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Is it possible to get a good shearling coat without spending thousands?
It seems like all the cheap stuff is garbage but the good stuff is insanely expensive.
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in today's episode of guy wonders if you can buy something for less than the raw materials cost for a large volume buyer.
no. save up like 3-5 grand if you want a good shearling coat.
if you can't afford it you don't need it anyways. even up north they're wearable like 2 months out of the year max. maybe in parts of scandinavia, alaska etc they're more suited to the weather. they're designed for like high altitude flights before pressurized cabins were a thing.
sheepskin is a bit cheaper. not as soft tho.
Yes. Good ones start a little below a thousand. Not much, though - finding a new one for under 800€ / $ would be pretty hard.
recommendations for sub $1000 coats?
You'll need to travel to korea
I have 3 shearlings, all below $1000. You need to buy used and have a lot of patience for waiting around on eBay or other markets.
I have 2 Eastman Leathers and 1 Aero Leather. The Eastmans are hard to find under 1k, but if it is, it will still cost around $850 at the lowest. Aero Leathers can be had cheaper, usually $650-850 used
Those are the most authentic brands in my opinion, but if you don't care, Schott and Aviation Leathercraft come up on eBay pretty frequently and are usually in the $500-1000 range.

If you have to buy new, noble house or 5 star are basically your only options. Both authenticity and quality is kind of iffy for both, I'd just save up more for something nicer or buy used.
>I want le good thing for... LE CHEAP
btw how warm are they actually? is it a good idea to get one and wear it with just a t-shirt underneath in around -10 degrees celsius (14F) ?
Mine are really warm. It was -10 F where I live in January and I was perfectly fine with a T-shirt underneath.
It depends on the length of shearling. A 22mm is great if you live in a cold area, but a 15 or 12mm jacket is going to be more comfortable for a wider variety of temperatures.
All Saints sometimes has them
Livin' like a villain, sippin' Villon out the glass
Million on the wrist, quick to skip a battle rap
Corvette club, wavin' Maybach flags
Hundred foot yachts, jumpin' waves, runnin' laps
Really just wanna smoke, really just wanted peace
The niggas who want the most, some might end up with the least
Shawty just broke the lease, ready to move with me
I put it all in the book, prayin' that she could read
Really are you a G? (Uh) Niggas just wanna see (Uh)
I'm runnin' the numbers up, I feel I'm still in the lead
Tentacles in the streets, criminals gettin' cream
The 7 series new Beamer, really is not a thing
Always gettin' the money, still hustle the max
Always keepin' it real, always gettin' it back
Bitches come with the thrills, all I want is the cash
My niggas still on the rise while I'm chargin' a tax
this is the only way you'll get a nice one for less than like idk 2000.
and at the point you're getting to the price range you can start affording the budget ones you may as well spend another 1000 and get a no compromises one.
affording the budget ones NEW mind you.
used is a great way to go if you know the product and how to tell qual from shit.
Avi leather
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Cry once be comfy forever, you cheap prick.

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