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What went wrong?
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I miss the days when men looked like men and women looked like women
>"back in my dayyy" ass boomer

Wow, society changes, big whoop. I for one am glad that I live in a world with so much freedom. People can easily dress like either left or right in the OP image, and nobody cares. They're even accepted by society,

Isn't that wonderful? As long as you mind your own business, you can just be your true self, and nobody can tell you anything. I love it
You'll know society is healed when people like right are physically assaulted for going outside dressed like that.
Huge hands is always a tip off for bad fashion choices lmfao
Spacing gives it away but almost good bait
Spare the rod and spoil the child. Things started to go to shit when parents stopped beating their children and the state started interfering more and more into the household. You can't raise your children into proper men and women if you have no control them.
Normalfags have no concept or knowledge of aesthetics. These dipshits couldn't put together an outfit to save their life, so they're resorting to le quirky nonbinary lgbtaqqddwqa552daw+++ to avoid criticism.
Idk. Some normies have an eye for aesthetics but dont know until they see it.
I don't understand garanimals chic
>what went wrong?
Unironically Jews. The goal is to introduce depravity into western society to subvert and undermine traditional values and morals, rendering the populace into a depraved, non-based mass of zombies with zero unwavering, solid foundation of identity, therefore making them easy to control. Transgenderism, queer theory and feminism were all started by Jewish thinkers
>>>/pol/ stay on your containment board with the rest of the drunks and pedophiles
neither man lifts, but the guy in the left image dresses to hide it.
OP asked a question with the implication that there’s something wrong with the literal gay man in his pic. Because of that, we’ve already established a “right wing” notion of shared values. I’m only filling in the gaps for him. My explanation cannot be argued with by the way. Jews introduced depravity into the west to destroy traditional values and prevent any possibility for nationalism from forming. As shown throughout 109 historical examples, Jews usually get expelled from a nation when the populace is reminded of their racial consciousness and how Jews actually have been subverting their nation
He's correct though, fashion trends are mostly about humiliating yourself. Wearing garbage or showing off skin. Obviously not everyone falls for it but that's been the trend for almost 100 years.
To have a sense of aesthetics your mind should be stable. Most people these days are mentally ill NPCs from decades of propaganda, subversion, degeneracy, and cultural degradation destroying their minds. Even the poorest of the poor in the past lived in a higher state of consciousness and awareness than today's normalfags.
I'll never understand you morons that complain about freedom. You are free to dress like the man in the left side of the photo and others are free to dress like the man in the right side of the photo. Quit bitching about what others are doing when what they are doing has no affect on your life. I'm glad I dress the way I want to, and no I'm not feminine so leave all of the fag comments and gay jokes, but If I conformed and dressed the way all the other men around me dressed I'd be dressed like I live and work in a junk yard. No personality, no joy, no comfort, and no appeal to any woman that also has style and weights under a 115 lbs.
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>You are free to dress like the man in the left side
no, people will call me weird incel
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>muh freeedomb
It goes both ways, retard. If you want the freedom to dress like a subhuman, then I have the right to call you a subhuman and kick your ass if you try to get close to my or anyone else's children. Fucking individualistist niggers. You don't live in isolation. If you're going to live in society, then you'll have to follow its rules and norms. Not kicking the asses of degenerates who try to corrupt everything with their self-indulgent fetishes and depravities is the reason why things have gotten this bad.
And if you dress like the guy on the right, people will take pictures of you to post on "x" and caption it some stupid shit like "The west has fallen." It's almost like this has nothing to do with any kind of real substance and is just tribath82rl shit-flinging.
what's my flag doing there on the right who is this faggot
Just admit that you're angry because you find the guy on the right side attractive. That's all this shit is ever about, whenever anybody tries to control the way another person looks it's always because they can't control their own sexual impulses and they aren't comfortable with their sexuality, and so they call women sluts and men fags because their dick twitched and they think they are going to hell.
The first one is illegal because of regulations. It's literally illegal to be heterosexual.
This entire thread is literally just people posting "west has fallen" shit. Where is the lie?
>the subhuman pervert thinks everyone's a pervert like him
This is what happens when you let degeneracy run loose.
Holy shit, the level of degenerate projection here is palpable. You’re a faggot and will be the first to be hung once there’s a large scale nationalist revival in the West
>My explanation cannot be argued with by the way
of course it can't, it also doesn't need to be. you're a degenerate, vomiting the "arguments" of drunks, pedophiles, and other assorted vermin.
to argue with a subhuman is a waste of time and effort.
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I miss the days when men looked like men and women looked like men (I was there, it was based)
Unironically true, it’s also behind the majority of anti-trans hate
I dont like people assaulting my eyes with their poor taste. It does not mean I am secretly attracted to their terrible outfits and saggy shapeless body
It’s very telling that the typical shitlib argument against homo/trans hate is
>you’re just trying to hide your gay feelings
It never actually occurs to these retards that people do actually in fact find that sexual deviants are just depraved faggots

>109 countries historically exile the Jews for literally the same exact reasons
>”You’re just a pedo drunk
back to pol faggot
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>just admit that you’re fatphobic because you secretly are attracted to fat women
Absolute fucking retard
>109 countries fall to the influence of syphilis-ridden retards
>today's bottom-rung grunt workers are so pathologically retarded that they fall for the "rationale" of 72IQ degenerates
>Spain Exiles the Jews in 1492
>Spanish Golden Age begins immediately afterwards
When you mention 72 IQ retards, everybody knows you’re talking about niggers, whom the Jews imported to the US during the slave trade
Full length overcoats are a little impractical nowadays.
If I were to dress like the man on the left, HR would reprimand me for making other employees uncomfortable and ask that I respect the casual dress code
>two things happen in close temporal proximity
>crackhead with an internet connection asserts that the two must be causally linked
Tale as old as time. (You) should feel honored that I've responded to this drivel.
The difference is that people don't make threads about fat people. People don't try to pass laws to ban fat people. People generally keep their mouths shut and ignore fat people. And if you do like fucking fat women, no one criticizes you for it.
>people don't make threads about fat people
/fit/ has a 24/7 Fat People Hate thread
>People don't try to pass laws to ban fat people
No but they pass plenty of laws and dedicate millions of dollars to combating obesity
>And if you do like fucking fat women, no one criticizes you for it.
Literally everyone does, you'll be known as the chubby chaser who can't score a woman under 200 pounds
why do you all keep lying? I swear everyone wants to be a victim. Stop pretending that his clothes are any different from current day men's wear. You motherfuckers probably don't even have jobs or go out and that's the real issue. Stuck inside making up your own realty.
>HR would reprimand me for making other employees uncomfortable and ask that I respect the casual dress code
This shit does not happen in reality
I'm not lying my boss pulled me aside and told me I looked ridiculous wearing suits everyday when I first started working there and that I had to stop, but stay mad Mr. Jeans-and-T-Shirt
>jews engage in usury every single time they plant themselves into host nation
>the minute that they are exiled from the nation, the said nation exits economic despair and enters its golden age
>”eerrrmmm actually that’s a logical fallacy”
Imagine wanting to be ruled over by Jews this much
Objectively, guy on the right looks better to 80% of women.
Retard. You literally tried arguing that homophobes are secretly gay. Whether there is or isn’t laws aimed at “banning fat people” is irrelevant, it’s still the same logic. Is the addition to your argument that the existence of laws banning a lifestyle makes it more sexually attractive? That would obviously be false because the majority of people are still heterosexual
Your boss did a weird thing so you think that is the norm for the rest of the planet? Get real, you're arguing for the sake of arguing. Unless your clothes are getting in the way of safety dress however you want. Let your boss explain to the department of labor why he fired you for wearing a shirt and tie to work. Stop being a little bitch.
>"this never happens"
>"it happened to me"
>"well okay but it didn't happen to me so you're a lying retard"
I hate this website sometimes man
Usury is a Sin in Judaism and Islam, but not in Christianity.
There's a reason the banks are in league with "Christian" fashoids throughout the entire western world, and it ain't Judaism my meth-addicted friend.
You've got it backwards. The reason why so many Jews gravitated towards finance throughout history is because Christian Europe forbade money-lending with interest but Jews had no restrictions on it
Are you fucking retarded? Jews have always worked in finance because usury was always banned amongst Christian populations in Europe. Literally look at the financial institutions (banks, federal reserve, investment firms) and you’ll notice a very interesting racial pattern despite these people only making up 1-2% of the ethnic demographic in western nations
You're just explaining the mechanics of how Jews were scapegoated by the ruling class.
>"How do we fleece the poors? The priest said it's gay and retarded to do that."
>"Tell the kikes to do it and then tax their profits."
Reminder, there is no "Christianity." It can more accurately be called Paulist Judaism.
>Reminder, there is no "Christianity." It can more accurately be called Paulist Judaism.
Hey I really appreciate you letting me know you have absolutely nothing of value to say, I'll ignore your posts from now on
>>18283492 (You)
>no such thing as Christianity
>Jesus christ makes Jews seethe for being the son of god and rendering their “chosen people” status as null
>European nations ban usury amongst Christians
>Jews practice usury, leading them to eventually end up owning most of the property in European nations. They get expelled because of this and then those nations start immediately recovering
You are a slimy, subverting kike and we are all privy to your deceptive rhetoric and tactics
so-called "Christians" (read: Jews that follow the cult of Paul) demanded that other Jews do their usury for them, since Jewish law allows an exception for "foreigners."
Then when the Poors realized what was going on and threatened to overthrow their inbred Masters, they cut ties with their pet Jews and try to wash their hands of the whole thing.
Rinse and repeat 108 more times, and eventually all the world's drunks, inbreds, pedophiles, and other assorted Untermensch come to the conclusion that it was actually the non-Paulist Jews' idea from the beginning.
Your Government thanks you for your service.
Let’s say for the sake of argument you are correct in your analysis of all the historical Jew hatred. If you are correct, don’t you think it’s kind of ironic that you would assert that the european Christian nations are the the world’s “drunks, inbreds, pedophiles and untermensch” (AKA retards) while the Jews somehow cannot fathom doing anything other than making the same mistake over and over again of practicing usury? I mean, statistically at this point, you have to acknowledge that it leads to the Jewish expulsion every single time. At that point, you’d have to agree that it IS the Jews’ fault for getting into banking and finance if they inherently know what it leads to. In other words, the Jews are actually the retarded and depraved ones. You’d think they would eventually learn a lesson.

Also, it’s very (((telling))) that you’re so “well-read” on this issue.
>it’s very (((telling))) that you’re so “well-read” on this issue.
I'm not well-read on this at all, I'm just not a fucking retard that falls for the "arguments" of abject drunks lmfao
Didn't read your prior paragraph. I don't respect (You) and gain nothing from continuing this.
>”whoa there cowboy!!! I can’t be talking’ with someone like you no more!!!”
Fucking retard. I love how you can’t even address any of the specific inconsistencies I’ve pointed out in your Jew-simping rhetoric and instead need to resort to empty posturing
cope and seethe, retard. It's literally all your good for.
>asserts that it’s not worth their time to argue with my position
>proceeds to argue with my position
>I point out specific inconsistencies
>refuses to address the inconsistencies and calls me a retard, drunk, pedo, etc.
The neurotic Jewish schizophrenia is real, folks
so fucking tired of generic "i want to dress like what i think is the ideal male" nerds
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I guarantee you, they already call you a weird incel.
Don't see much of a difference, they both look fucking gay.
If left looks gay, what does straight look for you?
Dressing like a homeless negro.
the only thing gayer than crossdressing like a weird faggot (something no one does irl) is being a maladjusted guy on the computer who drools over how masculine men used to be in 1947. disgusting behavior
A copout this pathetic should get a ban honestly
>t. balding fat low-T faggot who can't pull off a suit or even a button up shirt and dress pants without looking like the Michelin Man
You ain't finna do shit white boy.
wouldn't call (You) a drunk, pedo, or retard if (You) weren't indistinguishable from drunks, pedos, and retards.
>>>/pol/ stay on your containment board, faggot
Wish more people dressed like this.
>Ad Hominem: marked by or being an attack on an opponent's character rather than by an answer to the contentions made
The irony of calling someone else a retard after saying they aren’t engaging with them, followed by continuing to engage with them without being able to successfully counter with anything meaningful
nothing changed they're still all faggots
Mental illness.
legalizing gay marriage was the first sin that let us straight into this dystopian hell
Well those days are OVER and they're NOT coming back! Get used to it!
Bottom pic made me lol.
The sheer number of these stupid scooters littering sidewalks is insane. You can't even walk down a street without shit being blocked up by these things.
Whoa bro, cool it with the antisemitism
men today have lower levels of testosterone than their grandfathers
global warming, modern transportation sysytems, and modern heating systems for indoor spaces.
Look into the NIMH's Rat Utopia Expermiments.
>Overpopulation is a son of a bitch on the mind
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>what two consenting adults do behind closed doors is none of your business, BIGOT!!!1!

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