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will growing my hair long when its thinning but then using a beanie work better than buzz and beanie to hide that im balding?
also what are some good beanies iguess
your qt anyway :3
you went off roid and lost all muscle mass?
no its just an example. gym is gay lol
That’s really a bad look. I used to think that I won’t be one of these guys that won’t get teenagers trends and haircuts as they get older but I really can’t fuck with these mustaches
>bodybuilding expands life
Found the pencil neck
I mean the beanie has to come off at some time
this is exactly what i want to avoid. i think having long permed hair like sam sulek or OP pic could be the answer
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Based Sulek, faggy Pool
sam is such a bro fr. too bad Jacob didn't make it : /
I think the gym is fine, but there are sus amount of them at gyms that cloaked.I started doing workouts just because it feels good.but I would never get to the point were I develop a narcissistic obsession with improving myself to the point I'm never satisfied. The Internet, media and caveman fanfics did this and that is ultimate truthpill.
lmao wtf happened to this cuck
i wouldnt giveaf about hair if i had that chin dog. looks like omar shariff
This guy was probably on finasteride and it fucked his shit up. Sad.
This, stay away from fin, it wrecks you.
why did so many cringe millenials try to copy sulek when sulek is zoomer core
been on fin for 4 years and the best thing I have done

no he clearly was on roids and it crashed hard
this dude was doing gay4pay as a bottom for his roids and got a few bugs
I 100% intend to take the path of the wizard when/if i start to lose my hair (35 and looking good!). you simply grow out all your hair, beard too.

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