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What is Androgynous Fashion?

▲ A trend that continues to evolve, emphasizing comfort, practicality, and freedom of gender expression.
▲ Androgynous fashion challenges traditional gender norms by blending elements traditionally associated with masculine or feminine aesthetics. It's about expressing oneself beyond the binary of male and female clothing, promoting inclusivity and personal freedom.

Why is it a Effay?

▲ It pushes the industry towards more inclusive designs, allowing for a broader market.
▲ It reflects societal shifts towards gender fluidity, potentially reducing gender-based discrimination.
▲ Its self expression.

General Topics:

▲ The integration of androgynous fashion into mainstream retail.
▲ The role of social media in popularizing androgynous fashion.
▲ Predictions on how far androgynous fashion will go in the future.
▲ How to integrate andro into your current wardrobe
▲ Key figures and designers like Rad Hourani, Tilda Swinton, or J.W. Anderson.
▲ The role of direct-to-consumer brands in promoting androgynous fashion.
▲ Personal views on androgynous fashion.
▲ Advice on brands who produce androgynous fashion.
▲ Opposing views.
▲ Influencers and communities to follow for inspiration

These ideas and discussion topics should provide a foundation for this general, allowing for deep and engaging conversations about the role and future of androgynous fashion.

So lets discuss this.
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I used to be extremely anti this until I realised a lot of my fashion is sort of andro or unisex, just never thought of it that way.
This sort of look is all I ever wanted for the longest time, and I have finally learned to play the cards I've been dealt. Such is life. Cool general idea though
>want to be andro
>5 o clock shadow
it hurts so much
Whos picrel? Shes kinda cute
sad to hear
I know what it's like to look at others in envy due to the genetics they were gifted with
what style are you going for now?
I agree with >>18307521
Also, you can HRTmaxx.
Jesus Christ if something looks good it looks good I couldn't care less for self expression, the fuck do I have to express? To let the world know what a special unique individual I am? There's nothing "inclusive" in self expression when the inherent purpose of it is to literally stand out, to look "exclusive". And for the sake of diversity we should advocate actual diversity and not a melting pot of a virtual field of possibilities which equates the ultimate form of uniformity. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Reddit retard who dresses it menswear and goes around the mall with a tie and fedora, I myself buy women's pants a lot cause they just look good on me. I am alright with androgenous forms of beauty I am just pissed off by this zoomer brainlet way of pushing things like everything has to be a slogan statement
I'm kinda pissed that some blue states are starting to get insurance coverage for trannies, like I don't oppose it in theory but PCOS women get nothing and if you're just a regular fag who wants to twinkmaxx you're out of luck.
I mean, my doctor just put gender dysphoria on my record.
I support the hustle but it kinda proves my point
>5 o clock shadow
>it hurts so much
Honestly bro, just be born black, works real well for me
>Shes kinda cute

the eyebrows read male to me anon.
laser doesn't remove the shadow though does it??
Inclusivity Is just marketing now
Marketing department be like: ‘Inclusivity—so everyone can pay $300 for the privilege of looking like a shapeless blob.’ Honestly, I think we forgot the part where inclusivity was supposed to mean 'options for everyone,' not 'everyone must look equally confused
Getting treatment for hormonal problems like balding and PCOS could be considered a form of gender affirming care.
where do you get your clothes
That shirt is straight from the band's Bandcamp (Soyuz) and the skirt is from ASOS, most of my clothes are from bands that I like mixed with ASOS stuff.
You look really cool
Why are you gay?
tyy <3
the shadow is caused by the hair root under the skin
no hair = no shadow
I'm not latinx I'm slavic
Is this a male or a female? I guess you nailed your androginy goal
Thats a guy i think
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Cute :)
Im spartamaxxing tho
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>Im spartamaxxing
very good
trump won retard. you still didn't get the message?
you have to go back
kek. tranny drugs will get banned retard. your body hair will return and the only androgynous part of you will be your shriveled genitalia.
This is a little disturbing tbqh
There's a difference between gender neutral and androgynous. gender neutral is not a statement. in todays world androgynous is a statement. It's saying you don't care about the salty losers who want to control what you wear or how you express yourself. Its a way of sticking it to those obsessed with tradition.
Yeah, my penis is plenty disturbed by it.
There's gayness going on in this frame of reference.
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How am i gay when i love feminine features? But somehow feminine males can pull it off better.
you're gay because you're fucking a mans asshole
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But it's deliciously decorated in a females garment, an hairy masculine ass is a huge turn off for me.
>an hairy masculine ass is a huge turn off for me.
I wish all femboys understood this.
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Is there a name for a style where you just can't tell from first appearance what sex someone is? And how to pull it off?
yeah its called androgyny welcome to the thread
Yeah your pic is just a masculine dude though nothing androgynous about him
Well, there's the "youthful beauty" type of androgyny and there's the "doughy sexlessness" kind. You wanna be the first one and not the second, see the Pat sketches from 90s SNL to get a rough estimation of how people think about you in that case:
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based af
More men should dress like you. do you street out like that?
yeah I tend to girlmode these days when I leave the house
Post more outfits faggy
i was going to buy this shirt but the back has a massive plastered graphic that is kind of awkward to wear (soviet state emblem) and kinda kills it for me. how has it been treating you socially and stuff, you think its possible to remove the back graphic?

t. lives in a place where its not welcome
>t. lives in a place where its not welcome
poland?? Romania??
do I just no eat to get a waist like that
You should absolutely not buy this shirt if you put yourself in danger wearing it, the symbolism all over it is communist. Just don't buy it imo.
Checks out lol
How old is too old to start trying to dressing in a more androgynous way? I still look fairly young and twinkish but I know I don't have many years of it
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yeah, and?
Your role in the reich will be my personal breedable boiwife, accept it. Communism has failed and so will your legs once Ill be done with you
are there any good general resources for androgynous hairstyles on male faces?
It's sad when cuties like you fall for dumb shit like communism. If you actually made some real money you'd grow out if it
Hey retard you need to learn what androgynous actaully means.
>Having both female and male characteristics.
>Being neither distinguishably masculine nor feminine, as in dress, appearance, or behavior.
Nothing about you is anything but masculine. Are you even trying?
How familiar are you with women's styling? The more you understand the easier it is to find elements that work with you.

I think its also about the fashion locally. But some aspects are easy, lets say for instance going or a woman's style of watch, or unisex watches rather than the chunky rolexes etc
how old are you? dressing unisex gets easier the older you are.
whats with your glasses. is the styling completely intentional.
I broke one half ;-;
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Are you the same person who calls everyone who tries to pass as a girl "bro" and often talks about how they look bad because they're men wearing women's clothes in the waywt thread?
If not you'd have a field day over in that thread.
yea search transmasc haircut inspo on pinterest
Mid 20s
>Mid 20s
That was the age Prince began toning down his style and being more andro rather than simply flamboyant... But he could pull it off. I think you need to find some kind of modern day inspiration if you wanna start off at that age. it takes a bit of time to develop a personal style.
calm down and go shave your nutsack dude
Yeh you got a point.
screw it i bought it
All power to you comrade.
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What country do you live in?
Ahah definitely the same person (also known as the transvestigator of the waywt threads, go check him out).
>screw it i bought it
How is the fit?

most people are fine with commie stuff even if they despise the idea.
its more to do with the ppl id wear it around
ill say when it arrives lol i bought it oversized cos i like that
I'm pretty sure most insurance providers cover laser for PCOS women, iirc Kaiser does anyway
>ill say when it arrives lol i bought it oversized cos i like that
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should I get an undercut as an androgynous abomination like this >>18307600 or stick with shitty poofy typical twinkjak hair that doesn't look right
>poofy typical twinkjak hair that doesn't look right

Difficult to say anon without actually seeing what you look like.
imo depends on whether you're androgynous abomination (mtf) or androgynous abomination (ftm)
I love twinkjak hair.
Its just not good it's too poofed up on the top and sides and is mullety
first abomination
Me too but it doesn't look good unless I iron it and put effort in that I don't want to
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Now that you mention it, many of my favorite artists had the look whne they were on their mid to late 20s and even 30s, so why not.
>But he could pull it off
Yeah I guess that's the thing. I still look very twinkish and younger, I'm also good looking, the problem is that I don't have a good sense of style yet. But I guess the worst scenario is not finding my own style and looking weird, but I can always go back if it doesn't work out.
Right now I'm a bit lost on what to do with my hair since I have very long hair and it makes me look a metalhead twink which I don't like, but I still have no idea on what to do with it and I feel like my hair should be the first step.

I have that cut, it looks shitty and abrasive but at least my hair growth is fast and allows me to be looking like a stray dog
can't have androgynous shit here it turns into tranny and homo shit near instantly
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These two. That's the goal. All I need now is the confidence to buy the clothes and cut my hair into something more than just "long"
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old boymode pic
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mwahnon you are not dressing androgynously you are dressing like a woman while having short hair
that's now I'm posting old pictures
The post nut clarity after fucking a troon has got to be insane.
please post your bookshelf, anon
Its sort of the prenut clarity that really hits something unique, anon
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why would a cute femboy be reading the art of war lol!
I'm smort
good shelf, where'd you get that kjv?
I've had it for some time I honestly can't remember.
lacking in any personality
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Holy shit, this is exactly my problem and I never noticed it.
>it turns into tranny and homo shit near instantly
It's not the 70s anymore, you can't really go for an androgynous look as a male anymore with most people already assuming you're a faggot.

Would recommend hitting the gym then, it's not just skinny vs fat but that's a big part of it.
I am androgynous just ugly
A poor mix of masculine features that subtract from other very feminine features so I don't fit the ideal andro/femboy/twink/tranny aesthetic
It's over.
DBZ characters when they are wearing non-battle clothes core
Very neat
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the thing is
>masculine twink
hot af, god tier
>feminine twink
disgusting, shit tier, you immediately think of aids/stds

its all about balance
holy pederast projection
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>>feminine twink
I think of home made caramel and shortbread when I think of feminine twinks anon.

>holy pederast projection
mhmmm I think its probably a self hating feminine twink
thank you for posting your bookshelf, anon
shelley is as sublime as he is comfy
WHICH shelly
So you need to be bribed to support capitalism
that's not androgynous it's just a boy
>you can't really go for an androgynous look as a male anymore with most people already assuming you're a faggot.
yes you can, but faggot and trannies thing androgynous means being a faggot and a tranny, look at the shit they post :
They are obsessed with turning everything into faggot shit
but ask yourself:
who cares?
Where tf do i get pants like that mayne
peter pan syndrome
in mexico its called pedro pan
>that's not androgynous it's just a boy
>she doesn't know.
>that's not androgynous it's just a boy
the very male shelley
>implying he ghostwrote frankenstein
i'm not too fond of that theory
post hole pls mwahnonny
now that I cannot do
thanks. keep it classy babe.
Hmmm, knowing what I know about reps and the Asian clothing market, coupled with the lack of cohesive style across pieces, and the fact theyre impossible to find on maps just feels a little too much like a dropshipping company
anyone who cares about androgynous fashion ought to care it's being bastardized
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no one cares anon. trannies are peak androgyny
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touch grass
I'm sorry you can't get rid of your 5 o'clock shadow
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git on my level
not androgyny just femme
do you even think or just mindlessly inser trannies into everything? i dont give a shit about looking androgyn i just think it's sad how trannies must make everything about themselves
You're cute.
The belt and shoes take it to another level.
Women can go full androgynous and still look respectable, but if a boy were to try to do this he would get a ton of hate.
I wouldn't hate at all if you have the body for it.
A 5 o clock shadow would definitely wreck this fit though.
MWAHnon is a lgbt tranny trip on HRT and she blogs about sucking strangers cocks
this is literally hedi slimane dior but shit
Where does she blog.
this board and /lgbt/
he wasn't a stranger
How many cocks have you sucked honey? Got long term commitment yet?
thats not andro, that just a woman in a suit and hat
Sexy kid got the men horny.
Androgyny can come from the duality of sex and the duality of gendered clothing. You infer Unisex is the only form of androgyny, it really isn't. Its a lot more than just Unisex clothing.
you're just a lesbian
>this is literally hedi slimane dior but shit
Her tie-pin is askew but otherwise she looks perfect.
You need to take your pink pills sister.
what's a good place to get baggy loose sweaters? also looking for the same thing with tees but mostly sweaters
i wish it was easier to get styles like this with curly hair but they always end up looking stupid
oh shit mwahnon i didn't know you post on this board too
>be a stupid broad
>be attention whore
>dress kind of mannish to draw even more attention to you

literally all this thread is
>what's a good place to get baggy loose sweaters?
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What do you call this type of look?? Is this androgynous
Why are anons so bad at detecting women? Is it oversaturation with anime and women using so much makeup and filters they become a superstimulus (ex. Bella Delphine)?

Femcels are right when they say ugly or plain women are invisible to you, you literally register them as men
I hate trannies but I love andro, am a tomboy
Thats not androgynous, she's still clearly a woman and is making style choices that emphasize that fact and remove confusion as to her sex, despite also wanting to rock a masculine clothing style
Androgyny typically means someone who sits close enough to the middle of the appearance of either sex that you cant be totally confident which one they are
A man in a dress or woman in a suit isnt really it
worshiping asian girls leads you to think anyone with a strong jaw is a crossdresser or tranny, when really that's what a lot of western women look like
I love tomboys
men that pretty should never have arm hair. God is so wrong on these things.
>git on my level
what level is that
Did they detransition
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She transitioned to male and then detransed to female
this is my problem. why does "androgynous" mean boring dull colors like 99% of the time?
He's just a tranny whore
It's just the way mwahon styles.
even so, your think they'd add some feminine elements to it. it's similar to clothes labeled "unisex" where it's just menswear but tailored to fit on a female body. you rarely see it if at all the other way around. picrel. granted the guy in the photo is probably wearing something tailored for women anyways but you get my point
how come the known race fetishist janny keeps removing all the posts about black and latinx femboys? don't you know that black bois and latinx bois identify as trans at over 150% the rate of white men and queer over twice as often?
i know i'm not the most fem but i think you might understand why i took the pink pill LOL...
>> even so, your think they'd add some feminine elements to it?
What do you mean by feminine elements?
Is this actually true? Its as simple as that??
Hah, GAY!
Guys could dress like that during the 80s but not now.
yes, trannies up having to learn that unless they start before their beard really comes in. laser isn't considered truly permanent but drastically reduces growth for a long time, electrolysis destroys follicles forever; hormones can slow growth and prevent more follicles from switching from vellus to terminal hair but terminal hairs will generally never change back to vellus (finasteride/dutasteride can also slow growth)

nice trips satan. people also overestimate how much male femininity/androgyny was really tolerated in the 80s, a lot of those same dudes who were basically crossdressing were still pretty macho
Isn't there a photo where he straight looks like a woman>
>people also overestimate how much male femininity/androgyny was really tolerated in the 80s, a lot of those same dudes who were basically crossdressing were still pretty macho
it was even more so in the 70s, like all the guys dressed theatrically and in make up. The 90s became more what we call unisex with Grunge.
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i am not gay or trans but i really like this bow
best way i can explain it is like... people will wear merch or graphic tees of stuff they really like, and i just happen to really really really like girls. This is my dinosaur graphic t-shirt. I like girls so much that they have become a part of my very being.
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Can't wait to reach this body so i can wear whatever
brighter colors or more variety in fabric patterns. lace, skirts and dresses that don't just look like a tunic or kilt. picrel. felix from stray kids is a good example of androgynous style imo. his styling is feminine, yet he still manages to perfectly combine his masculine form with it without making the fits look boring. both outfits can work on either sex
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brighter colors or more variety in fabric patterns. lace, skirts and dresses that don't just look like a tunic or kilt, accessories, makeup, etc. example picrel. felix from stray kids is a good example of androgynous style imo. his styling is feminine, yet he still manages to perfectly combine his masculine form with it without making the fits look boring. both outfits can work on either sex
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>Isn't there a photo where he straight looks like a woman
Theres a lot, but in this one he looks I don't know, feminine, but still masculine.
How old r you.
>Yeah your pic is just a masculine dude though nothing androgynous about him
explain why he's so cute then.
Oh MWAHnon is posting here, sick. Maybe the androgen is better here than on /lgbt/ because it's mostly an aesthetic and partly a "gender expression" or whatever
hmmmmmmmm .......... bestie .........
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>he just bought everything lit had ever told him to
I think it's just slavaboo tendencies, which is fair
>t. collects editions of crime and punishment
Its a slav thing bro. They have the greatest literature of the world. except the french of course.
It suits you. Your hair is pretty cool.
nibba u blind
hmmm no. I like what I see
yes but why?
he looks like shit
Okay? It's still gay because that's what the word means.
What matters more? Appearance or substance?
is that demi moore?
So how do I know if I'm attractive enough to pull off this style and not be read as LGBT/leftist? I'm fine with coming off with an ambiguous sexuality of course, just not as an unambiguous weird pronoun person.
If you focus more on the beauty part rather than the androgyny itself you're good.
I mean I want to look androgynous...
>is that demi moore?
Its a random model from the Soviet Union in the 1980s
wtf this retard can't be for real lmfaooo
It should be a means to look more beautiful. The uglies are those that just don't take care of themselves and dress like a hobo which sure give them an androgynous look but makes them disgusting as well.
Literally all of classical philosophy goes against homosexuality lol. The source for all of the "gay greek" beliefs is one band of one city-state's army and rumors.
Yes, I agree. But how can I know if I'd look good with style like >>18326253?
>just not as an unambiguous weird pronoun person.
good choice. No one likes that sort of pink and purple haired type. Literally no one finds that sort of thing attractive.
RUDE, it’s for a dress to impress party
>just not as an unambiguous weird pronoun person
Just do the original freedom thing and stop giving a fuck about other peoples lables and feelings. Just wear what you yourself feel comortable and stylish in, never accept rules that certain things belong to certain genders, political opinions, ethnic or class.
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could i pull it off or ist es over fur mich
also need hairstyle recs
holy shit you have narrow shoulders
also a narrow torso waist it looks like. envy of trannies worldwide
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my body is shit and i feel fucking awful about every inch of it i have no idea why you people hugbox me like this and think i wont notice
ill spare you from my schizoranting cuz this isnt the 4 letter mental illness board but do know that i will NOT tolerate anyone implying that i look anything other than ugly as sin
wait are you actually a tranny? i thought you were just a man with female proportions lol
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i dont have female proportions if i did i wouldnt have chronic debilitating dysmorphia from this fucking awful autoandrophobic mental disorder that i have
i am not a tranny. i am not trans. i have a mental illness that makes me hate my body and i treat it with antidepressants, ketamine and therapy. im not talking about this shit again
stop saying that youre not fooling fucking anyone you want my life to be even more awful than it already is
im a MAN and i need a MAN haircut for my MAN body so i dont look like a fucking homeless MAN for my new MAN job
you are fucked in the brain holy shit
calm down, little guy
yeah no shit what tipped you off
youd be mentally ill too if you had to deal with the shit cards ive been dealt
sorry im just really tired of responding to these stupid comments
You def could
>hairstyle recs
Id shorten your fringe or commit to growing it enough to push it behind your ears, the length seems cool
Classical philosophy doesn’t mentions homosexuality (beyond Platos barely suppressed hornyposting about twink bussy) because they aren’t mindbroken incels and they don’t give a fuck, too busy with triangles and what rivers are composed of and shit
why are you holding a tape measure that covers much of your face?
vulgar means common, there's nothing common about those boys or what they are wearing lol.
downright obscene
>downright obscene
please explain. it seems very fashion forward to me what they are wearing. I suspect you are struggling with some homoerotic tension anon
heck no i'm not struggling with homoerotic tension. i'm REVELING in homoerotic tension
City dwelling drug addict with no skills or interests that goes on benders every night to fuck ugly strangers / 10
That's a good look desu. Classy, doesn't come off as gay
that looks terrible bro come on
How the everloving fuck is this even remotely androgynous? He's literally just wearing the most NPC guy office drone attire. Having long hair doesn't make you look feminine your utter retard.
I know you're not gay, but you look cute.
Nah it's andy, bro
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The giant, baggy, silky looking white shirt and super high waisted baggy trousers with a little black belt and a little black bag? With lipstick, eyeliner, and an earring? Tell me what where you work, that's a sexy office
Keep coming back to this one, but i would never wear it. It's nice to look at still. Cute and sexy.
All your colors are really muted
>androgyny general
Did you think this one out OP?
I love this thread.
asian boys have something special, honestly white boys should strive to achieve something like this.
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Are they twin brothers?
post pic
You fags are faggots
Yeah, yeah, asking a tomboy to post a pic definitely means gay,

the boy is a qt

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