Does Tim Burton himself display style? Could his fictional character's outfits and costumes be inspired into real outfits?
/tv/ here, Wes Anderson mogs this faggot in every conceivable way.French Dispatch is unwatchable trash, though.
Tom Ford is of course the king of /fa/ directors and arguably the most talented guy in Hollywood at the moment, though he may never make another film.
>>18311284this pic goes hard af I need me a goth gf
>>18311284He just looks like a ripoff of Robert Smith.
>>18311291The first two parts of French Dispatch are decent. The rest is garbage.Isle of Dogs is also garbage, btw.
>>18311291>>18311295Heavy cock smokers, at least Burton tried to look straight
>>18312788He failed though, he looks like his breathing starts to labor lifting a pencil