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previous >>18290443


>Blogs: https://pastebin.com/ZjRtCQNQ
>Brands: https://pastebin.com/Sb54Bsri (take a look b4 asking "what brand has good xyz")



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>first two fit pics in the thread are dogshit
It's so over
>navy blazer
>grey herringbone
>brown POW w/blue overcheck
>navy POW w/dull orange overcheck
What should be next? Tweed is what I'm looking for, particularly like Lovat's patterns but open to anything.
Early reminder to stop larping. Enjoy your thread.
Brown cord or any donegal
Possibly the worst trouser fit I've seen
Cyclists had drip before everything became spandex
Also, yeah, the OP pics are aids
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I dress this way every day so I'm gonna get off my ass and get a mirror this weekend so I can start producing some OC for this thread. Unfortunately for me I'm a manlet that prefers baggier fits so I'm gonna get bootyblasted for that but probably better than being that skinny little 110 pound twink that posts his legs in here from time to time
It’s ok to appreciate these styles, but wearing them in 2024 will make you look like you have autism (a mental disability)

Same goes for 80% of the fits posted in these threads
You hang around the wrong people if this style makes you look like a fool.
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I hang around women and people in clubs on a weekend
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>women and people
Thats amazing man yeah nobody else here goes to bars, they kick you out if they spot boat shoes
are you poor?
/tip/bros not like this…
I usually just ignore the retards who post obviously out of place attire. Tip for some reason attracts freaks and spergs (doug, baldfag, twinkfag,etc) who will try to justify their retarded styles all day
Just ignore them
Someone talk me into/ out of buying this coat.

>faceless fitless anon complaining about fit posters
Its a cool coat if you're a professor or spend a lot of time at universities, a little casual otherwise but a fine weekender
This isn't a thread exclusively to post fits, it's not the WAYWT thread, it's a -general- thread. That means everything related to the subject goes, there's no need to post fits at all in fact.
The 'talk shit post fit' only applies to the WAYWT thread because it's a thread dedicated mainly to fit pics.
This thread literally wouldn't be hurt if bald, doug and twink stopped posting forever, their 'contributions' are unnecessary and in fact harmful. Regarding pics like these >>18313022, they are akin to those daily threads made by spergs asking when will roman attire or SS hats make a comeback, just thread and board pollution by social pariah
>posting a pic of an old timey bicycle rider to illustrate a point makes you an insane social pariah
>don't post fits related to the topic in a thread on /fa/
wow haven't read something so retarded in a while, thanks anon
So you're saying you couldn't pull dressed like that?
Any decent penny loafer brands that won't break the bank?
Jay Butler.
Allen Edmonds on ebay.
This >>18313022 is barely even a tip specific fit. It’s khaki pants and a button down.
Rancourt during one of their preorder sales if you don't mind waiting for months.
TLB Mallorca is maximum shoe quality per dollar spent and their more casual style penny loafers are under $300.
looks freaking sweet to be honest, but the massive looming question remains: HOW do you pull it off without looking like a sperg in 2024?
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Thinking about ordering a Mercer OCBD with their shiny new online shop and first time buyer discount. Theoretically I should want at least some taper to the waist but really I want the garment in its true form, even if the voluminous fit overwhelms me.

Just ordered a beaufort. My chest is a 40" but I sized up to a 42" because the chest measurement of the jacket in 40 doesn't seem that generous, and I don't want to feel any constriction in the jacket. Maybe I should've gone TTS but we will see.

Looks great. I've been wanting to pick up a balmacaan this winter but want something like these that isn't plaid.

Something like this I think you can just wear if the rest of you fit is at least somewhat consistent. It's a big wool coat, people don't wear these anymore so you can kind of just do it and not worry about it. Also could go the ALD route and dress it down as well.
like everything else, dress appropriately for whatever you are doing
you're larping if you have to come here to ask how to dress.
>talk me into/ out of buying this coat
it's sold out, so there's that. it also looks bad, but that's just my opinion and maybe it would be ok for you
traad dood, wat nou
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save up for some aldens you won't regret it
which ones do you have?
983 I have tan calf but they are a little informal if I got a new pair I would get color 8
How does /tip/ carry things with him? Bags?
/tip/ is not a single person
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rolling around in the back seat of a saab or volvo is the meme answer, for trads who knows
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I have a nice leather backpack (don't care how tou feel about backpacks, it's practical) and there's a bean tote in the car.
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Is there a name for this texture/style? I can't find anything even remotely similar. They're 60% polyester, 40% cotton
Just looks like a mid to fine wale corduroy to me.
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>(don't care how tou feel about backpacks, it's practical)
bags are probably more personal and individually specific than any clothes in /tip/, can't judge anything on that alone
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What are the different purposes for canvas vs leather boat shoes?
Do they have different appropriateness/Do they fit into different niches of an outfit?
Which do you prefer?
I tend to go for the classic version of anything so i have sperry leather boat shoes but for canvas i have their cvo's which are pretty nice.
I find the canvas in your pic kinda ugly because they put a big sneaker sole onto a moccasin upper which looks poorly proportioned.
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How about these leather/mesh ones? IMO they’re dumb like “dress sneakers”, but they were always the most popular when I was growing up
>canvas in your pic kinda ugly
Agreed. I’m just too lazy to scrape the internet for better pics. Even aside from the sole, I don’t like that color.
Any pea coat inspo?
The only cool ivy shit is trust fund rapist core
Everything else sucks. Makes you look like doug or a robbery victim on the subway
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Mom finished the sweater i mentioned when I posted my cable knit. Came out really great (though I can't take a picture on this chink phone to save my life, it's not in fact randomly faded on the bottom 3rd), only thing is that it's the exact same clor as the cable knit since she used leftover fabric. Not an issue though so w/e
Shoes like your pic are the genre of "modernized performance" boat shoes. They are typically some sort of attempt the make a boat shoe with an athletic shoe style sole that are supposed to be more practical for actually wearing white sailing a boat.
They almost universally look like shit and i have no idea if anyone who owns a sailboat actually wears shoes like these. Basically they are ugly as hell and i would avoid unless you actually intend to wear them on a boat and you find their performance to be superior to traditional boat shoes.
I've got a deep maroon oxford and I have no idea how to wear it. I'm pretty much only used to more traditional blue and university stripe shirts. Any advice for toning down louder colored oxfords?
Three Days of the Condor
don't see why khaki/light brown pants wouldn't work. if it's a deep maroon you won't look like a target employee.
what >>18317902
Also consider:
Pairs well with navy, black and gray as well
If you have charcoal pants or a deep purple that's where the dark reds really shine. More traditional less ivy imo
canvas is obviously more breathable, feet are cooler, and can be submersed in water, leather does not do well in water, leather is more durable though and more protective than canvas
Wow, it's beautiful!
bottom shoe is not a boat shoe. it's a sneaker larping as a boat shoe. canvas rots quickly in salt water and generally rips, leather will mold to your foot and stay in place. doubtful that anyone doing anything serious on a boat is actually wearling these
I dont exactly swim in them but ive never had a problem getting leather boat shoes wet.

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