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I want to look like Niko Bellic.

How do I steal his look?
be balcan
Niko was based on a mix of Vladimir Mashkov in Behind Enemy Lines as Tracker (picrel) and of Sergey Badrov in the Brat ("Brother" in Russian) movies as Danila Bagrov
Picrel is Danila
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if you dont have the head for it, its just an alcoholic appearance.
the buzzcut takes you far though.
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>Buzz head
>Generally look eastern european
>Tracksuit top with your choice of pants for casual wear
>Black suit with red tie for formal wear
Simple as
this is literally Drive for Ruski lmao
Right now on Kommando store there's a jacket inspired by behind enemy lines
It's the kind of Slavic drip you're searching for
>game has literally a fuckton of outfits to choose from
>dumbass still needs to ask on a forum
You have all the tools you need, retard, experiment in-game, find looks that you like and work on understanding why you like them, why they work and how they work, don't expect people to tell you what to wear
This was right before they added real customization so unfortunately Niko only had a few fits to slay in.
A business suit and a buzz cut
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Looks really bad my man
Here u go bro.
Sorry, other link doesnt work and it was actually the wrong thing anyway
yea they're slavs
its bad in a hard way which wraps around to good
the answer is in this
No it just looks really shit
let me guess, you're a normie golem
You are bad at handling criticism my man. You can stomp with your feet like a kid all you want that’s just an awful look doesn’t look good
you took the vax
Very good yea but still doesn’t convince anyone that this >>18247084
is supposed to look good My boi
That’s just simply how virgins in east Europe dress
why do you hate masculinity? Oh, I know why..
Masculinity isn’t the clothes you wear my man.
I'd be able to take your criticism more seriously if you didn't type like a faggot. You're not some blue collar bar patron, stop trying to make "my man" work
I don’t try anything you are the one wanting this look my man. I’m just here telling you they don’t look good. What you do with this information is up to you and so far you decided to scream shout and attack me verbally for my point of view. Doesn’t seem very masculine to me
Faggots who say "my man" on 4chan are literally homosexual tranny incels from discord. Not kidding. Just ignore it
You are a tranny incel
No one cares about your opinion
Well you obviously do so lol
Hello tranny incel faggot
Jesus fucking christ anon, are you incapable of referring to another person without saying "my man" or "my boi" or some other faggy reddit shit
No, I'm attacking you because you talk like a faggot, I'm not seriously defending dressing like a slav
It’s not me having the meltdown here.
That’s all you
You have the emotional range of an five year old
The fits still look bad btw
I have to commend you for sending a normal message for once, even if you had to convince yourself that me and mr ad hominem were the same person to do so. Very good job, treat yourself to a cookie. My replies are >>18250229 and >>18250636 for context
I don’t care lmao
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Aww, you ornery little fella, get over here
Is this your reaction everytime someone points out that your style doesn’t look good?
What happens if a girl says you don’t look good fondling shit your pants and loose consciousness ?
Drive a black bmw/black mercedes
Carry gun and weapons on you at all times
Wear expensive gold chains/ silver chains with all your fits
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>Is this your reaction everytime someone points out that your style doesn’t look good?
When it's a meme style that's borderline cosplay tier, yeah, I tend to react like that
>What happens if a girl says you don’t look good fondling shit your pants and loose consciousness ?
I genuinely have no idea what you're on about, so I can't answer that
That’s a nice Halloween costume boy
Thanks I worked hard on it.
OP hasn't even changed on the JOURNEY
that 12ga would put your flesh onto the floor faggot
Did you just assume I'm a boy you fucking bigot, I'm calling the feds on you for assault of my feelings
Only if I ask nicely
Yes and if my dog could lay eggs it would be an chicken
Still not a good look just doesn’t look good bro
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vEsTRGXwwU heres a real life niko bellic in the wild. Learn from him

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