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As someone who isn't very thin and also doesn't live in Japan, just how realistic is it to pull off tobi trousers?
Doesn't seem like this has reached fashion fags in Melbourne, Australia yet and I'm looking to get ahead of the curve.
easily realistic, depends if youre presentably groomed, genetically desirable, charismatic and wise since thats the only things that matters in fasion. aside from taking or puting out participating as feed in the materialistic lust farm.
Disclaimer: I love this look, but

I think you would look weird as fuck, especially in a western country. The culture is just not there yet. So it just depends on your confidence and how much you care about other people's opinions.
>I think you would look weird as fuck
It's just harem pants but Japanese, why are you Americans so upset?
I will not buy the skinny jeans, you can't make me
That is not up to you, Master Yoshi
i've though about it. i can definitely pull them off i'm a construction worker and small like asian guys. wouldn't even slightly be larping.
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tobis are like a half way ground between jodhpurs and harem pants.
and made from complete opposite type of fabrics with opposite goals in mind.
harem pants also don't typically support a belt.
they're not all that similar other than both being wide pants.
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All are made of cotton, denim is cotton
Harem pants do indeed support a belt
>all cotton is the same
>gauze and gabardine is the same thing
different weaves have completely different material properties and serve completely different purposes. work pants and harem pants are also going to be wildly different fabric weights. they are different pants for different purposes. you should learn more about textile.
different weaves + weights (both) also drape differently. you can make kossack trousers work with a thinner 2x1 twill weave denim like you'd find in a shirt but its not going to work with more rugged 3x1 middle weight denims you'll find in work pants. those heavier fabrics and the unstructured top block don't mix. tobi pants are a good example of a way to pull it off. pleats would be another way around the problem.
different garments, different purposes. i know way more than you about textile and garment design.
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>coal miner trousers
here's an example of how to make a very relaxed fit with max range of motion work with heavier fabrics and accommodate large (fit not fat) men. suspenders, pleats, and a split waist band.
even here like your pic its only construction worker with that style pretty sure people would give you weird look here too
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what i mean by split waistband
You said complete opposite types of fabric not weave or textile
kossack trousers own don't get me wrong. but the way they're constructed just doesn't play so nice with thick, stiffer fabrics.
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>gauze and gabardine is the same thing
Kek, you dumbass.
Yes, they can both be made of cotton but they are completely different weaves, go back to school.
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Did you even read his post?
Why can't you zoomers spend a few seconds and read something before you reply?
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I've just had a look to grab myself a pair from a seemingly reputable website.
The sizes don't seem to agree with my body unfortunately...
I have an 80cm waist but 60cm thighs.
They don't even have pants to fit 60cm thighs...
Am I supposed to wear 120cm waist sized pants? That's a fucking size 47...
Sasquatchfabrix probably has something more practical for daily wear in a similar silhouette.
If by "isn't very thin" you mean muscular and not just fat, then you can do it. Go for it anon. My tobis are my absolute favorite, v worth, super comfy, very fun to wear. If you're tall it might be a struggle finding a good fit and it'll be impossible to get them to drape quite as much as in some of the pics, my pair are triple long but they only drape about as much as a double or single long pair would, and I'm 6'3.
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Not thin but not exactly fat...
I just posted this >>18246716 so you can kind of see my predicament.
I'm 177cm so should be okay with height. Unfortunately my thick thighs are cucking me once again.
I don't understand if they're implying the measurements are for the wearer or the pants.
I always knew my thighs are thicker than normal for a guy, but 20cm (circumference) thicker? Fuck me...
Could you possibly give me some insight on the sizing on these pants? I see there's 2x Super Long and 3x Super Long. Which would you recommend I choose for my height?
not op but i've been on the fence about buying a pair for ages. any way you could post an example of a fit you wear them with? my only hesitation is simply "are they wearable or will they be one of those things i pull out of the closet once a year"

are they using a halved measurement for the thighs but not the waist? confusing but that might be what's going on.
oh that pic answers it clearly.
i know for sure now.
they are indeed using halved measurements for the thigh. double them to make them comparable to your leg measurement.
you were just comparing a flat halved measurement to your leg circumference.
See if there's a measurement guide somewhere on their page. Usually waistband is straight across X2 and thigh is 1" down from the crotch and straight across
I hope so, because I was experiencing some serious body dysmorphia.
This >>18246744 is the measurement guide they use.
At first I thought it was circumference but maybe anon is right and it's just using halved measurements. Looks like their waist measurement is correct (40cm straight across for my waist x2 = 80cm).
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oh if youre 5'9 then you should have a lot more flexibility. like i said im 6'3, these are 3x long. honestly i wish they draped even more but these are the largest they make kek.

do it, they rock. will post a few. if you lurk waywt you may have seen these before. no denying that tobi look kinda absurd and will draw a ton of attention but i wear mine a good deal. as with everything clothing related, as long as you have the confidence you can do it.
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oh yeah meant to say but thick thighs are really not a worry here lmao
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if you're thinking about it, send it. 90% of the time when i wear them i make the rest of the fit v v simple, but w stuff like picrel, you can get some crazy combos going and really ball out. stick to a tshirt and you can wear these on a regular day but as soon as you start going further the attention-drawing is exponential. Godspeed anon i hope you get some
big thanks dude. haven't read waywt in years so i haven't seen those pics. i need a pair and some tabi boots so bad now.

>no denying that tobi look kinda absurd and will draw a ton of attention
not a problem at all when you're good looking and confident. praise.
i used to wear yohji all the time i have no idea who i was so hesitant with these. i guess just not knowing if they work with a simple tee and sneakers fit like that. i'm sold.
Always found the snag risk here to be crazy for wearing these on a job site. I know it's their tradition over there, weird though.
Nice cloven hooves.
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>western carpenter pants
>japanese carpenter pants
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The benefits of full movement and flexibility for proper lifting mechanics outweighs the downside.
They typically use them when working in high places, so snagging might actually save their life
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Agreed, but show me a Western pants that have that delectable drape and silhouette and I will renounce Japanese pants
The extra fabric makes them roomy enough to move over scaffolding and offers protection from flying sparks, plus they snap in the wind as you approach the edges on higher floors.
its in the uniqlo girls aisle
Not thin and not Asian it’s unlikely you pull it off
And honestly it just looks bad also on the people on the pic
Can I ask you what do you think looks good about this style ? It’s really just a bad look
Punjabi a great body but these pants really ain’t looking good
Streetwear chinks kinda wear this but not in the same "I saw it in a history doco* that you probably will, you'll look more like a 00's dada pants fag
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but anon i do carpentry
And you post an actor ?
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You dare mock the Japanese Chad?
it's called a fishtail
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it is a western pant. nikkapokka is transliterated from knickerbocker.
knickerbockers tie in at the knee, and from there you start counting inches: plus-twos, plus-fours (pictured), plus-sixes, plus-eights...

japanese construction workers took this idea and ran with it. for reasons no one understands, japanese blue collar guys still have a sense of fashion.
looks like shit!
May your expensive skinny jeans rip during the descent of the squat at the gym
Yeah I've heard the narrative about wind before and how they're supposedly like having "whiskers" when you're high up. I guess since none of us are doing high-rise construction afaik we'll never know.
first off, my condolences.
second, i have seen them in sydney for a while now.
melbourne behind the times as always i see.
move over W I D E bois in the house
pic shows off the utility of carpenter jeans in a casual fashion context.
Das right
Japanese construction workers are cool. While American construction workers are dumbfuck low IQ slobs. Uniforms are based. Especially for school. Imagine the upskirts and all the thighs you'd get to ogle.
The only thing Melbourne is behind on compared to Sydney is Lebanese gang wars.
Get a grip mate, we're the cultural center of the country.
>xe doesn't know about the gold coast
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Bought a pair thanks to this thread.
Let's see how we go...
>21,980 for pants
why do japanese construction/industrial workers wear them? i lived in japan for two years with the navy and the only time i saw these pants were in the shipyards or when walking by random construction sites
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$145? that's pretty average for pants that aren't made by child slaves.

>The 2023 GSI estimates that 1.2 million people were in living in modern slavery in Bangladesh on any given day in 2021, a prevalence of 7.1 people in modern slavery per every thousand people in the country.
>Thousands of Bangladeshi children who live in the capital’s slums are working illegally for an average of 64 hours a week, with many employed by the garment industry making clothing for top global brands, according to a report released Wednesday.
Just get some UFOs for a super based look.
Chalking it up to part of the price making up for the "free" DHL Express shipping
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steeplejacks like them for the freedom of movement, and from there it became a fashion statement.
Japan does not have steepls
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yes they do, and the tradesman is still called a steeplejack when he's climbing a high-rise or a chimney tower
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can you pull off tobi pants despite being a manlet? asking for a friend.
What do you think the Asian phenotype is?
Japanese are small
>Doesn't seem like this has reached fashion fags in Melbourne
The reason no one wears them is because it's cringe unless you're a Japanese construction worker.
I guarantee most fashion fags in Melbourne know what they are.
Cringe in the same way people in Melbourne wear overalls despite not being a construction worker, Dickies carpenter pants despite not being carpenters, and North Face puffers despite having never been to the snow?
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>child slaves
Excuse you. They are young employees. Starting young builds character and turns them into upstanding members of society.

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