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Does he know what he's talking about?
why does he want work wear to die?
Yeah. Saying otherwise is cope. He also usually knows not to make statements about shit he doesn't know about, which is the much rarer skill.

Shit thread though
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i bought that tory leather belt he memed and i really like it. great quality for what i paid and it gets a lot of compliments which i didn't expect. and he was totally right about 1" belts not looking too feminine but feeling way better to wear off the waist. i wasn't sure if i'd even like it.
i noticed aimé leon dore started selling the same belt for over $150 it even has the tory leather branding on it.
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There's something seriously wrong with him. He is a terminally online Asian leftist who has tweeted over 50,000 times, 90% of which having to do with criticizing the fashion of other people, yet has never, ever posted a picture of something that he has worn. He is probably one of the lowest creatures imaginable. He's not even a critic. He is a disgusting pusillanimous amoeboid parasite. It is not surprising to me in the least that he works in academia. I would say more but do not want to get banned.
>He also usually knows not to make statements about shit he doesn't know about
wtf? he does that literally all the time.
kek observe the cope--not a word about the quality of his menswear knowledge, instead being assmad at his politics.
Is this the chinese guy who larps as a 50s white guy
I thought you were joking but he has posted 36 times on Twitter in the last 24 hours, and that is not including replies.
The fact that he has never posted a picture of himself betrays such a deep sense of insecurity that there is obviously something wrong with him.
Post face with timestamp
Most of the time yes, but he’s also a completely insufferable fag. He is what happens if you spend too much time on internet fashion forums. Like this
is completely unhinged behavior for an adult male.
I assume he's nonwhite based upon using a that avatar
maybe he's just not attention seeking like a woman
Are you joking or did you miss the part where he has tweeted almost 60,000 times?
Oldheads realize that all of his takes are just from Styleforum circa 2012. I also suspect that he bots the likes on his tweets.

All this stuff is irrelevant to the question though. He really does know what he's talking about when it comes to mens tailoring. He's also for sure a weird type of asian (I bet viet / pinoy mix or something), he's gay too, he's also almost certainly a manlet, I doubt he's ugly but he is probably kind of weird looking, and yeah he's a libtard addicted to twitter.

He's a lot of really cursed things. But that doesn't change the fact that he knows what he's talking about. It's also 100% why he doesn't post pics. Because he knows people would take him way less seriously if they saw what he looked like. He's in the right on that one though. That actually is unfair and fucked up. He's genuinely knowledgeable and knows his shit. He shouldn't be invalidated based on how he personally looks.

But that's how the world works and he knows it, so he'll never post face and I don't blame him. But you're retarded if you think any of this stuff matters when it comes to debating esoteric tailoring details. He could be quasimoto posting from a bell tower somewhere and it wouldn't invalidate how often he cooks the shit out of people.
he's been around on forums for ages. guys always been terminally online twitter just gave him and audience and attention. being anonymous and not posting pics was the culture of the time on the era of the internet he grew out of. he's an oldfag who stuck to his guns. i have thousands of posts on sufu and styleforum and i've never posted a single pic of myself on there and i've never used social media. but its not unknown what i look like because people have met me irl. i get why he stays anon and its kinda depressing to me that 4chan is full of people who don't understand that in current year.

true. styleforum advice is the best thing the reddit menswear crowd and the gq normie menswear crowd can get.
>works in academia in SF
>never posted a fit
>EVER, not once
he has absolutely no credibility at all
An anchor baby that has no loyalty to America, who will immediately be deported back to his communist shithole nation.

By the way, stop advertising and samefagging on the thread, you mentally ill freak.
Menswear :|
Menswear, black people :O
If you can't see why the first fit is better than the second fit IMMEDIATELY I need you to get the fuck off my board
get help, derek
tie yourself a noose, tourist faggot
donald trump understands branding in a way derek doesn't. he created an iconic look and he's best served to stick to it because that is his brand, instead of trying to dress like a menswear sperg.
this puts trump's fit in a unique but common for celebs place where his fit can be objectively mediocre but simultaneously be the best thing for him to wear.
guys like derek don't have public image to uphold. big red dick tie. red republican. good branding.
>derek simps have spilled over from reddit
>muh brand
Just because your brand is dressing like shit doesn't mean you aren't dressing like shit. This is the fashion board you fucking retard.

You brainworms faggots will handwave everything. Oh, he shit himself, that was just to make his opponents feel sorry for him. No wait, it was actually a meta commentary on how his opponents are shit. Hail the master 5D chess player!
his simps are the worst. i used to post on styleforum a million years ago and called out the hero worship on this guy on there and i was attacked and people started going through my post history and bringing up stuff i said years ago
fucking unhinged
He's been on some strange black people worship phase lately. If a white man wore anything here he would call it gaudy
>not knowing what a personal uniform is
>My personal uniform is dressing like fucking hell! The fact that I wear dogshit every day makes it effay
kek keep coping this is funny as fuck
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why do you assume i'm a fan of trump? yeah you'll never get me to vote for a cackling pajeet demon or hillary clinton. i'm not a braindead npc drooler or a low info immigrant/redditor. but i've never been a fan of the zion don. imagine being invested in partisan politics.
Yeah you're just on his dick on the fucking fashion board defending his dogshit suits for funsies. You just really wanna look like a fat geriatric retard. Kill yourself.
he's posted himself plenty of times, he mostly wears flannel and shit
i make more posts than that on here desu
He likes to post. Which is more than can be said for the sorry zoomers that now infest this site. Posting used to stand for something... Free my man Don Jolly.
>you're a movie critic huh? Well let's see what movies have YOU made
>>you're a movie critic huh? Well let's see what movies have YOU made

1: There's a difference between critiquing a movie versus fashion. Experiencing a film is a passive action, the movie has already been made. Unless you edit it yourself somehow (I have insane respect for autists like the guy who made his own restored cut of Lynch's Dune) movie, everyone will pretty much see the exact same movie and not be able to change it.
Fashion is inherently a more active choice. Unless you're entire closet is made of one brand, every fit you put on is a choice of what the blend together into an image you want to present to the world. When you pick a shirt,sweater, trousers, jacket and a pair of shoes, you're making a choice to tell the world this is how you want to be seen. You are participating in fashion and in some small way your choices are helping change fashion. You don't change a movie when it's made. The Duelist is the same movie now that it was decades ago,it will be the same movie a hundred years from now.

A movie critic is critiquing a final product,and it's one he or she can't change or participate in. You participate in fashion every day, if you are fucking awful at it and don't wear clothes that flatter your physique (this is possible even when you're fat) or wear colors that are bad, I won't trust your opinion beyond the most insanely basic takes.

2: I know you think this was a gotcha but some of the best movie critics did participate in the making of movies. Roger Ebert was the best example, but many of them wrote scripts, worked on productions, have training in aspects of production, or at least took classes in film and analysis in college. Basically they have either made movies, know how to make movies or at least have some sort of background that allows them to understand and critique films.
A fashion critic who doesn't post a picture is a hypocrite who is judging the participation of others without exposing themself to the same critique.
Yap yap yap.
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i shudder when i think about how many dead www era forums i had 20-50,000 post count on...

And before you try and say that's just how fashion critics work, bullshit. Modern fashion critics embraced media, look at Richard Blackwell and Anna Wintour. They had no issue being photographed and showing what they are wearing, they absolutely walked the walked. And before you say oh that's old media, social media is different: Horseshit. Almost every other social media critic has plenty of pictures and videos of themselves discussing clothes.

Dieworkwear is an anomaly and I believe his following isn't based on his supposed knowledge or fashion taste, it's because he vocally and constantly posts critiques of conservatives. And his followers eat that shit up, they get to feel superior and they don't really give a shit about the actual fashion involved.
I accept your concession
Get a grip man, you're upset he makes fun of conservatives? You're wingeing about it on /fa/. And you think you're based and redpilled?
>you're upset he makes fun of conservatives?

Not at all, I'm not a conservative. I'm just saying that his popularity is based more on that than his actual fashion knowledge, as evidenced by the fact he never posts a pic of what he looks like or even a pic of the clothes he is wearing that day. He wants to talk shit while insulating himself from the same judgment and I don't respect that.
i dont know this guy. he doesn't do anything but spam reactions on twitter? no way you take anyone like that seriously
Some of us have read his blog for a long time. Come off it man.
>Some of us have read his blog for a long time.
And shut the fuck up and stop being annoying.
>Some of us have read his blog for a long time

How does that relate to anything I just said?
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I now understand the kind of person who would "follow" this eceleb
>I now understand the kind of person who would "follow" this eceleb

The funny thing is I should be his target audience: I'm a moderate liberal who wears traditional menswear and I just can't stand the guy.
I would have zero issue with him if he also talked shit about the Democrats who dress like shit, and there's plenty of them to pick from at every level of government. But they're sacred cows, you never see him ripping into the shit they wear. Couple that with the lack of confidence to post his own picture and the blog is really just a political smear piece with occasional fashion musings.

The other issue is there's no information that he puts out that you can't easily find with some surface level searching. Blogs, longform videos, social media, forums, the information is easily accessible at all levels without the lopsided politics.
Yeah someone who doesn't like you. I've memorised your posting style. This isn't over.
Could you be any more of a self important jack ass?
Retard. Movies can be both passive or active, anyone with a camera and one hour to lose can make their own movie or at least a short, regardless of the resulting quality. Fashion too can be both passive or active, when you see and discuss other people's fits or what the zoomers are wearing that's passive, and often being actively fashionable can be very expensive and/or time consuming so just like making a movie not everyone has the resources to be an active participant.
>Fashion too can be both passive or active,

You fucking retard. Are you putting on clothes that you purchased with your own money? Congrats, you're participating in fashion in an active way. Anything you put on your body of your own volition is a choice and makes it active participation.

I know Derek doesn't post on 4chan, so are you one of his homosexual lovers or just a fanboy who can't handle his idol being critiqued?
I just don't like your tone.
>I just don't like your tone.

>I don't like what you're saying but I have no counterargument
If you can't respect posting what are you even doing on this site?
he has a staff of posters, idiot
Wearing clothes is not the only way to participate in fashion. Looking at other people's fits, evaluating them, and formulating an opinion about said fits is also participating in fashion, passively, just like being a movie critic.
You should be ashamed of yourself for posting an opinion about clothes without accompanying it with a picture of you for me to laugh at. Its not being fair.
No, he's chasing money from twitter engagement and regurgitates entry level advice anyone who has known of him for more than 5 seconds would already know. Often with some bizarre American political jab at figures you've never heard of who don't give a shit about how they dress and will never read his posts, because his fanbase of people with masks in their profile pictures and Ukrainian/EU/Palestinian flags in their bios will gobble it up. The irony being they too obviously don't give a shit about fashion and only seek to use propriety as a weapon the same way he bitches about some oil baron turned influencer called Redneck McSpencer III would.

And do you still read it? No, because the last time he posted anything to it was almost a year ago with him posting twice this fucking year compared to hundreds of times in say, 2018
>He also usually knows not to make statements about shit he doesn't know about
If you think he's bad on Twitter, he's even more of an insufferable faggot in his private Discord.
he won't call out poorly dressed niggers because he knows he'll be canceled. he's a coward.
Who are you even kidding here? You're voting Trump.
Women aren't allowed to post here.
He has a private discord? The only time I'm aware of him using it was when he copied a meme someone posted on the MFA discord, said user jokingly said he would sue dieworkwear, and he then went "Shit really?" and left suddenly.
he's praised conservative fashion countless times though
british royals are some of his favourites
>Grandfathered in legacy figures with the "proper" decorum, something he criticises people using as a benchmark, who have literally no relevance to the modern world we live in, aren't guaranteed clicks if he criticises, and are an ocean away from him
>>18303273 >>18303341
How does he have so such money to spend on clothes and bespoke suits and shoes if he works in academia? What the hell does even do for a living, really, because there's no way some sociology professor has that much money to spend on clothes?
doesn't he thrift all the time
Well, his name is Derek Guy. He's a Vietnamese guy that was born in Canada.
No, I don't think so. He commissions bespoke suits from Savile Row tailors and Jermyn Street shoemakers all the time, though.
You better be a woman if you're going to wear that.
Some viets are just really difficult people to deal with. I dont know why. Watch china macs video in vietnam
He's a professor of UCSF or Berkeley or something. They make lots of money
Not to mention it's not a lot of money when you're working full-time
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He does this shit all day every day
A Vietnamese electrician works for me,I fucking love that guy.70 years old but moves like he's in his 40s, fantastic at his job,dark sense of humor. One of the new guys was being a dumb ass and the electrician told him that he regretted not killing his grandfather when he had the chance to in Vietnam.

You can make absolute bank in academia if you teach at the right university and in the right field. Not just salary, if you get large grants for research it's easy as fuck to skim off the top for "expenses", you can get paid well to write textbooks, you can get paid well for lectures and speaking engagements, etc.
>He has a private discord?
Yes. Why bend to the whims of other mods and their rules when you can run your own?
Is he wrong?
Two beer kier needs to be taken down a peg, hes right on the money here.
I don't argue, I'm a deleuzian.
based, I have a brioni suit
kek all thay money you'd think he could hire someone to tell him how to dress
no this guy is a stupid faggot liberal he is literally wack if you listen to a faggot about fashion you suck dick
lol which of you favorite political daddies did he cook?
He realized he could make money on Twitter and that the easiest way to generate "engagement" is through anger so he just rage baits all day. In essence, he's a professional troll
People like this serve no purpose and should be ignored at all costs
So he gets paid for what we're all doing here for free, and this is bad for some reason? How did you even come to use 4chan? Election tourist?
>he does it for free
>How did you even come to use 4chan? Election tourist?
Speak for yourself newfaggot. I was here when Boxxy was happening
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>I was here when Boxxy was happening
anon that's quite grim
Not proud of it, but you're here forever
Yeah sure, just pick the most obvious bit of 4chan history to brag about
Tell me what ditto threads were and maybe I'll believe you
He's right and the modern tieless suit look is shit
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Sorry anons, the fashion themed democrat superPAC known as "Derek Guy" would never insult a centre left trilateral commission stooge like Kier Shawarma. Making fun of how people dress is only reserved for evil chuds, that tweets a forgery from the substack article
The forged tweet is still right
It took me two minutes to find posts of him praising Regan. No doubt in my mind he's lib but all he's doing is stating basic menswear shit and sometimes you gotta accept that your favorite politician dresses like shit because most of them dress like shit

Either way this is a shit eceleb thread can we talk about clothes instead?
am i the only one who does not give a fuck about suits or """menswear"""
people wear jeans now. sorry thats just how the world works.
Shut up faggot

Same. I was like 13
Truth hurts huh?
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no matter how far left you are and how bad you want Regan to be burning in hell, you gotta admit he had that shit ON
no nigger you stupid fucking faggot retard you fucking retarded faggot shut the fuck up you stupid fucking idiot faggot retard asshole idiot faggot bitch fuck you
>No doubt in my mind he's lib
Wow really amazing detective work. All the dunking he does on magatards wasn't a clue?
The pathetic consternation about this guy is so funny to me as someone who's cliqued up with woods that have done hard time for their pro-white politics.
I’ve read a lot of embarrassing posts on this website but this is one of the worst. Kill yourself immediately.
lmao piss your diaper again you little bitch
kill yourself
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He basically just parrots whatever GQ said until 2010. He's right when it comes to the general fit of clothing, some basic rules of what you should and shouldn't do, but he also recommends some absolute modern slop fashion. Someone like Okey knows way more about men's high/classic fashion.

He's also gay and blocks people on twitter for basically no reason
Feeling ashamed you aren't part of the woodpile? Won't put your money where your mouth is?
No he doesn't he's constantly shitting on the sort of Thom Browne suit fits that were de rigueur in 2010. You simply do not know what you are talking about. You are out of your depth here.
he's still insufferable and has shitty opinions
So true sis, spill the tea.

Listen you liberal pos, donal trump is the president now. So buck up.
He worships niggers. He'll never say a bad thing about their dressd. That's cowardice.
Ok Mr thinks about blacks all day

"He isn't constantly thinking about black people all day like me! I'm based and redpilled"

Get a fucking clue wood.
Worships !== obsessively thinking about niggers, retard.
you can tell 4chan truly finally fucking died after 2016 because no one has respect for real autism here anymore. everything is just subjugated to retarded American party politics. this guy is a classic case: old school styleforum sperg who spent years lurking and posting among other menswear autists, shitting on them and being shat on for any minor lapse in knowledge. an unmarried and uncoupled basement dweller's basement dweller, except about Ivy style. and all anyone will do here is seethe to each other about the fact that he's not a /pol/tard, etc.

you used to be able to come here to tell people with no taste to kill themselves. pathetic
it's such a shame, threads everywhere are just midwits triggering other midwits in an endless cycle
You think about black people too much coaler
America first. Europoors can go fuck themselves.
Anti-white sentiment, not surprising. Enjoy Zion Don and Israel First.
It's actually just sad.
It's getting worse as well, you used to be able to have right wing opinions on here without sucking off the retarded twitter grifters, now it's a requirement.
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If you base your terminally online life around politics shitposting, you shouldn’t be surprised when people call you out for it.
cope and dilate
cuz he's a huge faggot and so are you
The final recourse of the truly owned anon...
i accept your concession
He has good taste and is usually right with his fashion takes. I can't really remember a bad take from him. Also, GQ was all about skinny suits, tie bars, and slim fit everything in 2010.
This guy is a fag. Probably a power bottom in the San Francisco gay scene.
thats a valid critique most of these critics are retarded bottom feeders with no talent. every-time they try to make a film it ends up being complete slop.
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he's a faggot
Gavin McInnes is Millenial excellence personified he'd have this little chinger in highwater pants and a fashy undercut in no time. In a word: freaking based.
if you take into consideration that he's a manlet he looks pretty good desu
That's not him tho.
he gives off handsome yuppie vibes in that photo.
i think he needs to go for bad boy vibes.
to get bad boy vibes, if he got rid of the tie, unbuttoned his dress shirt, uncuffed his pants and wore gold chains he would look ''cool''
Hola Amigo.
That’s not him, that’s an (infamous) old school StyleForum poster. I guarantee you Derek looks a lot worse
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>He’s so upset by the loss he’s declared his entire profile and all advice he’s ever given as racist. Naturally the noble savage has better clothes.
he's right tho, nobody adopted the suit because it was hecklin naturally superior
The suit is naturally superior.
>he's right tho
Yeah dude this is so much better than wearing a suit. Suits are racism.
chuds have no reading comprehension
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He's actually the guy with the messenger bag in the center of this pic.
>it washed away a lot of vibrancy in men's dress around the world.
Complaining that suits are racist white supremacy
Unironically perennial and guenon pilled.
He literally posts pictures of his clothes all the time. Not on him, as he always drives discussion of fashion away from people being fat/thin and ugly/handsome.
I hate that pretentious avatar of his, very punchable!
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It's Elliot Richardson, a Republican.
Gee, I wonder if that is because he is fat and ugly (that’s called a rhetorical question sport and it means you shouldn’t answer).
He's more knowledgeable than everyone on /fa/ combined.
that's you and I have proof.
It's cheaper to manufacture, standardized for mass production, easier to wear, can be made by thai boy-prostitutes as well as by bri'ish master tailors
Great values to have.
that is not a high bar
is this really /fa/
bunch of fucking queers
guy on the far right has drip tho
Except a pic of him is in the thread and he's neither
Why doesn't he post any pictures of himself in his well tailored suits?
So... no source.
>b-but in the past people wore loose suits

Who gives a fuck. Fuck suits, fuck ties. Suits are stuck culture personified.
That's not him you fucking retarded faggot.
That’s not him you retard kek
He's a commie that wants to abolish work, and thus also workwear.
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Found an actual confirmed pic of him (guy on the right).
Mogged by /ourguy/
A: yes, he clearly knows what he's talking about

Also clearly, there is something wrong with him.
Obviously he's a libtard and he loves to criticizes conservatives. He attacks conservatives, manosphere, and related types essentially for being "boasters"--for attaching themselves to a tradition (of dress, acting, etc) while not deserving it or living up to it because they're lacking in taste and knowledge. He is genuinely unfair in how he talks about good clothing vs bad clothing when attacking and praising, but he picks his targets well and is always right so he gets away with it. As >>18303278 points out he's very good at NOT giving his opinion. He loves to say he's limiting his expertise to "men's classic suit fashion." And he's self-deprecating in this way. "I'm just a guy who's spent too much time on the internet and looking at clothes." So there's that major flaw--that this character is literally all he is. He's sharp and has been on the internet forever so he's an effective poster.

But the real damning fact is his audience--whenever he spats with someone you'll see scores of adoring libtards show up in the replies as well and they're stupid and don't have good taste themselves but are trying to own people online--by attaching themselves to Derek. But they don't deserve it: basically, they're boasters. But that's exactly what's always attacking men for being. So his principles demand that he also look down on his audience--but he won't, because, of course, he loves the attention.

Another flaw is the way he talks about women and how they dress. He'll refrain from commenting when a woman's outfit is obviously terrible because he "knows that he knows nothing" about that and limits his expertise to men. And he'll also repeat ad infinitum the ridiculous feminist talking point that women dress for other women and not for men. And in various other ways he'll use women and appeal to women's opinions to dunk on men

That's my analysis thanks
*what he's always attacking other men for being
>Black guy wearing gaudy shit
>Donald Trump imposing style:

Donald really irreversibly and brutally BUCKBROKE the liberal jews forever
that’s mafoofan (Matthew Fan I think)
t. lurked styleforum a lot back in college
Trumps look is objectively better for everyday wear and fits the politician/businessman aesthetic. Either way neither fit is bad, Trump's fit is good in that picture and being unwilling to say that because you are a partisan hack just makes you a fag.
I mean yeah that is why people adopted suits, your average pleb looked like shit prior to suits it unironically closed the gap between the appearance of poors and the rich, really the mistake was the Aristocracy embracing suits.
more than you that's for sure
what the fuck is your problem
No shot, he has been in the forums for ages. He would've been a kid speaking about technical aspects of shoemaking and tailoring details.
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>But that doesn't change the fact that he knows what he's talking about.
He doesn't though. His tastes in fits are just Spike Lee inspired fat white redditfag on r/mfa circa 2018. His actual knowledge of tailoring isn't far from what your average tailor/fashion journo/sperg would know, its just that he posts about it.
Ugly chink has hides behind a white man avatar to make up for his hideous face. Many such cases!
>he has been in the forums for ages
what forums?
he keeps going on about how fat people can look great while being fat which bullshit lol, they can look alright and try to hide the fact that they're fat but they'll never look as good as someone who's fit
>literally who
>who in the fuck actually cares
>caring about internet personalities opinions
>literally who
True, and it's much harder for them to even follow his advice, and he is always posting his one fat friend, who barely makes the cut of not looking terrible
He's knowledgeable about menswear but he's an insufferable mentally ill freak who only criticizes people he's politically opposed to.
Brioni is based.
>knowledgable about menswear
Let's be honest, he knows no more than what you can find out after a couple of hours of googling sizing, fabrics, pairings and styles. Every time I'd see him critiquing someone's fit on twitter (I've since blocked him), it boiled down to him saying "your clothes don't fit" or "your x doesn't match with your y." Like ok? Literally everyone can see that, who cares?
this doesnt look good at all
This is exactly how self proclaimed menswear enthusiasts dress, just a hodgepodge of patterns/colors and materials, they always end up looking like a Macy's mannequin dressed by someone who has no idea what they're doing
>(I've since blocked him)
yeah i know, ive never seen a "menswear enthusiast" post a good fit
like stop trying to make this weird blend of english game hunting and formal wear something that can be worn casually, it just never looks good
on that note, most tailors look shit too
>square toe
immediate 0/10
a couple historians made their own threads BTFOing this chink and they also ratio'd him lmfao
nah they didn't
Oh suddenly you trooooost the experts huh?
>sometimes experts are wrong
>this means experts are never right
Oh so we are just picking and choosing here
If that's what you call verifying if what someone says is true or not, regardless of their credentials, then yes. Trump won the popular vote by the way.
Libtard, manlet, '50s LARPer and non-white. Yikes!
This is enough to disqualify him as an expert. Who cares what someone who isn't white thinks about menswear?
yes they did, cry more trannie
Why do you want this to be true?
because hes asian, /fa/ has a lot of non whites
No lol
Dilate tranny
Samefag again.
You don't even wear suits and you're fat. Why are you in this thread?
Again, why do you want me to be a samefag?
i wear a suit for work every day and im lean, why are you projecting lol

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