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Which flags are the most fashionable to wear.
more gulge pls
Stop posting trannies.
Keep posting trannies.
Post more tranny gulges in bikinis
That's a certified white male right there
I like the dukes of hazzard flag, but its racist so no.
is this really a transgirl? wow she looks amazing
Cross dressing is cringe AF bro
>pubes sticking out
This is nice.
I grow so tired of these grifters. Now we have to deal with trannies who want to be right wing.
You know if you fucking losers spent as much time on literally ANYTHING else in your life as much as you spend obsessing about trannies you'd all probably be confident and successful men in your day to day
I wouldn't mind to have cute trad trannies instead of blue haired roasties. The modern woman is ruined by feminism and the internet.
is that actually a tranny or just a girl with a fat puss
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German flag, 1933-1945
Certified sex, sex, sex, anal sex and sucking her penis.
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why are men like this
Why are you whore women so insufferable that everyone loves a version of you with a penis more than you
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What are you doing here, tranny?
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>make post 21 hours ago
>reply to a reply 21 hours later within a minute
Why have you kept this tab open trannie jannie, you faggot slut.
it's called having multiple tabs open and not having a job
mwahnon I want to ravage you with my bbc
please come to st louis
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I barely leave my room how do you expect me to travel to another country
promise to be my boywife and I'll whisk away all those worries
I'm not a boy ;-;
Gawd this site is practically overrun with trannies.
im sorry babygirl, I want make that mistake again
Brazil by far
Brazil is cool but it will never be better than US
This board in particular is very /r9k/ adjacent so there's a higher concentration of maladjusted freaks that end up either trooning out or becoming sex pest tranny chasers.
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Red flags
bull flags
what is a bull flag?
Fuck off n word loving tranny whore
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go away you fucking cross dressing faggot and stop spamming your fucking nudes here
I'm not a crossdresser and you sound very upset why is that?
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You are a man pretending to be a woman and you dress like a woman. >>18292195
you don't know what you're talking about sweetie and very weird of you to save pictures of me...
are you obsessed?
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trannies have ruined this board
fuck off
you are literally a known tranny trip therefor he is correct you are a crossdressing man now stop spamming the board with yourelf

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