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Been dressing up lately, but how do you know if girls are looking at you because you look attractive vs. when they think you look goofy/weird?
if you were attractive, girls would have been looking at you before you changed your clothes
that's not really true. A lot of guys wear pic rel and are fat with a shitty haircut and bad posture. Same happens with women. Women can go from femcel deranged librarian to stacy at any time
losing weight, getting a better haircut and fixing ones posture are are lot more than just changing clothes
girls look at me sometimes, but they don't break eye contact or look down.
Some people can glance at you because it's a natural human response as your brain is an information whore. Glancing holds zero indication of interest nor disgust. Normie chicks leave big hints they find you attractive, they'll simply check you out from head-to-toe. Though, that isn't an indicator of anything either. Just stop being a pussy and just walk up to her.
well it's possible if OP is focused on improving himself. Besides going from baggy walmart clothes to nice well fitted clothes can do a lot
once I confronted a coworker (girl mid 20s) who stared at me and giggled a lot, and she said she liked my face that it was very "pretty for a guy", too bad she was already engaged with some dude.
Not every conversation is a win. Not every woman finds some chiseled Norse god face attractive either, some like soft faced young men too. At least you now know your strengths.
>some like soft faced young men too.
those are all degenerate low quality women
Then anon is shit outta luck, sucks to suck
girls like picrel def don't go for masculine meatheads.
Just smile and say hi anon.
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>before boots
>they smile at my face and say hi
>after boots
>they smile and stare at my boots and say nice boots
Damn.... Post the boots then
they're just Grant Stone Brass Boots in #8 cxl
A woman has never looked at me for more than a second.
Attractive guy here. If I’m not planning on approaching any girl then I just dress like a slob. It works for me, they finally tend to not notice me if I dress poorly. Peace and quiet, finally.
It really isn’t that great having girls looking at you for no good reason. Dress better when you finally are thinking of approaching them again.
If you're attractive, being goofy and/or weird doesn't make you less attractive. Most people aren't fashion critics, they just look at people they find attractive.
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Who even is that twink?
Maybe you’re right. Alexander Skarsgård at least makes money from the attention he gets.
this fit, but the shirt is too small and is really tight and shows of the wearers gut and skinny fat body, with norwood 7 balding, a patchy beard to cover up a very round, chinless face, and thick black frame glasses is total millennialcore
I don't know. This is something that has been bothering me as well, and not because I changed my style, but generally.
I feel sorry for you. I wish you found something that makes you feel nice, like movies or books or videogames... something.
Because you don't respect yourself. If you did, you would take care of your body, and that will make women look at you in admiration.
girls never looks at me because i dress like a terrorist - however, i do smile at them, and they usually smile back. girls always feel obliged to smile, for some reason. it takes a real cold bitch not to smile back at somebody
Based terrorfren
i've been getting compliments ever since i worked on my looks. like unsolicited compliments, i'm pretty happy with it
Same, even long term partners
Talk to them.
About what? Girls don’t care about what the torque test channel thinks of the new series 3 Milwaukee high torques or about how PSA discontinued their stg

> talk to girls about your interests
Yeah so the Judicar hits on a 3+ and has a 4 up invul save

It’s really a shame that THEY tried to kill trump twice because of trump not supporting Israel huh?

> talk to girls about work

Yeah so what do think of okumas high speed milling versus like a dmg mori or an okuma?

You a siemans control girl or a fanuc girl?
Start talking to them about appliances and the Hitachi Magic Wand.
>Women can go from femcel deranged librarian to stacy at any time
This is so true ong
If a Chad wore this they would still get mired regardless. What a retarded argument. Clothes literally change nothing if you are an average or ugly guy, clothes can ONLY enhance chadness in chads
Sounds like you should date another man with Aspergers. If you have genuine interest in a woman, and are an interesting enough person yourself, you shouldn’t have to fall back on based truthbombs or our male interests that should be kept between us.

My roommate would always try to talk about the WWE to the couple of girls he brought home, and I wanted to shake him. Obviously they weren’t turned on by his conversation skills or his ability to talk about anything beyond his niche interests, and nothing ever lasted long.

Now that’s not to say you shouldn’t be proud of who you are or what your interests are. But women will pick up on this stuff naturally, especially as they see you talking with other men. Don’t show your whole hand to a girl ever, a year or five years down the line, there should still be something for her to learn about you. This is why I try to avoid talking about my personal interests in depth for as long as I can when dating a girl. Also just think about it, you don’t want to hear a girl ramble autistically about makeup or Instagram. Natural human conversation isn’t an infodump of what you know
yeah because he looks good but he would look significantly better without an autism fit. The man is a picture. His clothes are a picture frame. A great picture in a frame made out of shit is ruined regardless
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You must first get a girlfriend / wife to realise that you didn’t want one in the first place.

Another heads-up: women tend to be expert manipulators, they will change their personality to accommodate their needs. Many women tend to “fall out love” after they have kids because they know that you’re less likely to leave the relationship. The kids have sealed the deal. They only show their true colours after having children. Be warned.
>You must first get a girlfriend / wife to realise that you didn’t want one in the first place.
Been there done that. Hyped up sex and romance my entire life cause I was a dumbass geek and when I actually experienced it, shit got sour fast. Now I talk about clothes with other autistic men online and I'm at peace once more.
That’s very true, but I found out my coworker got a raise after he announced he got married.

So that kinda made me want to get married and have a kid since he got more respect and a raise in the office

I’m a dumbass…. I just realized duh… just buy myself a ring and lie about getting married and wear the fake ring everyday and get the raise too…

Just come up with excuses on why my “wife” doesn’t come to the Xmas parties
And it’s good that he got a raise because he’s going to spend it all on the kid, thus negating everything.
Being pleasant to look at is literally an actor's job/career
Don't take advice about women from guys like you who have failed with women. Don't take advice from failures.
The Buddha stopped seeking, and so he found
Glances mean nothing. Measure conversations only. No words exchanged = zero points.
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>if you were attractive, girls would have been looking at you before you changed your clothes

>deranged librarian
literally my idea of a perfect gf
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>Don't take advice about women from guys like you who have failed with women. Don't take advice from failures.

Dumb bitches fucking chinese dicks and taiwan dicks
Chad can employ the “you can fix me up later” method. Just walk up to the girl and just admit to her that he doesn’t know anything about fashion and that he wants her to fix him.
“Let’s go to the store right now and let’s fix my shit up” something like that, something that Chad would say. He’s cool.
“Let’s go to the store right now, you and me, and let’s fix my shit up.”
I've seen it irl. Went to college with an Asian guy who looked kind of like a kpop star. Dude was dating a model/cosplayer. We were in the same club and girls were always flirting with him. The guy always wore pajamas, sweats, and loafers to school.

We had a mutual friend/classmate who was always hating on him. The hater was 5'8 max, fat, and always wore business casual. He always called that asian chad weird, but we all knew what the truth was.

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