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I end up committing sudoku every time I shave
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This morning I shaved with a Gilette Blue II disposable razor. And some Palmolive rapid shave shaving foam. Gives me a clean shave and I don't feel any irritation, but that's probably because I shave every morning and have gotten used to it. That's the trick really, if something irritates you, but you like the product for whatever reason, keep using it and you'll get used to it.
Mach3 since I was 18. I do get irritation but not sure it does work fine for me. I might dabble in a real razor at some point.
Those are badass. Where to buy?
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I'm not a clean shaving faggot. But with this equipment i trimm my beard every 2 days:
Trimmer: Wahl clipper
Shaving: Wilkinson Hydro 5
Shaving cream: Pino Alpestre
Aftershave: Pino Alpestre(make smell like your dad in the 1930s)
a safety razor. it's just cheaper in the long run but I don't mind disposables like >>18312678 but nowadays I'd stay away from more expensive cartridge razors. if a gillette fusion cartridge pack costs fucking 30-40 bucks you can miss me with that shit.
Bic double razor because those lubricant strips are goyslop but I dont want anything fancy and nondisposable
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A good old fashioned closed comb 3 piece brass safety razor. That's all a man needs.
[picture related for reference only. Not the actual model of the poster's razor]
Merkur 34C, Wilkinson Blades, whatever shaving cream my drug store happens to have.
Feather Blades are better, but my drug store only stocks Wilkinson and Gillette. And I'm not buying Gillette.
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This is the best option. You also avoid all the different razor cartridges where you buy a Gillette Mach Delux Green plus and it doesn't fit your shaver because it is made for the non-plus version. And then you go back to the store and look through all the 40 Gillette variants and the one you have doesn't exist anymore so you need to buy a new starter kit.

Safety razors however have lots of options that all fit and it's cheap.
What soap/cream/foam/gel do you guys use? I've experimented with quite a few, now I just stick to whatever mum buys me from the shop when I ask her to buy 'shaving cream."
Steel safety razor (don't remember the brand) with a BIC blade. Shave my face and my head twice a week with a blade. I think I bought the 100 blade pack off Amazon for like 25€
Been doing this for 3-4 years
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I went through a consoom phase and tried bunch of soaps and creams. Pic related is my favorite one. I love lavender smell.

However, I don't think there are such differences between cheap and expensive stuff that do justify price of expensive soaps though. Some cheap stuff perform extremely well, some expensive stuff have nothing beyond fancy packaging and nice smell. End of the day you are still buying a soap. And you can get good shaves with hair conditioners also.

These days I am looking for a non soap solution for my shaves. Because most shaving products are high ph (naturally, because most of them are soaps) and high ph doesn't agree with my eczama prone skin. I might have found 2 products suiting my need but I am waiting to finish my last shaving soap to purchase one of them.
Merkur 34C (HD) safety razor
Planning to stock up on blades tomorrow after going through my first few blades learning etc.
Gonna buy 100 BIC, 100 feathers, 200 astra green (they are so cheap at 6 cents a blade and well reviewed by many for balance of sharpness, smoothness, durability and price so if thats the case i get 200 decent blades, if they're not for me its 12 bucks gone), 100 astra blue (an extra 9 bucks why not), 50 Gillette Silver Blue (supposedly quite sharp), 50 Gillette platinum (ok sharp and smooth), 100 wilkinsons sword (because they have surprisingly good reviews by some people and its only 6$ for 100) and 2 alum blocks.
Might be overkill but its cool to have some stainless blades and some platinum coated i suppose, hopefully most are sharp enough and good for the price. I get the feeling that the better I get in technique, the less the blade will matter and I shouldnt have to toss alot of them.
Order everything now in one and get free shipping, then I shouldnt have to think about blades and blocks for at 5+ years.
Mild razor so I want blades that are sharp but I also want some that are smoother than the feather if the skin needs that some days, out of those blades I have only tried Feather hence the wide "variety", I didnt like the other blades except for Feather I got initially. And if i want to shave short growth its nice to not have to break out the feahers every time.

Shave foam I use the cheapest I can find which is a 2$ Gillette 200 ml red bottle with black cap, smells "shavey" and it lathers better on the face than other gels and foams I have around as backup that cost 2-3x so I just dont see any reason to not keep getting them.
Proraso aftershave balm

Love the feel after a good shave so Ive kinda started obsessing about it.

The BIC (chrome platinum) is on amazon for 17 bucks for 100 if you need restock.
I've been using Edison blades since over a year, can't get to the bottom of the box (20 packs of 10) yet.
Tried the wilkenson sword ones when abroad in Italy (only carry on, couldn't take blades with me): they're quite nice, with a very clise shave (better than the edison) but they seem to be using very soft steel as the blade would very quickly go dull.

Then again, could just be my thicker hair. I did manage to quickly gunk up my electric shaver every time I used it before (before I moved to DE razors).
Thanks mang
I bought a razorok bbs safety razor. Still haven't decided if i like it or not.
Astra Superior platinum blades are dogshit btw. I have no idea why so many people like these they are dull as shit. Just absolute tash.
I have some Gillette nacet blades on the way that are supposed to be much sharper.
Even with these dull ass blades i get much less irritation then shaving with a disposable razor.
>200 astra green
Get astra blues (superior stainless) instead the greens are fucking ass
no more sudoku
you're welcome
I still cut myself with this a lot. Even if I take my time and be as careful as possible. It's just the way I am. It's nearly impossible to shave around my adams apple without cutting myself.
do you drink a lot?
jk but the Merkur 34c has been mentioned many times in this thread.
if you're cutting yourself with this, I don't know what to recommend except maybe (shudder) ...electric
Don't shave this area as is, pull your skin to the side or swallow to move the adam's apple.
How the fuck do niggas get that BBS clean shave without prepping for half an hour before work, I can't stand it when I shave and the micro stubble makes your entire jaw line look like is covered in dirty gray skin texture like some video game
I don't. I shave daily but only do a single pass. BBS is harsh on your skin. I sometimes do a three pass shave for my girlfriend though.
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I use this specific straight razor. I hit it with a 8000 grit whetstone whenever it get dull. It’s so wicked sharp that I usually don’t need any cream. You definitely have to have 15-25 minutes of uninterrupted, undistracted time to yourself. You must learn how to angle your blade and the contours of your face and the direction of your hairs. Or else you are going to get fucked lol. But I’ve gotten good to the point of never having to use my styptic pen anymore. When I’m done I run my face one more time with a disposable razor to pick up whatever I missed. Pros are this is an extreme exfoliator, your face feels like a baby afterwards, I can push out shaving again by an extra day, and you have a blade that will last your lifetime if you take care of it. Cons are, you have to sharpen it, there is a learning curve, it will humble you if you are thinking about your ex while using it. Is it better than a safety razor? Idk, probably not. But I will say it’s one of those factory reset periods of my week where I have to force myself to think about nothing but the blade in my hand. In that respect it’s very therapeutic.
You use this because you think it impresses people, it doesn't. It just makes you a retard.
No I use it because my dad gave it to me. Why this makes you so insecure is beyond me.
Nope. You think it impresses people. It doesn't.
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Why are you so butthurt about my shaving routine?
I bet. A free blade, the only limitation being yourself.
Do you find the handle long enough, going to go feel out the 23c also.
>Do you find the handle long enough?
I have a razor with a handle that copies the HD handle from the 34c. It's plenty long imo but what works best for you comes down to personal preference. Typically longer handles are preferred for shaving body hair but some people swear by longer handles for their face razors.
Also instead of the 34c consider the Dovo Primo II it's made by merkur but with better quality chrome plating and a tweaked geometry that makes it a mild but efficient cutter. Easily available on Amazon for an extra $10 over the merkur
>the difference in the intermediary and top segments [the guard bar and head cap] are quite substantial between the DOVO and Merkur; the slope of the stretching surface on the DOVO guard bar is notably steeper (= pointing more closely to the line from the center of the head cap to the bottom center of the handle, for a reduction in the null/native angle of the blade to the skin), the bar itself much smoother, and the guard is now continuous – no more ‘fluting’ below the blade. The Merkur style has the ‘fluted’ straight comb with a bit less space between the guard bar’s top and the bottom of the cutting edge (the ‘gap’), and a standoff angle of the guard bar that is bit higher° relative to the handle axis than the DOVO, about ~5°. Furthermore, the chrome plating uniformity on the DOVO model is very much superior to the Merkur norms.

>The curvature of the top cap upon the DOVO model is a bit steeper. And the total space afforded for the passage of lather has been slightly increased upon the DOVO version (~0.2mm wider on PRIMO).

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