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Long nose hairs itch and annoy me, but plucking them can leave you vulnerable to brain viruses because you need the hairs to catch germs.

You can use a trimmer such as this to trim them shorter so they don't tickle you or itch and then you still have nosehairs and don't get brain virus.

You're welcome for the tip.
Brain viruses enter through the ears or eyes, like brainworms. Nice try, smart guy.
They can enter through the nose, look it up conservatard.
I usually grimace and trim the hairs that poke out with a small pair of scissors.
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if you inhale the tiny trimmed pieces of hair from the trimmer, you get lung virus.
That's why I blow them out, and the remaining hairs block them.
>Masks don't work
>But hairs do
Masks stop you from spreading spittle.
Hairs filter dust.
I'm a progressive, like Hitler, not a conservative.

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