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>No, you don’t understand, synthetic materials are actually bad, that’s why I only wear second hand or thrifted clothing, The quality is better and the designs are actually more based and traditional, T-Shirts make a man look like a toddler after all…
The niggas on this sub have horrible taste in pretty much everything except for shoes
Everyone who works in fashion KNOWS that semi-synthetic is the way to go with every day clothes
A wool blended with some spandex adds longevity to the garment, no debating this...
Nobody wears cotton for warmth dumbass
Most new clothes fit terribly and my best fitting clothes are thrifted. Long sleeves and torso, loose and tight in all the wrong places, etc. I don't know what happened in the past few years.
it literally doesn't though. Elastic degrades, deforms and loses it's stretch way before wool does
>horrible taste in pretty much everything except for shoes
How does synthetic being bad lead to only wearing second-hand clothing? Where is the link between those two ideas?
>wear natural materials for my day to day clothes, because they feel better no other reason.
>wear synthetics for my /out/ gear, because they work better and pack lighter.
>lol at all the autists and spergs

because its the only way poorfags can avoid synthetic and everyone on here is poor.
why the fuck would i care what some homosexual who works in fashion thinks?
>everyone on here is poor.
Not only are they poor, they're mad af about it. They recoil in horror when anyone has money to expend on anything that isn't a necessity.
now clothes only come in small medium and large. That used to not be the case
>A wool blended with some spandex adds longevity to the garment, no debating this.

>Go to any museum
>See wool garments made by primitive hut dwelling people
>Garments have survived hundreds of years
>"Oh no that's not long enough, you totally have to add spandex bro"
But it literally does not. Jeans with polyester are a prime example of 100% cotton outlasting them.
Why design clothes that fit people when one size "fits" all can be churned out at a fraction of the cost? Especially when the average buyer doesn't know/care about things fitting well
>Cannot fathom improvement to fabrics since “cave dwelling” times
The same reason you post on the fashion board…
Yeah bitch and are those garments good quality or degrading ? do those clothes get washed multiple times a year ?
Unless you get your clothing literally dry cleaned once a week, yeah some spandex in the blend is a good idea
I look like this and I say this.

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