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/fa/ - Fashion

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The zillenial cusper is truly a wretched creature.

Marinated in a culture he would not be allowed to participate in, trapped between the post punk revival of his youth, the Mac demarco wavey garms facsimile of slacker of his adolescence and the indie sleaze "revival" (if indeed we can call this confected tiktok marketing ploy a revival of anything) of his slightly younger gen z compatriots he found himself never quite embodying a youth movement.

And what, then, can be said in terms of fashion of the zillenial as he follows his rapidly ageing millenial forebears into further cultural irrelevance. Without a patrimony of Japanese selvedge to fall back on, what will the effect of these so called 28 year old adults be on fashion? Is normcore the quintessential zillenial cusper fashion style?
God this picture...I wanted to be one of these guys so badly, I feel very nostalgic right now

Didn't read your post
Anyone that cares about anything included in this screed is retarded so good riddance I guess
There was a time normcore ran this board...

Why didn't you? Let's get to the bottom of this.
this is just how i dress, but i'm married so i don't have to try for shit
What's stopping you? Just buy those clothes now you retard.
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You can buy the clothes, but you will never be be one of them. You will never be shooting the shit over coffee and cigarettes with your friends at 4pm. You will never go to local shows with your girlfriend. You will never be at a party shotgunning PBR. You will never be in the thrift store choosing trinkets for your newly rented 2 bedroom apartment. It's not authentic to you, you're a gen z poser rehashing the past. It's over, some would argue it never began.
>inb4 you can do all that stuff now
No, you can't. Small scenes are dying, people aren't interested in connecting in person, and inflation has made it unfeasible to live in large cities.
i fucking hate writing like this

seems so gay

>pedantic nuance rant to let everyone know how much u can dab on some adjacent group to u

whoah....guess I wont wear some faggot outfit now..amazing
Did I touch a nerve my fellow rapidly ageing zillenial? Are you previously spacious relaxed fit stonewash jeans feeling a little constricting?
yeah, big time

really wish i could of spent my early 20s hanging out with annoying band kids and theater kids who think smoking cigarettes and fucking ugly people is awesome. cant believe I missed out

you seem like you read David foster wallace and cant get laid
Nailed it, you got me dead to rights. I read David Foster Wallace and I cannot get laid.
good point
You can do all that stuff now. Imagine caring about a scene lmao. You're a loooooser.
you got serious self esteem issues
your worth is not based on an ideal, hope you find peace on your own
I read David Foster Wallace but I do get laid.
You talk like a reddit faggot.
No, you can't.
>No, you can't. Small scenes are dying, people aren't interested in connecting in person, and inflation has made it unfeasible to live in large cities.
and yet people keep moving to large cities, having local scenes of art and music and connecting in person.
you are the person sitting online claiming otherwise. way to out yourself as friendless and jobless
As a millenial who went to college i did all that shit its not rare or hard to achieve
When a rapidly ageing Millenial meets a rapidly ageing zillenial anything can happen...
> Is normcore the quintessential zillenial cusper fashion style?

This is such a brave, inspirational and frankly bravely inspirational point to make given the current cesspit /fa/ discourse finds itself in. What were the long term ramifications of normcore, the most influential fashion movement in living history? Few are even considering this.
Mac Demarco inspired an entire generation to start smoking
Either hard bait or really retarded
>normal every day tasks
Sucks they banned all this. Zoomers will truly never understand
>your worth is not based
Quality bait thread. I didnt think it was in nuchan
Local scenes are dead compared to years prior. Be real.
It's all rare now.
>no argument
What are you even talking about?
being a rapidly aging millenial is and was based
>grew up without social media and had a normal childhood
>scene girl sexo
>indie girl sexo
>got married before girls became obsessed with only fans and online dating
>bought a house when it was still affordable
Based. Zoomers like to throw ageing millenial as in insult and in doing so proving that being young is all they have going on for them, something that everyone has been at some point and everyone stops being eventually.
To top it off, they're barely starting out and gen alpha is already showing its face, I reckon zoomers will be phased out in five years tops, and what they have to show for it? AI will replace any creative endeavour they might partake in, fashion-wise they're the gen that put the least effort if any and tgey are irrelevant in music, art or anything, really. No future, no jobs, no income, no sex, no nothing.
It was over before it even started, and once they'll no longer be the young and fresh they'll have nothing to show for it except countless hours of browsing tiktok on the bed.
Good thing they're already are all on antidepressants, they're gonna need it.
The gayest post ive seen in a while
>No future, no jobs, no income, no sex, no nothing.
why is this. my zoomer friends seem to think this way.

t. gen x
i dont think they even care about the future. they see what people are doing now on social media and get depressed that they will never do that stuff. but they likely dont realize that social media is fake as in that 30 second video with plenty of cuts to seem exciting had a lot of boring parts and what is not seen on social meidia is pretty boring. they dont even want connections, they want impersonal connections. of course they are miserable.

t. 30 y/o boomer, unironically
To be honest, that's not even their fault. Reaching adulthood at a time when the world was hit with two huge recessions in ten years, war looming in the horizon, political instability, the biggest cultural rift since the 60s, cost of life skyrocketing while job stability went down the gutter and wages are stagnating hard... and the list goes on an on. With such a bleak road ahead, no wonder they chose to be comfortably numb with their noses glued to their phones.
You write poorly and your prose is try-hard. I would describe it as pedantic, but it fails to achieve actual pedantry. You can only aspire to be pedantic.

Get better.
You're not even eloquent enough to sound pompous
I'm a literal schizo and I was on of those guys. There was no entry requirement you just kinda had to show up in the scene and if you weren't fat you got to fuck BPD arthoes.
>fuck BPD arthoes
Easy to fuck. Hard to deal with while doing literally anything else in life.
im a little older than this segment and remember thinking how cringe these younger people looked at the time and how i wanted nothing to do with them
Wow, and then what happened?
Woah I didn't know FUCKING SHAKESPEARE was on this board. You got a problem, tell it to the Jannie's pal and kiss my ass. Start talking about normcore for fucks sake.
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Methinks the chudcel doth protest too much.

Timeless, unpretentious fashion is one thing. Trying to be trendy and making a statement about not making a statement is tryhard and gay. Much like your prose.
Rare. Saved
Feels good to be an old flag, none of this gay shit matters to me.
Zoomers are supposed to pay your pension.
Yeah I was born in 88 and pbr mustache Hipsters and twee kids were gay as fuck. They had the weirdest attitudes of thinking they were better than other people and had taste meanwhile they were drinking trash pbr and worked as slave baristas lol. Getting useless art degrees.
Jesus fuck you people are provincial lol
Cool Pepe Apu my fellow kekistani..

Never post that sort of cringe shit in another one of my threads ever again, this is your only and final warning.

What were you doing that was so worthwhile?
i remember this pic was so famous on /fa/ back in 18/19
The same shit everyone else does but I didn't feel superior to others and wasn't living in poverty.
There's not enough people who respect the classics left these days

You should be ashamed of yourself for being so easily amused.
So you enjoyed yourself less and I'm supposed to think that you're cool for doing so?
Have we started lionizing 2014 post-grad entry-level job slackerism? I was there, that shit kinda sucked.
How did I enjoy myself less? I was doing the same shit Hipsters were I just didn't associate with them or think I was superior. You think Hipsters are the only people who can go to a Cafe with their friends lmao.
Feeling superior to others is one of life's great joys and I truly pity you if you've never experienced it. In fact I'm feeling very superior to you right now.
I see.
Not even going to play along? What has happened to all the posters on here that they've turned into such ninnies? We used to clown about on here.
and then i fucked your mom and now 17 years later your retarted ass popped out of her gaping vagina
Is it alright if I call you daddy?
If you have to rely on a pension (we call it social security) to survive in your decrepit years, you have bigger problems than looking like a homo today. Zoomers will be all right though, they can manage ok now, despite their complaints.
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>Never post that sort of cringe shit in another one of my threads ever again, this is your only and final warning.
You play oldschool hardball, and I respect you for that.

I'm slightly older than the zillenial but was on the front lines at the beginning of this alleged fashion trend. Most hipsters and the subsequent normcores I knew were from wealthier or upper middle class families and received financial help from their parents. This stands in stark contrast to the people for which the fashion was originally intended-- you can't really think about fashion or participate in trends when you're busy, tired and poor.

So mainly this trend was try-hard. And gay.
Maybe. But Im not
>you can't really think about fashion or participate in trends when you're busy, tired and poor.
Poor people also care about how they look. It's just that fashion is classist, always have been and always will be.
A rich person wearing lidl clothes might be making a statement, a poor person wearing the same clothes is just wearing what they can't afford. You can't dress ironically poor if you're actually poor. This is just an example.
Normcore was definitely classist, it was all these new York city art people dressing like they shop at Walmart instead of whole foods. It's interesting that something like this became almost the default style for the last decade when it really started as a joke from the khole people.

The stuff he's describing was already kind of tired circa 2014 if we are being honest
not ugly and spiteful here so nothing op typed applies idk how he's struggling lmao. everything is literally free real estate in this generation
>Local scenes are dead compared to years prior. Be real.
i am being real. local scenes grow and shrink, it's up to you to be a part of them or not. bitching that you missed a peak of a scene shows you don't really care about whatever the scene is about. you just want to follow a trend.
>you will never hang out with your friends and go to music shows
Are you retarded? Go outside
You CAN do all that stuff now. Philadelphia proves it:

What even are scenes about? Seems like scenes are about sitting around most of the time
Going to see sturgill simpson in philly in november. Stoked. Might even go with a girl and get a coffee at 4pm just to piss off op
Yeah, that was mostly it. Some scenes heavily linked to a musical scene also involved going to specific bars and shows, but for tge most part is likeminded people who dress similar hanging out.
The ones I'm talking about quite literally don't exist anymore.
Interesting, but a list of shops,concerts and politic groups doesn't change the fact that people like me will NEVER be one of them. Forever outsiders, even in groups for "outsiders"
Going outside won't change the fact.
lol Sturgill Simpson
Congratulations. You have proven without a doubt you have trash taste
>The ones I'm talking about quite literally don't exist anymore.
Scenes are are born from a particular zeitgeist, when that changes, they die.
I always wondered how these people look for their clothes, there's a plethora of different color combos for varsity jackets, windbreakers, hats etc. How do they decide "yes this is perfect" when they spot a teal windbreaker? Or a denim blue varsity with cream colored leather sleeves?
You just go to the thrift store and buy whatever they have that you like retard
>You will never be shooting the shit over coffee and cigarettes with your friends at 4pm. You will never go to local shows with your girlfriend. You will never be at a party shotgunning PBR.
i did all of this and it was gay
You sound depressed and just in a pathetic way not a cool deep way. This is the type of shit your brain concocts when you spend too much time alone working on your little theories instead of meeting people and doing things.
Wait if we can't do that stuff anymore how come I still do that stuff with my friends and gf?
Keyword "sound", I am not depressed I just see shit clearly. Also, there's no way to be depressed in a "cool deep way"
You are a very perspective poster and I'm sorry others can't see that.
The only wretched creature is you, OP. A geriatric millennial virgin, closing in on 40, desperately flinging shit at everyone around you in attempt to hide how pathetic you have made your life.
damn how did you know
I'm 19 years old.

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