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I had social anxiety and I lost touch with all my school friends, now I feel better and look good but I find it daunting to go to social events on my own.
You don't. We are long past the era of socializing at social events. You are supposed to have already a group of friends, nobody wants a random retard (let alone a former sperg) bothering them at social venues.
What older and friendless millennials are doing now to socialize is running or hiking but they are people like in their 30s and with their life already set straight
I'm assuming you are a spergy zoomer, it's over for you
>have sex with woman
>have her be only social connection for a few months until bored
>talk to no one for a while
Works for me
Where do you meet the women?
Idk. Anywhere. Gym. Coffee shop. Bars. Street. Grocery store. Beach. Hiking. Concerts
Wear full Rick
First off, getting back in contact with your school friends should be easy, if you're interested in that.
He's not wrong as for the standard, but there's more than that, a small margin of people who are open to new contacts and opportunities. Emphasis on small, and emphasis on you need to be able to be brushed offf. If your anxiety stems from sensibility, you should be able to see out people that could possibly be open to a conversation or more. If you visit a place or event that's not standard for everyone, you inherently have an opener respectively something to talk about.
so what you're experiencing is your friends all got a life after high school/college. they're all working on their careers and starting families and stuff. no one hangs out with their school friends more than a few years after graduation. just go have a life you make friends along the way i can't think of anything more cringe than going to a "social event" that a friend didn't invite me to or going out of my way to make friends.
>t. nervous urinator
this basically. just go have a life. why would someone want to date you or whatever you're trying to do? become interesting. got a well paying career yet? girls stop wanting to date boys who just play computer games after a while even if they're attractive. get at least 1 hobby or irl-interest women do and don't be a weirdo reeking of desperation who's obviously there to pick up girls yikes bad vibes. a lot of the stuff other anon said in his reply are examples of good choices.
i piss in the sink.
If you live in a city this is the case, every avenue is made out of groups of people who already know each other and only interact with others if they have a member in common. In the city people are always paranoid about getting harassed for money, scammed or assaulted so they just brush everyone off regardless of how nice they look or sound.
Also most adults aren't really interested in making friends after their early 20s, they focus on their work or partners and all connections they get are either career related or romantic in some way.
As an adult you will mostly get acquaintances from places like the gym, some sports club or work ,who are people you interact positively with out of courtesy but don't really bother with outside whatever venue you met them at.
The strongest friendship bonds are usually formed during high school or college, all social relationships after that will usually fall into a transactional nature (sexual, financial, etc) .There are definitely some exceptions usually happening among hobbyists that will develop strong friendships over years and years of interacting with each other with their hobby as a medium. Another exception is if you become famous in some way people will want to interact with you and be your friends but that's probably not going to happen
>girls stop wanting to date boys who just play computer games after a while even if they're attractive
Totally false, if anything women get more picky for chad as they get older, unless they're desperate for a provider, that she'll cheat on.
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"Socialising alone" is an oxymoron.
>you're not allowed to have fun and instead you have to build a fake personality to attract women
Fuck off numale.
Pro-tip: don’t go to “social events”. I mean, they’re fine but they’re just not that good for building relationships. As a man, the relationships you build are all about proximity and activity. Proximity is how you made friends when you were young. You just happened to be in the same class, live in the same neighborhood, whatever. That stuff happens organically. Basically, as an adult it’s just your family, neighbors, and coworkers. So on that note, spend time with family and neighbors and be willing to grab a drink with coworkers. As for activity, it’s literally a common doing. Men become friends with the men on their sports team, that they share a profession with, that they do business with, that have common hobbies. So the trick there obviously is to join orgs and go to events for your profession or business or whatever if you have one, but the better trick is to take up a sport, an art, or other hobby. Go to all the meetings. Get good at it. If you get good at something that has some social aspect, people will try to befriend you. That’s just how it is as a man. Interest goes a long way but it’s what you do that people really care about. Doing is the best way to suggest your personality to people after all. Looks and doing are basically all you have to really have to reel people in.

This is also how you meet women by the way. You just make sure the hobbies or whatever that you do also have women in them. This works a lot better than dating apps and cold approach, which is also fine but not optimal.
Its not supposed to be fake. Thats where you’re getting filtered. You need to genuinely enjoy life
Lots of bucket crabs in this thread, funny how this gen will probably live longer than anyone in history yet they insist on making those decades as agonizing as possible by having few to no social contacts outside whatever you get from the plinko machine that is the first years of your adolescence / young adulthood when you still barely know what the fuck is going on because you clearly either with the same friends for life (nobody will never move or fall out or leave your life, people just magically are born with the perfect life sequencing) or you are now Travis Bickle for the rest of your life. Make yourself do more of things that force you into situations with other people, and do them every day. Be the awkward person who says something to strangers when it pops into your head *even when it feels awkward and uncomfortable*. It is the only way and will require a lot but if you actually manage to become charismatic and comfortable in the ability of making friends / acquaintances on demand, you will be so far ahead of most people browsing this website it will be hard for you to even conceptualize. Why else do you think the demoralization is always about people's social life and relationships? It's because it's the one thing most tied to our general happiness as we get older.
Good post. We now return to your regularly scheduled demoralization (it's over)

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