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when did these become gay female shoes and why
when they turned into shitty, plastic cheap fashion shoes that fall apart and look like shit when they're old instead of better.
Probably around 2014? Idk, but they never really looked great. There’s way cooler combat boots out there if you’re trying to go for the neo nazi look
I remember when these were associated with skinheads and neo nazis
now they are used by fags and alt whores
Lesbians have been wearing Docs for decades. Bulk dykes try and dress as masculine as possible, and in their eyes what's more manly than combat boots? Docs are pretty universally available even in bumfuck and aren't prohibitively priced, they also used to be pretty well made. They aren't "gay female shoes", it's just that with the rise of social media and push towards leftist ideals the fashion choices of gays are pushed more into the public spotlight by forced exposure. Basically dykes have always worn them, you're just now noticing it.

Women have an innate drive and desire to possess everything men do and act like men so they can pretend they are equal.
They aren't if you're dressed alty. Wesring these with a normal guy fit will definitely look goofy though
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What are alternatives to this boot? Like picrel not as fat as OPs pics boot.
Can you tell me how these boots are calldd and maybe recommend precise models?
I saw the Turdsday Explorer looks like this but turdsday…
That style of boot is called a service boot. Every boot company makes one
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They don’t look like typical service boots but more like combat boot.
If those are service boots can you recommend which look like this?
When I think about service boots I have something like red wing iron ranger in my mind
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always has been

they've always been a "fake" boot with its lack of shank and soft soles, women and soibois buy them for the perceived toughness but in reality they are soft shits
The day millennials became sentient
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White's Smokejumpers
Looks great! Do you know another model with black matte leather like >>18303307 and >>18303306 ?
no and matte leather always ends up looking like shit
>when did these become gay female shoes
when you started wearing them
Never post Turdsdays on this board
doesn't make them any less gay, Docs have sucked forever
this^ is why
just buy surplus, jungle boots, paramemes, etc they're way cooler
Although every now and then surplus becomes trendy and gay again until everyone forgets
I love the skinny bitch wearing doc marten and also gym bitch too wearing doc marten
>I remember when these were associated with skinheads and neo nazis
theyre lame
i rather be some mafia gangster wearing designer oxfords
Always has been, stupid ass zoomer
>skin heads and neo nazis
You mean punks so contarian that they even had to distance themselves from their already counter-culture punk label.
Why thr fuck are they always paired with gay skinny jeans?
Back in my fathers day he wore docks to work paired with his overalls. Why is it so rare to find boots not being paired with skinny jeans and/or gay turn ups.
They always had high shine polyurethane coating
the main problem with docs is that the tread wears out fast and there’s no shank in the sole
the solution is to just get a pair with lug soles
what the fuck are those legs jesus christ
Chicken legs.
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quality is shit, they can have it.
You don't need a shank with a heel like that. Shanks are for very high heeled boots.
the shine is what makes jadons look so good
Tryhard tough guy women
Don't post my wife ever again.
women always try to co-opt everything that's masculine and cool
I just ignore it
It's more a matter of evolutions in culture stemming from the working/low class. Men were just more likely to be working the kind of jobs that required denim, boots, and affordable sturdy wear but despite that, Doc Martens has been worn by many women since the 50's and were even popular among women back then.

There's more of a case with the rich always trying to co-opt everything that the poor create.
Women can't pull it off thoug
IRL presence between man and woman is different.
Running across adult alt girls that used to be basic good looking normie white girls in their teen years is weird as shit. i dont know why you want to fuck up your looks with an alt aesthetic.
Are they still worth it? I'm planning on buying some for this winter.
It was never combat boots. Originally it was health shoes for old ladies and punks therefore liked it because it was anti-fashion. But it was never combat boots.
always were
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>mrw I wear docs and people think I’m a tranny instead of an ardent racist skinhead
those look kinda gay desu
>think I’m a tranny instead of an ardent racist skinhead
very fine line
Elevated levels of zest for sure
no, get something else. though the jadon shine is hard to replicate
Alright, I need recs
What are some sources for steel toed black combat/service/derby boots on the cheaper end? I've had Nick's recommended but honestly theyre just out of my price range for now; I'm looking for something practical that's gonna get heavy wear, just also not dogshit Chinese junk. I'm also pretty fucking poor.
My boots see a lot of wear at concerts (ergo the steel toes) and some at work, so they get scuffed up and stepped on, but the quality of docs has gone so far downhill that they're just not worth it even as concert shoes, and they don't even make steel toes anymore.
My price range is about $300 max, maybe a little more for the right pair. I've had army surplus recommended a lot, but am not familiar with good sites for that and have yet to see any steel toes on anything I've checked out. Of course Solovair was recommended to me by some of my punk friends, but people on here talk about them like they were the black plague.

I guess I'm also looking for sources for good non-steel toe army surplus boots. I'm hesitant to just go with top Google results.
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French army rangers. Get the real ones from argueyrolles or marbot. Can be had for cheap and are built like tanks. No steel toe, though.
Thorogoods or Belleville boots might have something. I never liked black service boots, but I had green ones in the Air Force and used thorogood steel toe boots as an engineer.
these look cool what's wrong with them? that other guy doesn't seem to like the brand.
>what's wrong with them?
Thursday is known for quality control issues. An unacceptable number of their boots fall apart in a few wears.
Death to all ESLs.
This is why punks wear Docs now. Its the same reason why blacks say "nigger." They're reclaming it from their enemy.
Punks wore docs before neo-nazis
Fun fact, skinheads also were originally not nazis and in fact a very inclusive working class scene with close ties to rudeboy and mod culture
Neo-nazis/nazipunks were the ones who coopted docs and skinhead culture in general, not invented it
True. Skinheads descend from hard mods which stemmed from mods. Originally they were called suedeheads and a bunch of other names until "skinhead" stuck in 1969 (the spirit of '69 and all that shit).

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