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I want to buy my wife the sluttiest heels out there. Ones that ooze sex while also having an element of class. Money is irrelevant, I can afford it.
Can't decide between the Louboutin Kate heels or the YSL Opyum heels. Or something else?
Which ones would you get a trophy wife?
Nobody on this board knows anything about $5000 womans heels
they cost 1/5 that though
Take her shopping

Girls love that
i want it to be a gift
if i take her shopping she will get something not as sexy with a lower heel
Can we see her feet?
get louboutins in amongst womens circles it a massive flex to own a pair
The Kate are not very slutty, you're looking for something with open toes for sure.
If you want something in that style but sluttier I recommend the Zanotti Raquel, obviously with the tallest heel they offer, or the Himari Sandal.
Maybe the Intriigo strap, but they're pretty classy all things considered.
The Opium Heels are really tacky, I'd avoid those.
If you are actually planning for her to wear them in public then go for the YSL. The louboutins are infamously painful to wear, especially if your wife doesn't wear heels in public often, and your wife would have to carry a spare pare of comfy shoes with her which would end up cancelling out your whole gift.
None of those are particularly slutty. If you want actual slutwear you need those big platform heels trannies and strippers wear but nobody actually wears those in public.
The YSL ones are an old meme and seen as tacky these days tho
Thanks for the recs, I'll check them out
>The YSL ones are an old meme and seen as tacky these days tho
The tackiness isn't a bad thing. If you're making your girl look slutty and show her off, isn't a bit of tacky degradation a good thing?
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I fucking love seeing girls in super tall high heels so much I constantly take creep shots and go home and masturbate
if I see an attractive woman in high heels, she is getting masturbated to. simple as
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OP, there is only one answer and it's Cesare Paciotti
get something with platform for extra slut factor
Buy her manolos, louboutin is for hookers and the ysl heel is for instagram influencers.
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I remember when these were released. if i had a wife and wanted to make her look like a total whore (expensive) i would get her platform versace’s (open toe)
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These gucci ones are sexy too and less gaudy than versace
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I dont think louboutin makes daffodil anymore but these were all the rage in like 2011-2015. i wanted these so badly
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These D&G heels are objectively the hottest thing I've ever seen and if a girl I was with wore them I'd be in a perpetual state of horniness
I imagine other dudes that saw them would feel the same
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Those look like cheap zara shit no offence
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All heels look the same. It's the branding that makes them slutty or not
You are wrong and have never worn heels for a long period of time.
Italian leather heels are super comfortable, look sleek, and feel sexy on the skin
Especially calfskin
The branding does . not . matter…..
i was gonna call you a tranny but you actually type like a woman
post feet
I think I've seen 21 Savage wear these
These aren't slutty at all.
Yeah they are, because the toe is pointed and not rounded, the entire foot is exposed and its black leather. only way to make it sexier would be more straps going up
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If you want expensive trophy slut vibes, then it has to be something with a sky high foot arch.
Why is this board so gay now
>why is the FASHION board gay
Kek nigger why do you think!?!
What is "gay" about wanting to make women look beautiful and sexy?
Louboutins ooze sex and from everything I've seen and videos of them being taken apart, the quality is excellent. Overpriced? Well yeah, but you're getting a lot more for that money than most brands offer
Having sex with men is gay. Most women have sex with men which makes them gay. Facilitating female sex appeal is the very definition of gayness.
As a dude ankle straps on women's heels are hot. The higher and strappier the sluttier the heel imo.
When I was young and a coomer I liked stilettos on girls but now I like ankle straps
Heel isn't tall enough to be slutty
just get her some thigh boots with stilletto heels and use those to fuck her in
Those would also be hot as fuck but I want to show off feet
Maybe you find women in pain to be sexy but i like when they look hot and can still have fun
I do find women in pain to be sexy but that's totally different

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