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What product and techniques do I need to do my hair like this? I basically have the length
Wet hair
Lightly towel
Apply styling paste or prestyler
Quickly blow dry into shape
Apply dime sized amount of high hold styling product
Work into hair
Comb and or brush into shape
Maybe apply a quick shot of hairspray
There are tons of in depth tutorial videos on YouTube for this sort of thing
I think I'm giving up on having long hair. I don't know what to do anymore, I've been trying to make it look decent for years and nothing seems to work, I just get a frizzy mess
Maybe 0,001% of the time it looks great but I don't seem to be able to maintain it that way, no matter how much I try to follow the advice I get from people

I just want good looking wavy hair
Make sure you're using a leave in conditioner for curly hair.
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What products or techniques to attain reference?

Also salon or barber?
Not OP, got any recommendations on a styling paste/ high hold styling product? Usually it's either wax, gel or spray, the first one makes your hair very greasy and unpleasant to touch, the second makes them wet or plastic looking, the third smells like shit and makes you look like you're exfoliating. I have natural wavy/curly hair, personally the only thing that gives me similar results is washing them without shampooing. Curls stabilizing cream also helps but makes em too curly usually (although the texture with the one I use it's perfect, you can still move your hand through the hair and they feel soft and nice to the touch, other brands give me the concrete effect)
Different waxes will react different to people's hairs. You need to try what works for you, there is no one 'le friggin objective' best product for everyone.
What works for me is applying wax to my hair after I wash it, combing it into the desired shape, letting it dry naturally and then when it's dry combing it again to break down the stiffness
I've been getting some bad dandruff lately. Usually I don't have to worry about it, is there a particular shampoo you recommend or is regular ass head and shoulders usually good enough? I have straight hair.
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Bros, should I buzz completely? I usually get a short crew cut, which hides it somewhat, but it starts to look like shit after a few weeks.
Nizoral is pretty good, with the caveats that you need to let it sit on the scalp for several minutes before rinsing and it's drying as fuck so you can't neglect conditioner. I currently use a prescription 2% ketoconazole shampoo (OTC Nizoral is 1%) slightly less than once a week for seb derm maintenance and I can definitely tell the difference as far as itchiness and scalp pimples go; since it's antifungal there is a chance that it loses effectiveness or your problem is not caused by fungus to begin with. I used H&S for years and things only seemed to get worse.
I also personally like Neutrogena's T/Sal salicylic acid shampoo, and some others that I see people recommend
>Selsun Blue
>coal tar shampoos
>tea tree shampoos
>ACV rinses
Struggling to find a haircut that's good for my hair. Fine and wavy and I have a heart shaped face. Been growing it down to my shoulders and still don't know what to do with it.
yes buzz it my man
Anything by oribe, especially styling products
$300 haircut.
Simple as.
No, slick it back.
eternal buzz + Fin & Min
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Sideburns with long hair: yes or no?
I'm trying to get the "manly gaucho" or the "intellectual" vibes but everyone I know keeps saying I look like a Jew with that combo.
Picrel is representative of what I have right now
fin + min + tretinoir + microneedling
salon, have them use a razor, fuck up your hair with a towel every morning, dry shampoo/ hair thickener
Bros do you have any idea what shampoo/products will be good for my hair? It’s really all over the place and I don’t know what to do, I use a basic shampoo and conditioner and comb it after shower but an hour later they look like this. Should I just go short hair?
Just follow this guide
They recommend specific shampoos and conditioners that work best with curly hair and tech you how to check labels so you can pick products out yourself.
Just skip the styling with hair gel part unless you want that wet wavy look and instead look at styling with leave in conditioner or curl creams.
bro that shit is for girls
Sure then waste your time here with retards here that use hand soap as shampoo or tell you to never wash your hair and just style it with its natural grease or the moron i saw the other week that uses eggs and olive oil as conditioner.
I'm not going on the fucking pills.
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Copped a bowl cut. I'm Tyler btw not sure if that matters
If I want to grow out my hair how often do I need to get it trimmed, and how much length do i need to trim?
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haven't gotten a haircut in 6 months.

I'm wondering if i could rock a hairstyle like in the OP.

does anyone have a YouTube tutorial or something that might fit? I have no clue about hairstyles and don't know where to start.
you need something called "the Flow", but you need to grow it out a little more, hard to tell
you look like that guy that people say did every terror attack (can't think of he's name right now) crossed with (real terrorist) dylan roof
samir al hayed?
these look awful
you need to trim your beard. looks like a mess
fixed that already but /fit/ says that i need to cut my fucking hair cause i look like a beta hippy gamer
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here's how i looked with shorter hair btw
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What should I do with this? Preferably looking for something low-maintenance (blow-dry every morning, shampoo every other)

Not homosexual, but I am aware that I give this impression already and I frankly don't care that much.
Grow a beard
Lip filler, rhinoplasty, makeup, skin lightening, eye surgery
Arcadian Matte Paste
Stickmore Clay Fiber
Shear Revival Northern Lights

Reuzel Grooming Tonic
Stickmore Boost Tonic
Any sea-salt spray
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what hairtype is this?

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