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Do you dress above your financial status or below?
I just wear menswear which is neutral I guess
I don't flaunt anything like a faggot
Just enough so I can go out for drinks and flaunt my gaudy shit like >>18250471
Below. I hate buying clothes. My newest pants are 2 years old. Same with shirts, maybe more. I buy generic underwear by the bulk. I'm just here for the /wt/. Just wish mods would let us have it back in /g/ where it belongs.
I dress above my financial status which is objectively still below the average and what's more, I don't believe in status, just strength of the mind.
>Do you dress above your financial status or below?

You dress for the viewer and are careful of the message you want to send.
>I'm not into ostentation but I appreciate quality and take care to buy good stuff

Depending on the person looking at me, a normal person might just see me in a t-shirt and jeans, sneakers, watch, sunglasses and think "OK, not poor but not really that well-off." No visible brands or, if they are there, small brand markers. (Not a t-shirt that says "PRADA" in huge letters across the chest or anything like that.)
But a wealthy person or a person who knows clothes will note that my choices are carefully chosen and, more importantly, fit correctly. They will assume I'm well-off or at least that I make a point to spend money on clothing.

>I'm just here for the /wt/.
LOL, I thought the stereotype of /wt/ posters dressing like shit was a meme.
Way above. Some people drive nice cars.
idk i'm poor but dress nice
I have 3 Ivy League degrees, grew up going to private school with kids from elite families all over the world, now make 500K/year and wear camo hats on clearance from Walmart, try to look as poor as possible

As hard as most people are trying to look rich, I try to look poor

This is to prevent jealousy since I live in a small population 80K podunk place (I chose it, I avoided big cities)

However, I am not happy since there is nobody of my "type" here. People are so basic and stupid, and even if they have money, they have no culture or class, they just got lucky their roofing business took off so now they tow a boat to the lake to get drunk every weekend

What kind of (presumably remote) work do you do that brings in $500k/year in an 80k Podunk town?
I eat beans and rice and buy used clothes on ebay
>now they tow a boat to the lake to get drunk every weekend
Based hylics
Tell me about your experiences growing up with rich folks. How are they like?

Also how do I get rich rich and how do I get a wife that looks like a model? (And loyal personality) . also my religion allows multiple wives.

Also i plan to go to a very good grad school for my degree too to improve career shit....
So some people enjoying the meagre success they can given they have little education makes you want all of humanity to die?

What is wrong with you?
The only part above is my watches though since they are G-Shocks nobody will notice
ivy league selects for narcissists and psychopaths not smart capable people. he's probably jewish recent court cases have shown almost all the "white" students are jews in ivy league and its an unspoken but well known rule that you'll get rejected if you're white and don't mention your jewish heritage or the holocaust on entrance exams. every jew i know put it on their college entrance essays, i'd know they're dumb so i had to write most of them for them.
Yup lol
Ivy league schools and elite schools in general are full of psycho rich people
Nowadays, with how common thrifting is, both in person and online, dressing in ANY way is within anyone's financial status.
Also, with how popular the quiet luxury meme has become, the correlation between income and outfit has become even lower.
People who disagree with this are seething because someone's dressing the same way as them but has paid a fraction of the price and if they agreed they would have to recognize blowing that much money on something had no positive effect.
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Are you bradley wellington the 3rd?
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id say your able to recognize if someone thrifts their "old money" outfit its pretty obvious side by side who actually can afford the retarded brands
>georgia high romeos/white costco sneakers
>cuffed wrangler 13mwz (manlet)
>second hand sweaters from friends
>studio apartment
>mitsubishi mirage
>make 487,000 dollars a week
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I'm not sure how to answer this question. Why would I choose what I wear based on my financial status? Only including my balance so that people won't say I'm poor.
How do I get rich like you bro?
Aside from trust funds/inheritance
This is pitiful man, just get a job
a little

I wear Margiela GATS alternatives, the original are 450€, the almost exact copy i wear are 150€, but i should probably wear 75€ shoes if i was financially smart.
>How do I get rich like you bro?
Find an apple on a tree, clean it, then sell it.
Then buy two dirty apples, clean them and sell them for more.
Then buy three dirty apples, clean them and sell them for more.
Then buy four dirty apples, clean them and sell them for more.
Then buy five dirty apples, clean them and sell them for more.
Then inherit from your millionaire uncle.
Only a retard would get 3 Ivy League degrees
If money isn't a concern and you like learning/studying things in an academic setting, why wouldn't you pursue multiple degrees?
I can sympathize with you somewhat though. I am a writer and really cultured, for lack of a better word. I left New York years ago when I became depressed at my Wall Street job and I’ve lived in a little podunk town ever since. I really crave connection or similar sort of people but I never find it. I’ve lived in a couple of cities here and there, including New York and cities like, for a few months at a time. It’s really hard to find people like that there too. We’re just really few far between and even though most of us are concentrated in New York and similar were so few in number that we’re not likely to meet each other. I might try to buy a second place somewhere in a few years but as I’m aging into my 30s it doesn’t seem likely. Just gotta learn to get along without them. I like these people here after all. Good people are great. It’s just a little difficult to not have people to really connect with is all.
> brown guy
> is superficial
> wants a white wife
> wants her to be hot
> expects her to be loyal (lol)
> intends to study in the U.S. for a graduate degree
Nobody is going to reply to you because we see a copy and paste of you everyday and we dislike it
Because you don’t learn anything first of all and you don’t need the degree to learn Ivies aren’t even good schools anymore. The smartest students are at schools like Michigan Virginia and the best people in general are at schools like Ohio State and Rutgers. The Ivies are kind of a joke now.
Below. I work remotely so most days I wear athletic shorts or sweatpants with a t-shirt.
>what is inspect element
post chart
I guess that's true if you are a stemcel but if you are interested in the humanities (which a moneyed person should be because STEM education is ultimately just trade school) the ivies still have a bunch of old profs that got their tenure back when academia was more rigorous and far less concerned with wokeness than it is now.
Im getting my sexy blonde white trad wife wheter you like it or not!
If you want to network with billionaire children you go to ivy league
I wanna troll some billionaire kids
high iq +3 deviations here.
i dress significantly above my financial status. never cared much for money or status seeking.
i dress significantly better than over 99% of other men on the west coast, but i spend HALF of what an average american spends on clothes per year.
i buy or have extremely high quality clothes made 0 to 2 times a year. i never throw anything away. i don't pay for brand names only quality. i avoid anything imported with a few exceptions. i know a lot about textile, i know what it costs to make things and know what i'm getting.
average garment in my closet is like $200-2000, but as low as $10.
i only look at the garment not the price tag. i only buy clothes with no compromises. i'd rather have 1 perfect object than 3 lesser ones.
i forego trends in favor of dressing timelessly, they're for dumb poor people and tv actors. i look good in all my fits and they emphasize my way better than 99.9% of americans physique. looking good will always be in style.
i have only thrown away about 10 garments since i was in high school.
stop being consoomer pieces of shit.

>On average, Americans spend around $1,800 per year on clothing. (higher for younger ages)
>The average american buys 64 garments per year.
>An estimated 11.3 million tons of textile waste end up in U.S. landfills yearly, accounting for approximately 85% of all textiles. This equates to an alarming 81.5 pounds (37 kilograms) of textile waste per person per year. In more tangible terms, 2,150 textile pieces are discarded per second across the country.
>A garment is normally worn for an average of seven to 10 times before it is discarded.
>but as low as $10
not gonna lie bro's the rustler jeans at wal mart make my ass look good. i'm not a snob i just don't pay for bullshit like marketing budgets.
Idk I dress like a top but I’m actually bottom if that counts?
Those stats are probably even more insane when you consider that like a third of the adult population probably hasn't bought even 10 new articles of clothing in the last 2 years.
Hopefully you will find some autistic virgin girl with a trust fund and become rich as hell
of course it's bullshit columbo, i make 36k a year. im here for pictures of sluts
No, they don’t lmao and besides humanities education in this country was a joke back then too. You’re right about it being less woke at least, but it wasn’t not-woke.

You’re joking right? Those kids aren’t even going to Ivies anymore. Ivies are full of relentless middle class social climbers, the children of tiger mom immigrants, and diversity admits. When I worked on Wall Street years ago my MD (trust fund kid, Boston Brahmin type, went to Georgetown then Harvard) said he refused to hire any Ivy kids because they were so terrible now. They seriously have not hired a single Ivy grad since then. The Ivies are living off their endowments and this public perception that they are these elite institutions when they’re not. The best colleges in America (they all suck at the moment) are non-Ivy private schools and public schools. Even Ivy adjacent schools like Chicago and Stanford have been much better for decades now.
i dress in line with my financial status.
A lot of wealthy internationals send their kids to Ivys
If you plan to move overseas and mingle with the elite in some third world country, go to an ivy
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rufflemayo stay jelly. ivies are still good for the netwhoreking, knowing ppl, the opportunities that presents to you, like somebody's corrupt cousin is starting a fake hedge fund and you have the opportunity to embezzle 10 million from it, etc.

even after graduation, the alumni network is strong and can be useful depending on what field you are in/what you are doing with your life

not that poster, but i dated a rich (and i suspect slightly autistic) trust-fund girl. her pussy was kinda loose and she always wanted to swallow instead because she got yeast infections easily, so i broke up with her

t. >
Not guy you replied to
How can you tell if she was autistic? And how do you find trust fund autists to date

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