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Wearing a Rolex is cringe, change my mind.
i cant. they suck ass. real divers use cool dive computers. rolex are shit as a dress watch and get mogged by proper shit like cartier tanks or patek. its just a meme le masculinity james bond cope for soibeard dicklets
> Gold daydate enters the chat
if Rolex had any balls they’d nickname that one the Mobster
I like rolex but hate people who wear them
>signals your disposable income and that you are not afraid to display it
Why do rolexes make low tier men so mad?
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Do you think a Rolex makes you a high status man?
I had a client come in the other day and he had a gold day date and my colleague who knows I like watches asked me about it and I said "It's a cool watch for sure but I like good watches like Patek" and the guy started sputtering and humming and hawing and splerging out. It was funny.
feels great to have a rolex on your wrist. my first was an explorer ii and wearing it was such an experience and rush. years later i now have several of their sport models and the novelty has worn off. but nevertheless they are beautiful watches that command respect, so the watch in and of itself is not cringe; however many, if not most, of the people wearing them are. watch people in general are pretty insufferable, they just become snobbier as you move up price points. also most rolex you see out in public are fake and gay so that is also infuriating.
>pretend you work in waste management
>wear a solid gold Rolex and live in a giant mansion
Did he say he was the owner of the company or something? It has been a while since I watched the show.
explorer 2's are trash tell me you are trolling. It's like the ugliest watch they make, why would you buy that?
why is it trash? ref 216570 is a fantastic sport watch with gmt function. really great watch that isnt the usual sub or date just. i did not buy it though, it was a gift from my employer at the time.
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business was a boomin, what with all the guniea-controlled unions, getting rid of someone on the back of a dump truck was a bonus

even more money is to be made in handling dangerous waste, even withouit mafia influence

so, as a boss of whatever, why not?
No but it does make low tier men mad
i dont really give a shit about the watch but i like the idea of having ounces of gold on my wrist
Do you think a Lange makes you a high status man?
I'm not a Rolex fan but do you think a Poorche is high class?
Higher status than a Rolex owner for sure. By a lot.
Depends on the car. 911? Yes. Macan? Definitely not.
I think of it this way: If I had no taste, no discernment for fashion, and no personality of my own, what's the first watch I would think to buy?
If you're honest, the answer is obvious
Apple watch , Casio f91w
These are watches you just have lying around. If someone like >>18276909 describes wanted to spend money on an actual watch, the only thought that would enter their skull would be a Rolex
>t. poor
Sounds like you are projecting all your fears and insecurities into a bogeyman and associating it with Rolex for some reason. Did a Rolex wearing guy fuck your crush or something?
>Did a Rolex wearing guy fuck your crush or something?
Just because a ROlex AD fucked your mouth in exchange for a spot on a waiting list doesn't mean we all relate to this experience.
If a person wanted to buy a fancy, expensive watch and they had no taste, what brand of watch would they pick? It's a simple question
>If a person wanted to buy a fancy, expensive watch and they had no taste,
So you are asking what would a person with no expertise or much knowledge of watches buy ? The obvious answer for ANYTHING is obvious: the most popular brand. Be it watches, cars or whatever. Whatever concoction of bad traits you can conjure you can answer mostly with : the most popular brand would be the choice. That doesn't mean the popular brand is bad. Rolex is just that great and has maintained such cultural hegemony for so long that even the most retarded man can grasp its greatness.
A man with both expertise on watches and bad taste wouldn't choose rolex, he would probably pick some niche brand that is both ugly an expensive.
You are basically just functioning just on the realm of the npc: it's popular so it's bad, people I don't like wear them so it's bad.
>So you are asking what would a person with no expertise or much knowledge of watches buy ? The obvious answer for ANYTHING is obvious: the most popular brand.
Exactly, a tasteless loser would gravitate towards Rolex, while someone with taste would have a more discerning interest and would look at other brands. That's why this board is overrun with Rolexfags. It's the most entry level, tasteless opinion you can have
low tier men love rolexes and aspire to get one one day
Shit tier men don't aspire to own a Rolex because they know they'll never be able to afford one
this. divers with menswear is shit tier
I have a Rolex
Hahaha it's so easy to piss you guys off.
it seems extremely uninspired and overrated

I'd only really buy one to flex on people (who won't notice or assume it's fake)
Rolex is just considered tacky and bad taste in Europe.

That's why naggers steal them, it's their taste.
You can only get away with wearing them in shit countries like the US and arab countries.
>If a person wanted to buy a fancy, expensive watch and they had no taste, what brand of watch would they pick? It's a simple question
Rolex, since its the best and even normies know it
look at the greatest watch collections in the world, its all vintage Rolex and Patek, no other watch maker matters
Generally I see wearing a watch as kind of embarrassing. There are clocks everywhere, including in your phone. Just seems like a lot of weight to carry around, and most of them have a very boring and generic design. It's hard to justify the price for something so commonplace and useless.
Wait, you think Rolexes are good? Why?
>Rolex, since its the best and even normies know it
>look at the greatest watch collections in the world, its all vintage Rolex and Patek, no other watch maker matters
Yeah exactly, that's the perfect impersonation of what a someone with no taste would say when buying an expensive watch. You got it!
hey buddy i remember driving cheap cars and wearing cheap watches when I was broke too. no worries you'll make it out of poverty eventually if you work hard enough
Jesus, you faggots are seething and coping so hard. Rolex is an entry luxury brand, but it is THE entry luxury brand meant to impress people. It shows you got money to burn and poor people either treat you better or hate you out of jealousy. You get instant status and a decent quality watch to boot. You fags just get upset when people acknowledge somebody's Rolex over your overpriced streetwear made out 50 cents of material made in China.
I'm not broke but I'm still driving cheap cars and wearing cheap watches because that's how I stopped being broke in the first place.
This is my first post itt but you're kind of just proving their point. Rolex is all about conspicuous consumption and trying to show off wealth. That's considered cringe in the developed world, but it's you're from China or India or something I guess you don't have that culture. That said I don't have very strong feelings about it either way. I always thought it Rolex the same way I think about BMW - the products themselves are probably pretty good but the image of the people that own them ruins it for me.
You're in your adolescent contrarian phase so nothing I can say will change your mind. When you grow up and realize that everything really does revolve around money and wealth signifiers, then and only then will you understand. However, you and every other anon ITT will never make enough to afford one, so you won't ever have to worry if a Rolex is worth purchasing for yourself or someone else.
What are some ways I can view wealth signifiers as important?
That was reasonable in 1999
based, i own a lange 1 and a 911
Tony was in the mob and made money from his underlings, retard. The only reason he had a job in waste management was to report a taxable income to the IRS.
They realize that, retard. The question was how Tony got away with owning expensive things in the eyes of the law as most jobs in waste management aren't exactly lucrative
>However, you and every other anon ITT will never make enough to afford one
Don't be ridiculous. Everyone in the first world can afford to buy a Rolex if they really want one.
Every watch above the bare minimum is a tool to show off, be it $300, 3k, 30k or anything else.
>showing off wealth is considered cringe in the developed world
Showing off wealth is only considered cringe on some internet spaces and by people who bought into the quiet luxury meme.
>What is credit/payment installments?
By your reasoning no-one can afford a car, house, or any purchase over a hundred dollars or so.
>anyone in the developed world can afford a Rolex if they just take a loan they'll only be able to repay by not buying meat for 18 months
That's indeed possible, but not even americans are that comically irresponsible.
This whole thread is just proving how based Rolex really is kek
Well precisely. So it's a ridiculous statement to claim no-one here can afford one, like I said. If anyone really wants to buy a Rolex, they very easily can for a few hundred dollars a month. Most people spend hundreds if not thousands a month on frivolous unnecessary expenses.
Waste management managers and executives make a lot of money.
it's trash because it looks ugly, it's their ugliest watch basically. If someone gifted me that I would sell it and buy a watch that wasn't the ugliest watchin a manufacturers collection but that's me I guess.
The problem is that people are trying to show off their wealth by wearing things that are relatively cheap. There are watches that cost $1M+. A 10k watch is a joke, embarrassing, if you are trying to demonstrate wealth. Maybe if you are trying to appeal to idiots, but then who cares at that point?
I tend to agree OP. Their divers are generally worn by old guys who don't actually even swim let alone dive. This is like owning a super car and never taking it to the track or car shows- pointless.
Their dress watches are massivly overpriced compared to comparable products.

Wearing one of these in 2024 unless your say Swiss or 80 tends to tell me that you've got a lot of spare money to burn and very little taste.
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Depends on the model.
I drive a Japanese car that's worth more than most Porsches. An acquaintance of mine drives one of pic related.
anyone else too autistic to wear thing son their wrist but wishes they could be a watch guy? i feel like they add a lot to outfits but i literally cannot stand wearing a watch.
i feel like 99% of dive watch owners do not dive regardless of brand tho
That's fair. As a snorkeler and former diver nothing irks me more than posers bragging about "muh divers watch".
It's poor and middle class people that's why.
I come from upper middle class / lower rich background.
The idea for the show as in the same as organized crime is that he was using waste management as a legitimate company in order to conceal his criminal transactions.
Pretty sure he was a partial owner legally in the storyline of a couple of other businesses. Rewatched it about 2-3 years ago.
>Rolex makes people seethe
>Responds by seething
Gotta say the bloke was spot on
jfc is his finger okay
>They realize that, retard. The question was how Tony got away with owning expensive things in the eyes of the law as most jobs in waste management aren't exactly lucrative
Because law enforcement can't just say "that guy had too much money, he must be a criminal" and her a conviction. The FBI were fully aware of Tony's position in the mafia and a large subplot of the show was them trying to collect enough evidence against him.

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