024
Its a popular look in the anglosphere
australians all look like this
>nooo you can’t make generalizations because not everybody is the same!
generalizations, to normal people, never mean to say that every person of a type is the same. it’s to say the majority of a type share a feature. urbanite liberals as a type share certain faggot qualities
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>Politics are not fashion
Actually the two are quite literally the same in some cases. If you looked at pic related and asked them who they are voting for in November, the answer would be pretty fucking obvious. The faggot in OP's pic really is not much different in this case. I've never watched any of that guy's content, but I immediately know just by looking at him that he's a total spineless libtard, and from some of the responses in this thread it appears that he is actually that exact type of person.

So, >>18244761 is not wrong. If you want to know why mullets look completely inauthentic on soft males, please watch >>18247358. In order to authentically pull it off, you have to either have that total "idgaf", sleazeball attitude, be visibly high T, or be a total backwoods, blue collar type. If instead you are a low T, soft male who worries about what others think (hello liberals), you are doing it so fucking bad and everybody can tell
This guy recently admitted that he got the mullet-mustache combo because he saw a drag queen do it and thought it was cool
Lmao at this guys life
sorry for being dumb but is that idubbz or another one of these guys
Are you german?
nah. its methhead special actually. u wont pull it off if u arent one. same with crust punk

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