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E,F and C are most comfortable
men who have regular sex do not wear underwear
i'm an E type nigga
There is simply no reason for a man to wear underwear unless he does not clean his ass. Balls don't hang with age like Boobs do, in-fact the balls are constricted in your underwear and that also leads to more heat production which obviously is not good for your sperm.
Even Tom Ford does not wear underwear.
E for life
the pen effect is real. my diet can be perfect, but if I have a stressful morning it's like my butt will not stay wiped even if I polish my asshole with a wet paper towel
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Based crusty, itchy, and burning asshole enjoyer
Your ass is leakier than a literal faggot. How do you feel about that?
If it's extremely cold I will. And at the gym because most of my shorts and gym pants are pretty thin and literally every single women will stare at my dick outline if I don't wear underwear. Every single one will do the same thing: look in ny eyes, blatantly stare down at my dick for 2 seconds, and then look in my eyes again. These slots are just shameless. My dick isn't even huge either. All manners of women between 16 and 60. They're just scanning their areas for visible cocks like a terminator. Otherwise, with normal pants or thicker shorts and temperatures above 40 I'm not wearing underwear ever. It's just pointless clothes underneath your clothes
A and C. Big balls need to be held close
Is it gay to wear G to the beach?
Get a bidet.
I wear underwear and an undershirt so that I can wash my nicer outerwear clothes less often. Covering up the sweatiest/grossest parts of you in a fabric that you wash more often just makes sense.
Top row>bottom row> middle row.
That's why I wear cheaper underwear under my nice underwear.
d since im not a twink or a europoor
H and G most of the time for me!
errybody gangsta til you snag your foreskin in the front zipper
trunks/boxer briefs masterrace checkin in
There was a 3ish month period where I wore Cs exclusively…
nah go rock it dude
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H all the way.

Boardshorts are the gayest thing ever for the beach.
how tf are you suppose to piss with B and E
E for me, so long as it's roomy in the crotch and lets my junk breathe.
Mostly E, then H.
Because I’m 370lb (morbidly obese), boxer briefs always look like trunks for me
you move the flap out of the way
I don't understand how women can walk around with thongs or throngs or whatever they're called and not get poopy swamp ass?

Within about 45 minutes of me putting on underwear or walking around I can get sweaty butt and I usually have poop excrement coming out my butthole, not like shitting my pants but just walking around sweating like normal and a little brown saucey residue comes out my butthole. Just about every single pair of my underwear have skid marks when I take them off. I try to remedy this by wiping my ass often even when I don't poop but I honest to god don't understand how women can walk around in thongs all day and not have poopy brown stained thongs.

Granted I am 5'7 250 lbs

Also pro-tip to the virgins out there if she matches her underwear and bra and/or they're black she wants dick that night
A&B best for shorts
E for rest
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fags 4 lyf
>Granted I am 5'7 250 lbs
Do you match your bras to your shitstained boxers?
>Balls don't hang with age like Boobs do
tell me you don't go to the gym without telling me you don't go to the gym.
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>Balls don't hang with age
I have some bad news for you young fella.
B, D, and E. Everything else is gay af fr.
im actually looking for new boxers but everything is fucking shit now
what is good
This. I use to free ball it but got tired of washing my jeans all the time. I wear all cotton boxers but am considering whitey tighy style. They might be more comfortable.
big E/F guy myself
D is the most comfortable for the cock and balls, but B and E can save you from a mild diarrea explosion and make it so you can just drop the underwear and MvGyver yourself into a presentable person in a public restroom, which is always a tactical possibility that you lose with D
Briefs exclusively.
psyllium fiber + bidet NOW
I'm well-endowed and need the support. When I go commando my junk gets twisted and stuck in all kinds of awkward uncomfortable positions as I move around. Like another anon said it's also way too visible without underwear to add an extra layer.
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Only ones I can do are satin boxers.

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