ITT: signs a "luxury" brand caters to poor people
when they use black modelsjokes aside, aggressive discount campaigns
>>18311431Hermes uses black models tooOnly dark ones though…. the real sign of poverty is non-binary models and lightskins
>>18311433>>18311431I mean, who doesn't use black models at this point?
ITT: fashion cope
>>18311444the brands that matter
>>18311397some lebanese criminal driving a supercar gets more bitches than any of us here
>>18311496t. black model that pays with Klarna
>>18311397>I must defend the HONOR of luxury brands on 4chanLmao kek even
>>18311524Why are you quoting yourself?
>>18311397Of course luxury brands cater to poor people. You know how much money can be milked out of people with none?
>>18311397they are paid by klarna to have klarna option on their site so that klarna can pump up its numbers of vendors and customers before the IPO next year. it is just another Big Finance scam.
>>18311513such as?
>0% interest loan with 10 year treasury rate at 4.42%>BRO U POOR LOLOP is a retard
>>18316737Describe taking out a loan to buy anything that doesn't appreciate in value as a win.
>>18311397if people recognize the name of a brand that means it caters to poor people
>>18317705it's a win because it's better than paying cash in any case, and some /fa/ objects may appreciate in value
>>18311397its actually rich people who use klarna and stuff the most. if you pay it off on time its a 0% loan. their business model is to lose money loaning me money in order to grow their brand so they can make money off of niggers who don't pay the loan off because their terms are brutal if you don't. >>18317705you want to buy the jacket. that isn't negotiable. you really want it. you have cash in lump sum right away?or enjoy 0% interest loan and use the money you now have access to you otherwise wouldn't for something productive?hmmm big decision. everyone with money who isn't a total HENRY knows how this works. only poors don't.
>>18317705>0% loan is literally free>buy something with the loan>use the leftover cash to buy stocks or whatever>win
>>18317740>>18317745>>18317749I don't know, maybe I'll look into it. I had only ever seen it advertised in cheap mall stores so I figured it wouldn't be useful to me, would be predatory in some way. I have heard it hurts your credit score though.
>>18311397I use Klarna whenever it's available, it's not that I can't afford it but it's a lot easier to just split it up in 3 payments and use the spare cash on other things