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Post your fave sunnies in your collection. Currently saving up for my grail pair. This is my fave now until then.
You look like that one british ex investment banker from youtube but with sunglasses
>Post your fave sunnies in your collection.
i bought these ones.
jacket id?
You need a tacky gold chain and a neck tattoo and/or face tattoo to complete the look
Is there really that much of a difference in quality between a cheap pair and an expensive pair?
Did you get ostracized yet or was that just a larp
Yes. A lot usually
Lenses are the main thing. High quality brands use glass lenses, cheap brands use nylon or some other plastic
Material is better. Good brand use nice acetate, cheap brands use nylon or some other injected material
Hinges are better on nice brands, some using really nice 7 barrel hinges while cheap brands might use some garage 3 barrel hinges.
Good brands use things like anti reflective material, will ALWAYS block 100% of UVA/UVB rays, while cheap brands will say they do but lie (which is extremely dangerous for your eyes because it dilates them and lets in more harmful rays)
I can go on. But sunglasses are one thing I never skimp on and because I take care of mine they've lasted me years and years
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Post collections
>top row
RB Original Wayfarer (the pair that got me into sunglasses)
TBD Donegal (when I was in my sprezzatura phase)
>second row
American Optical Saratoga (got to see how they compare to the Wayfarer, became my favorites)
RB New Wayfarer (first sunglasses I ever bought a million years ago)
>third row
Persol 714 (got because the 649 are one of my favorites and I wanted to try the folding version
Persol 649 (one of my favorites that made me fall in love with Persol as a brand
>bottom row
RB 3681(stole these from my wife who doesn't like them)
Oakley Holbrook (mostly worn during sports or working outside
>not pictured
Oakley Sutro Lite (I wear these when I cycle)

Post yours
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Are these cool? I can't decide if they're cool as fuck or ugly
looks like woman's glasses. are you a repper?
take a knife and give yourself a scar on your face
makes you look intimidating
part 3
also get new sunglasses
the one you are wearing looks kinda wack
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i was actually just about to buy some prescription sunglasses, anyone have any recommendations or tips to spot good ones? for the uk ideally.
i'm used to just buying the cheapest pair i can find so i have no clue about brands or anything like that.
cool but very hard to pull off
I've never been able to understand why sunglasses threads always fail and get no replies on /fa/
Sunglasses are the GO TO accessory and can make any fit better, yet /fa/ is unable to discuss them
What gives?
Bought some JMMs a few weeks ago
Do they feel worth the price?
The eyewear industry is so big and varied you can't just say "recommend me sunglasses"
We need to know your budget, style preferences, color preferences, etc.
Give us something to work with
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Only ones I got.

Yes. It's especially noticeable even for "luxury" brands that aren't known for making glasses, like Versace or Gucci. You pick them up and they feel the same as any cheap pair, flimsy and light.
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ah right, sure then.
well, i have a pretty angular face so i was looking for some rounder wayfair, clubmaster, or aviator glasses, ideally with darker frames and shades (black, or brown with gradient), and for budget is it possible to get anything worth wearing that's around £100 or under?
Face shape is a meme. The MOST important thing is fit. If the frames are a good fit they will look good on pretty much anyone
You can find Ray Ban Clubbys or Aviators on eBay for 100 easily
Check out shadereviewstore as well. The dude sells liquidated stock so he often has really good stuff for way cheap, but because there's often a reason it was liquidated like being less popular colors, etc. I got my Persols for almost 250 off
Anyone know which Raybans are made in Italy?
I heard most of them are made in China but some models are made in Italy.
Generally if they're made of acetate (Original Wayfarers) they are made in Italy. If they're made of nylon (New Wayfarers) they are made in both but mine are made in Italy
If they are made of metal they're probably made in China. If they're made of propionate or some other injected material they're Chinese as well. Those aren't always hard and fast rules though
Wayfarers, Clubmasters and Aviators are made in Italy. Anything with glass lenses. Anything "nice" that Ray Ban makes is from there
thanks for the help anon, and i'll keep what you said about face shape in mind too when looking for more glasses!
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does anyone know which raybans these are?
Fuck man this is my exact hairline, except I cover it with bangs.
Google Lens says Wayfarer Liteforce, light grey/dark grey gradient lenses
Thoughts on Maui Jim?
High quality, great lenses. Nothing wrong with them. They were bought by Kering so eat shit anti-Luxottica fags
My biggest issue with them is they simply have the most boring designs ever. I have never seen a single pair from them I'd want to own
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I have these
Without the stupid logo.
Glass or nylon lenses?
Always glass. Nylon is cheaper and lighter, so it has its uses but for anything quality, it's glass always
any sunglasses similar to these?
Gold or silver frames?
Depends but for me silver
got these at a garage sale forever ago
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Do titanium nosepads irritate?
I've never had an issue. I prefer them if possible because they don't get dirty.
Gold frame + brown lenses or Silver frame + blue/black lenses?
I only want polarized and as far as I know those come in clear or grey. No point in seeing things not in their original color so I get clear.
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rate 'em bros
Why do you own so many pairs of their same sunglasses?
Can anyone confirm the white gold plated Randolph frames look better than the chrome ones? They say 23k which is impossible, I smell marketing gimmick.
I used to wear oakleys like that in 2011, when I was going for a "I'm in the army" look. I probably looked really stupid back then.
Gold plating is cheap. They have no reason to lie.
I automatically associate Oakleys writ veteran douchebags and pickup truck driving trash
are you by chance overweight?
because that sounds like ozempic logic: what a fat person would do instead of working out and eating clean
No I was a really skinny kid and I had tried to join the army but was rejected for having all the wrong personality traits. Thought I was better than everyone (when I was far stupider and very unfit), thought army training would be easy (and told the recruiter that), and I didn't even realise how bad saying that made me sound. Then I got a job and didn't bother reapplying, but now in my 30s I'm considering it since I've matured quite a lot and am starting to get fit.
>I've matured quite a lot and am starting to get fit.
better late then never
congratulations for not getting sunk in the crab bucket, you're already way ahead of your fellow kamala copers
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Shit build quality ($15), but I look extremely based in them
By the way, if you know where I can get shades with similar look, but better quality/features, please let me know
>Wayfarer Liteforce
is it? i want to be sure before i purchase them
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extremely based
Company aside, are pit vipers good quality for the price
Not really. I own a pair and compared to something like Oakley they feel significantly cheaper and lower quality
Fortunately they're cheap as fuck and you really only buy them for the memes.
My wife has a pair she wears for running and loves them though
Are green lenses good for driving? I'm looking at the cobalt lenses from Randolph and they're a green base with blue mirror. I'm mostly using them for driving and read that grey or brown are safer options.
Been using green lenses for years. It's fine
Colors are mostly a meme
so... a faggot
>I probably looked really stupid back then.
still do now.
I own 2 pairs of sunglasses, both Oakleys I was given by a family friend before he offed himself.
I don't wear them anymore since I haven't had contacts in years. My all time favorite are the Oakley Razorblades from the 80s though.
you look like you suck cock
in a good way or in a bad way?
pics or didn't happen
Does anyone own LGR glasses?

Never heard of it before today but there's many celebs wearing them apparently

What's the quality compared to other luxury brands? Are they Persol level or Matsuda level?
i'd probably buy these
or these (or maybe both)

Also, i always figured that the sunglasses with the two dots were Oliver People's, turns out i was wrong.
I have literally never heard of this brand before in my life but based on their price point they're probably Persol, Oliver Peoples or Barton Perreira tier
>i always figured that the sunglasses with the two dots were Oliver People's
The dots aren't some signature thing only OP does. Most brands do something like that
It's simply how the hinges connect to the frame
Any recs for small, round faces? I cheat with a goatee a little but I’m cursed with a weak jaw and plump cheeks, and a tiny head in general.
very interesting
>look at our celebrities who wear our glasses
>also we have a high trustpilot score, so were trustworthy
very strange, i would avoid this brand based on these things alone, its embarrassing for a store to have a trustpilot rating on the top of its website, as if it needs it when celebrities wear your product?
The thing is that they aren't as famous as other niche brands like Jacques Marie Mages (probably not as high end either) and if they aren't owned either by LVMH or Luxotica, they probably don't have a huge network of stores.
>Any recs for small, round faces?
grow an actual beard like a full-sized man
Anyone making real horn glasses these days? I know glorious nippon acetate folded a thousand times is good shit, but it’s still plastic, and I’m not dropping a grand on a piece of plastic.
my guess is they had a representative basically force their wares onto these famous people, like "here take these sunglasses for free, were a very luxurious brand" and then snapped pics of them wearing them, put them on their website and wa la
i bet if you look up any one of those celebrities most recent photos, theyll be wearing a different sunglasses brand
theyre nice looking sunglasses, dont get me wrong, but theyre all clones
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Yeah, I can’t do that either. It just does the goatee
Only thing that matters is size. Face shape is a stupid meme
If your face is small look for lenses that are 50mm or smaller
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not that guy but here's some
older and newer pair of Walker, pair of Cleavon
Thanks, the problem is most in that size are for women, or are awful shapes that don’t end up actually blocking any sun, and still look weird because the frames themselves are built for a wider face.
No, literally Joe dirt. Sixth generation Texan from strong northern bong stock, raised on the finest canola oil.
To clarify, they always seem to stick out too far, so there’s this huge gap between the outer edges of my face and the outside of the glasses, so maybe it’s more of a topology issue than a size one. But wraparound stuff looks thoroughly hideous on me.
rayban makes aviators and wayfarer in kids sizes
I'm not kid sized, but thanks for the rec, if I ever feel like wearing literal garbage on my face I'll give rayban a shot.
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ID on these suckers?
>the problem is most in that size are for women
What are you fucking talking about? Retard
Women's glasses are huge because women prefer oversized designs.
You're a retard and now it's obvious you're a troll. Wayfarers are still handmade in Italy from acetate with glass lenses for 200 bucks. You won't find that anywhere else for the quality
>Women's glasses are huge because they want to hide their stupid ugly faces
ya ya maria conchita de la michelangelo blows the glass with her dick sucking lips and rolls it on her hairy thighs ay caramba
probably Carrera
Favorite from Randolph?
their classic Aviator is good but it is literally just a copy of American Optical's Original Pilot
you think tortoishell glasses will break the aesthetic of an all black goth outfit?
lmao "made in italy" its a slave town owned by luxxotica filed with 90% chinese laborers on temp work visa. you are a moron. they cost about 3 dollars cost price to make. fuck supporting that grift brand
keep going schizo
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i think they're a little higher quality than AO and a lot nicer than Rayban..ymmv
Not a fan of their bayonet temples?
based on my experience: the retention is not as secure. visually, i have no preference. not sure if the model i posted has that option
Agreed. I try to get stuff made in Japan. Made in Italy is better than nothing, but it's still not a guarantee like it used to be.
I bought this ones today as well. Same color and everything. They're a perfect fit.
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Is the more square the more serious looking?
Wow operator glasses I get.
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Huh ?
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Where is the guy always looking for foldables?
looks like Earl, but they look fake.
you get those on AliExpress?
These threads are like the boot threads. The schizos can't fathom that some people can afford nice things
Dope JMM though. A lot of their frame shapes and styles aren't for me though. I'm more of a Persol guy
I'm just glad people are talking about things other than Rayban Wayfarers.

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