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How do I voiceMAXX. Any advice appreciated. I sound like a beta and would like to be taken seriously and sound sexy for once.

Males only. Women don't need to voiceMAXX.
you can learn voice acting with youtube videos these days. i can make my voice sound like the deepest, most commanding 6 packs of lucky strikes a day chad you've ever heard, or i can sound like an anime vtuber or anything in between. i picked the skill up years ago trolling people on mmorpg's.
basically you need to learn how to speak with your chest and lungs not your face. watch some videos and practice. it takes time to build the muscles you're not currently using up. you don't lose the ability to use your current voice by the way. you learn to jump between them at will.
Hm. I would like for me be able to speak like that by default, not just at will. I honestly think that the beta way I speak is unnatural, and why speak this way is because I've spent too much of my life trying not make people like me and not be angry at me.
*trying to make people like me and not be angry at me.
I've always been a very non-confrontational person and this voice is the result of that.
Prove it and post a Vocaroo NOW!!
I mean I can do a deep voice but then you sound like you’re faking and look like a retard so I’ve stopped after getting weird looks
Give me a phrase to say.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
I'm black.
I'm not saying that.
i would if i had a good mic. the frequency response on mine is dogshit so it doesn't pick up the bass properly i would have to eq it and expend effort.
Take elocution lessons.
You can change your voice by making an effort, or acting as anon has suggested, but it will be like sucking in your belly and flexing your pecs to look fitter.
That would make it funnier
Hey, not OP, but I've heard talking with your chest or stomach works. Idk know if it's true and I'm wondering if anyone has experience with this.
Honestly singing helps. Stay in your low register and you'll flesh out your voice like working a muscle.
I spent too long trying to sound like xqc now i just sound retarded how fo i fix this
There's also a practice tool for singing called a "singing straw". It's like an exercise for your voice.

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