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back up your critiques with a fit. back up your fit with critiques

make an effort - take full body pics under good lighting

previous >>18234570
cute pic
everyone naked today?
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Scale of 1-10 how school shooter do I look?
these types of fits/clothes all looks soooooo much better worn in they just look so bad when everthing is new
Yeah thats all pretailored too. Should look better once ai get it back. Its for a funeral. I dont really have the all black tism
Not school shooter, just neckbeard core. Maybe change the jacket? It just seems to big
Stupid iPleb
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picking up all the trash in the protected wetland behind the local black/mexican people government housing fit.

your pants are too long you need to take them to the tailor. forgive me if i'm blind if they're denim, that'd be the one time that length's fine.
norda 001s
lulu pace breaker shorts
lulu license to train shirt
on running jacket
salomon adv skin 12 hydration vest
ciele hat
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>>18250926 #
The proportions seem off somehow the length of the jacket and the cut of your pants don’t go together look up Denzel in training day for how to execute this look
>>18250936 #
Looks a bit too much school boy
>>18251001 #
It’s a good outdoor fit but I would go a bit bigger with the jacket

Summer is coming to an end Fall wardrobe is getting ready
Coat is vintage wool cashmere blend
Shirt Ralph Lauren
Sweater is cashmere and pants are Zara wool pants
these threads have never improved even in over a decade of this board being a thing

only slightly normal outfit i've seen in a waywt in the past 10 threads, nice gibbo in the back
> back up your critiques with a fit. back up your fit with critiques
Are you from Poland?
very cringe
whats the flannel? im already sick of those belts desu
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New pants, as of yet unhemmed
Looking sharp fellas
Once again you need to upsize your shirts if you don't want to look like a power bottom.
Cope women love tight ts on muscular bodies
You dress for Women?
Women also love gay guys
Yeah. Sex is fun. I dont have trouble with them like you do.
And yet gays hate women. Curious
NTA, but every time someone gives you reasonable critique for your boring ass fits, you get all insecure and start lashing out. I’d be surprised if any woman would be able to tolerate being around you for more than a few minutes. I just don’t understand why you would continue to post your fits here if you’re going to immediately get defensive
Im not that guy retard. I dont even write like him. I was countering that the shirt doesn’t look bad because it doesn’t. Also
>you look like a power bottom
Is not a reasonable critique its clearly meant to be inflammatory
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This is fine, agree that shirt sleeves are too tight, we can already see you're jacked anyway
This is also nice. You should look like a gentleman larper but you pull it off rly well
Practical for outdoors. I don't think you should worry about how you look when hiking
Would be fine if your jeans fit instead of having to cuff them like that. Also why not something more interesting than default converse?
>Is not a reasonable critique its clearly meant to be inflammatory
Alright guys, you heard it, no more bants with this guy. Please handle with kid gloves firmly secured from here on out.
My god youre a faggot. Either bant or give a note but dont turn tail and pretend otherwise
Nigger I did, I told you the shirt was too tight and then made a joke about it making you look gay
Still not that guy and youre a weasel.
>haha you look like a fag in that shirt
>what cmon i was just giving a reasonable criticism
Just stand by what you said, is that so hard?
it's okaysh, kinda boring tho
the jacket seems too big and your boots are kinda anonymous too

are you one of the guys from the breton shirt thread?
your outfit's all around pretty bland and colourless, i'd say change your outermost layer (it's a zipped sweatshirt right?) and uncuff the jeans

it fits what you're doing

show us your pants

ditch the glasses immediately and get a better belt

grey jeans are ugly, also there's something i dislike in your fit but i can't say what exactly

this thread is boring, where are our top /fa/ggots?
What part of "upsize your shirt" don't you understand you monkey
Still not that guy but ill be keeping my tight tshirts because they look good thanks
Ok then have fun continuing to look like a power bottom
Ill be sure to inform the women ogling me that they’re going to be sorely disappointed
"You look like a power bottom" is absolutely a valid.critique
Oh I didn't know you were actually gay, if that's the look you're going for then just say so.
Im not, I was just graciously batting the ball back.
Sure thing bro
Stay gorgeous
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Needs a katana to tie it all together
kek get used to it i got 20 years out of my last english bridal belt.
shirt's an orvis twill shirt.

I christen thee
>Bob Faget
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it looks like you just crapped your briefs
So are there mods on this board? The schizo slapfight is making it unusable rn
are you the guy who posts the good grids in the ideals threads with the White Ward album?
really bad. how is this fashion? just basics at walmart or surplus clothes would be better than this. get your shit together.
same critique this is hot garbage. the cheapo fashion rings are fucking cringe too.
you suck dick. nothing fits. either too tight or awkward. the watch doesn't even fit lmao. sneakers are crap. start over.
pants are too tapered for that inseam, hem them, the stacking is bad, the shoes are shit too needs an upgrade. otherwise decently coordinated and looks like you care about clothes unlike the first three bozos. earring is faggoty though, if ur not gay
how do u fuck up sportswear so bad? u dont look like uve ever run in your life either
the striped tee coordianted with the chucks is very reddit and doesnt work with the trim on the hoodies or the over shirt. just swap to a solid tee, ditch over shirt and keep the rest. it's not good but it won't be grotesque then.
all cheap ill fitting dog shit look at the stacking on your arms ffs. even the belt is bad. start over
>no fit
how fat you think this dude is?
He's right tho
GLUG GLUG GLUG HMMMPPPPHHHH *SSSSSSLLLLLLUUUUUURRRRRRRPPPPP* sorry I got carried away frantically sucking huge black cocks after I typed all that up. No I don't need to post a fit, the fact I'm a poor fat faggot with no taste has no bearing on my critiquing every else's fit, why would I both posting my own clothes in a thread devoted to people posting their own clothes? That's absurd! OH GOLLY GOODY YAY MORE COCKS TO SHOVE IN MY MOUTH AND ASS
You sound kinda gay bro.
.... you good blud?
which styleless faggot are you to post all this cope gay fanfic? lmaooo
Sorry I got so excited, Tyrone was spinning me around on his dick like a circus act keeping plates in the air! I'm far too busy to post a fit of my own in a thread titled "what are (you) wearing today." That would be preposterous! I can only take scant breaks to post my high brow and completely justified shit takes while cum oozes from my destroyed asshole before the next member of the stygian legion batters my hulking bottom. Of course I have better fashion than all of you, I said so!

He knows what I'm talking about.
one of the gayer looking ones i guess
Is this one of those genders Ive heard about?
it could be
why do trannies all dress so gross and hide their face in fit pics? hmmmmm i wonder why
So the drone death squads have a harder time exterminating them via facial recognition
where do you want me to hold my phone, in front of the shirt I'm showing off?
faceless 4chin man laughed at me ;-;
The last thing an antidepressant sees
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Thanks for killing the thread, asshole. Now everyone is too afraid to post.
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Nice fatigues, really like the shirt as well.
Stylish as always, dig the coat. I'm envious you're somewhere cold enough to wear that, temps are finally getting a little lower here.
I try and be positive when I talk about people's fits but the face you make in every single photo makes you look incredibly smug.
Fuck this place finally got to me, you actually look like a woman. Well done.
So much samefag lmao. Do trannies really?
Sorry to let you down chief, I'm just lonely, horny and desperate but I'm not a samefag
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I'm going to stop myself from singling some of you guys out...
Is there anything less effay than wearing child slavery?
haha <3
would throatpie
incredibly based post
new boots. wore this to a punk show

bad lighting. jacket is too big. boring fit unless you're headed to a funeral
too much going on up top. proximity of zipper and buttons is too close. black/indigo combo only works when there's nothing competing
buckle and pristine belt look too posh for the other working class fabrics
>make an effort - take full body pics
activewear is v rarely fashionable. you also wasted your money on all this landfill fodder - it's not making you faster
v nice. understated but luxurious and cozy. this haircut/beard combo works really well on you. fast fashion pants are only critique

stop making that stupid face.
shirt fits well. belt is too formal. stan smiths would have worked better here
tshirt is intriguing. cardigan and pants look cheap. love how fried your hair looks
bald. boring basics done poorly. contrast of white undershirt is distracting. nothing interesting here
bad angle. fit is fine but boring. add some accessories: rings, bag, earrings (are your ears even pierced?). I also have a hunch that that shirt is punching horribly into the back of the skirt
shoes are out of place. jacket fits really well. wish the pants were a sturdier fabric. you have a great face / bone structure. somehow don't mind the confederate soldier lookin hat
why did you pick a blue shirt here? your color coordination is puzzling to me sometimes
i remember being at that phase in my life. the pussy's great till you get genital herpes.
I liked you until you decided to name fag and identify by what genitals you like to put in your mouth.
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>why did you pick a blue shirt here? your color coordination is puzzling to me sometimes

It's pretty much a recreation of an Lands End catalog pic from the 80s that I found on Pinterest. The coat and shirt pattern are the same, tie pattern is pretty much the same just different width for the color blocks.

Its hard to see without zooming in but there's light blue in the tweed that compliments the shirt, navy and red for the tie, olive and brown for the trousers and shoes.
Being a passive aggressive keyboard warrior probably
Lol I literally was heading to a funeral. I don’t really do all black like that normally. I got the sleeves tailored and it looks a lot better but Im gonna have a tough time actually styling that jacket in an actual fit. Its so visually heavy
This dude eat's man ass, shit and cum.
newfag test never fails
sucks to be balding huh bro?
There's zero evidence in that pic to suggest balding. She has a cute face, the end. Boring style but still fuckable.
>still fuckable
nobody tell him
Can someone start a new thread? This asshole totally ruined it and made a dark vibe that feels so unsafe to share in now:
You look like faggots
kill yourself
nigger kill yourself
You absolute fucking pussy ass faggot, what is wrong with you?
Some nutless, fitless loser spouts off and now you're too intimidated to post? You should be ashamed of yourself, your father raised a coward.
Well you just made it worse. If you think I am the only one who doesn't like these negative millennial chud vibes and doesn't feel safe to post, you are wrong. Gen Z is a much cooler, softer vibe and we are leaving your aggressive, homophobic crap behind.
High IQ and high vibrational post desu
this guy is unironically correct and
should rope

weren't people literally bragging about finding someone's face and posting it on here bc they didn't like their fits like two threads ago? there's dox threats every thread too

it's not even about "feeling unwelcome," it's that these no-fit retards are probably unemployed enough to do creep shit
theres a core group of people that actually contribute to the board and then theres these shitters. the board isnt fast enough to support the number losers that hang out on here doing nothing but projecting their self hatred. its tired and played out at this point.
One day I'm going to post a fit on here so gleaming and inspirational that there just won't be waywt threads any more as they won't be needed.
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Figure drawing/weekend/work. I don't know what to do with my face anymore. Captcha: H0M0K
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I'm an idiot btw
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Do you genuinely think that starting a new thread will magically thwart the people who "critique" but don't post fits? Regardless of your opinion of them I think they're probably capable of finding a new thread.
Without that goofy grimace on your face you look a lot better and I'm sorry for the nasty things I said and sending powerful beams of negative energy towards you
Theyll change to this is what you are wearing today and its all just the same fit
All I can say is I did post fits in the past until the cross dressing gender shit invaded these threads.
But it heartens me greatly to see the trannies fuck off after they get kicked in the teeth once or twice.
Stupid unfashionable moronic cowards.
Soon I may post an iconic fit I've been saving for you lucky people.
Lazy. How the mighty have fallen.
Ok well just remember to reference the posts where you had an opinion when you do otherwise its pointless
>Full Outfit made himself
reddit style, dressing up like dad used to in 1991 and mixing it with gay fatigue pants, to let everyone know that it's just ironic because you're a quirky homosexual.
>Helloo everyonne! This iiiis... running on Emptyyy, Full Reviewww..
You give me the creeps, you look like Clark Kent, but instead of being Superman, your special power is being a nonce.
Reddit style is not a suit. Reddit style id the laziest bs you can do so probably like technical fabric joggers catering to casual wear instead of actually running and a hoodie, probably from american giant
>are you the guy who posts the good grids in the ideals threads with the White Ward album?
not him, no
the pants dont really work
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golf le fleur x lacoste jacket
gildan tee
diesel belt
veja x mansur gavriel campo sneakers

u gotta post the whole fit folx
you suck
be strong
>Gen Z is a much cooler, softer vibe and we are leaving your aggressive, homophobic crap behind
wow pastel easter colors never seen that done before
look at this fucking fashion genius here lmfao
i like that jacket
>wow pastel easter colors never seen that done before
shout out to tyler the creator for doing it first. I always hated how he wore all pastel with black loafers though
thank you
Izod is cringe bruh. Keep up, you are like 5 or 6 cycles behind rn.
>tyler the creator
give us a clue boomertard
what is it
it sounds like a kids show
are you guys retarded or just pretending
everything about the recent culture on this board implies that the typical anon is in fact both retarded AND acting in bad faith
You look like trash and have rat face, get out.
You got someone absolutely seething by posting a fit in the post a fit thread lmao
He looks magnetic, glowing, an indigo child. You are so far wrong it's like you aren't even human
Thx Chico
Do not redeem my man
Grazie mille
Thx for the feedback bro. Unthinkable the pants are indeed a weak link in this outfit and I allways wondered what indoor like about them I think you are spot on
Thanks I love the coat it’s startin ti get pretty chilly here still looking for a warm fur coat
Grazie man like your hair! Yes the pants are indeed a dud
Hmm can you give me more insight what the fit lacks ?
Woah BIG man didn't KNOW you were lurking in here too! Good STUFF!
this has to be bait
Hey quick question, how tall are you? Your clothing silhouette is good, so I'm just wondering if you are tall or have well fitted clothes.

Look good btw (except the first hoodie fit). Good job man.
How the fuck do you not know Tyler?
This has to be troll.
Don't respond to me you low vibrational moron
Lol you’re so mad
millenials like you have such an obvious tryhard angry energy. be gone
kys bootlicker faggot
at least get someone actually attractive to simp for
What did I just say hylic?
Do you even know what an indigo child is, or is your aura just pure sludge brown doodoo?
Go fuck snorlax ZOOMER, you aren't PART of this thing of OURS
this fr. so tiring breh
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5'10" and loving it
Could you not find a shirt that's less sheer and iron it? You've got me hating again.
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Do you wear high rise pants?
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everyone itt is scared of colors.. why...
wore this to a show to remind an ex of my unparalleled beauty

figure drawing fit is good, af1 are bringing down the other two, they're out of place in both. one of the ugliest shoes ever
>what to do with your face
try mugshot or a look of disgust plz
nice. could be really nice with a more neutral and patternless tie. thank you for socking
this looks really bad but I guess it goes with the weed. I also just hate pastels so maybe it's me. what's going on with the belt?
ok af1 are kinda working here. facial expression is a huge improvement too
lmao. miring your hourglass figure
Damn son you got some hips
really negative vibes from you. you can fuck off too. thread ruiner
You have no ability to judge characters or people's energetic signature.
effay desu
bottom is nicer
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WFH day
>is outside
Stupid ipleb
park slope?
Across the park buddy
>I also just hate pastels so maybe it's me
I would be inclined to believe that it is just you. Many neutral color fetishists have this mental block that stops them from understanding how color theory that works everywhere else could apply to clothes that aren't in the drabbest palette you've ever seen. ""clashing"" colors are a myth btw
unless you apply this dislike of certain brightness and saturation levels to all other areas of life, it doesn't make sense doing it to fashion. when people hate colored clothes its usually rooted in some bullshit ideas about masculinity
sorry I forgot to answer the question at the end of his post
>what's going on with the belt
I'm wearing it around my waist
holy fucking cringe lmao
Don't get it TWISTED wood
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Me on the right :)
are you that jewish tranny who likes borzum
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Gym/work. More whatever-waisted borecore.
good jeans
hate the tee
literally burn the tee
you look like shit. why are u here?
waiting for the day you kill yourself
I'm going to remove the cuff from these pants and lengthen them.
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>gives solid realistic feedback
>softboy gen z gay bitch wants him to suicide
how fragile are you my dude lmfaooooooo
How long did you let your hair grow? I wanna get a haircut similar to yours
I dont like that vshape without anything below but good fit
The king of /fa/
shit's wrinkly sorry

the cuffs look good
idk about the vibes of v-neck with an overcoat but no shirt underneath, feels a lil sleazy and doesnt match the pinstripe trousers
its solid
cheap ugly shit
little baby hes a reasonable guy its not his fault lots of people are deserving of criticism
not a fan of the flare silhouette for guys in general but i like how the satiny shirt also recalls the 70s while the overall color scheme leans modern, pretty cool
too much white
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As you can tell from my fit, I'm not very good at fashion, so please take my critiques with a grain of salt

The shirt looks a bit big on you

I wish the sweater had cool undertones rather than warm. It looks a bit out of place with the cool undertones of the pants and jacket. I really like that jacket with those pants.

Work outfit looks great. Love your glasses--they really suit your face shape.

I don't get the crocs with the cuffed jeans, but maybe this is just some sort of style that I'm unfamiliar with.

You look like a cult leader but in a very fun way

Are you wearing shorts over jeans? I'm confused
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silence nigger
Dude your shorts are all fucked up and your sweater looks like you pulled it off a homeless guy you may or may not have murdered. The hat's ok ig.
My man what style are you trying for because you straight up look like shit rn.
That's (very clearly, based on physique, room, clothing preferences and lack of a face) not me.

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