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how the fuck do you justify shelling out 1k for a jacket or shoes?
You don't, its completely unnecessary. Its really only to mog and flex on people, though whoever buys something that expensive is hyper insecure.
$1k is nothing, get a real job
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When you're rich enough that $1000 might as well be $60.
>Why not save the extra $940 and buy cheap?
If you're rich enough it's literally negligible. The difference between a $0.80 and $3.99 chocolate bar. You're just going to pick whichever you prefer at the moment.
because something that costs that much should last you the rest of your life
Got any job reccs?
by not being poor and realizing that aesthetics are everything. people spend more on cars which are even more expensive extensions of aesthetics
I'm definitely about that rn. And made in America. Looking at this new indie designer ENTREM for a pair of their new pants. Hand made in USA, heavy weight denim. Last forever.
i know how much it costs to make things and what the industry standard markup is.
i buy less clothes and throw them away less often because i'm not chasing fast fashion influencer celebrity trends and my clothes are just a lot better made from better materials than yours.
1k is a normalish price for a high quality jacket.
1k is kinda absurd for shoes or boots.

most expensive shit is just overpriced.
but the stuff that's actually worth the price tag is VERY worth it.
well actually 1k for something like engineer boots or true moccasins isn't crack pipe at all.
pretty much any other kind of shoe if you're paying over $500 then you're overpaying.
overpaying for good design work is worth it sometimes. when you get into clothes made by actual designers not copy paste ripped off then that's a lot of what you're paying for: actual intelligent human thought being put into the design. hard to put a number value to that much like art.
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I spent £1.6k on this jacket yesterday as a treat to myself for Christmas
>Justify it
I don’t have to? I just think its cool!
Have you tried not being poor?
By making a lot of money. I don't have to pretend I don't have an extra thou lying around.
is that the amiri jacket? that one's kinda cool i change my mind.
spend that on car and plane instead
bruh you bought a plane for $1000?
Rich people don't play this zero sum game you play. They have money enough for both.
>well actually 1k for something like engineer boots or true moccasins isn't crack pipe at all

Eh part of that is supply and demand. Engineer boots aren't as popular, part of the price is due to scarcity and the prestige of who makes them if you're talking about models like Mr Lou.

In today's market with inflation and all the BS, $300-600 for a well made pair of boots is fair. And I do mean well made: Goodyear welt, high quality thick ass durable leather, clean stitching, no flaws, etc. These are the type of boots that will last longer than you will, just condition them and put a new sole on as needed. With a lot of the PNW bootmakers, the prices have skyrocketed in a manner that dramatically outpaced inflation. In the early 2000s you could get handmade PNW boots for 300-500, now they're double or triple that. Why? Demand outpaced the ability to produce, the manufacturers raised prices because they could and because it lowers demand. You're looking at a one year wait minimum for certain makers. Evidence showed them that the market supported the price raise, so most likely they'll keep raising prices until orders stabilize or start decreasing. Then the prices will stay consistent or decrease slightly if needed.
In that instance, you're not paying for quality, you're paying due to demand.

Does that mean you need to pay 1k and wait a year for good boots? Fuck no, you just need to try different manufacturers. Truman, Oak Street, Grant Stone, etc will still make excellent boots for much lower prices.
>that much money and it looks like ass

he can be rich if he buy car and plane.
He's rich no matter what. You seem very clueless.
i just mean you do need larger flawless sections of leather and/or some boots can be a bit more involved in construction.
but yeah generally $300-600 objective quality caps around there.
your mom was clueless before i fucked her in the ass
your mom is a bitch whore
>i just mean you do need larger flawless sections of leather and/or some boots can be a bit more involved in construction.

No argument there, but if you look at what engineer boots used to cost when they were more common versus how much they cost now(even adjusting for inflation) and you'll see what I mean.

Spot on about needing bigger pieces of leather though, that is a good point. Any wholecut footwear will automatically cost more to make.
you know you could have just bought a denim jacket and worn it until it needed repair. I'll never know why you fages spend that much money on something that's already broken
Because rich people don't have to wear some jacket till it needs repair.
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I heard streamers make a good amount
Get your money up nigga $1k is less than half a paycheck for me and I don’t even make that much
i have fucked up feet and have made the decision that comfort and quality is something i will not compromise on for my footwear since i am always standing or walking.
how the fuck do you justify slave labor?
Learn to fix/build things with wood metal or electricity, fireman
t medical doctor 3 years out of residency but friends with these professions are doing better off financially than me. They work harder now though, asides the fireman
Im sorry anon. That looks like some straight up shein trash lmao.
I could have dressed you like a fucking faggot for $160
Slavery used to be based, I'm not really a fan of the contemporary style
It gets shit done.
>wow anon you paid a thousand for those shoes? yeah I know they will last until you die but that's crazy bro
>anyway check out my new iphone
>nah, the one I bought last year was working fine but this one has a slightly better camera and a slightly faster processor that I never actually take advantage of because all I use it for is browsing social media
why would you want to wear the same thing for all your life?
Some people say the classics never go out of style but that's a stupid thing to say because they actually do and judging by the people that are setting all the standards all of us go out of style too.
cringe jacket
Dainty feminine hands were barely able to type this
This goes hard
cool viking/biker guy thing
what's the timepiece you'd pair with that muh duder
I get what you're saying but these people are basically renting the phone from the provider as part of their contract, they are not really paying for a new phone each year
classics don't need to be in style to be wearable and the pendulum is currently at peak classic silhouettes being in style at the moment. the immediate kneejerk to the classic era and the hedi slimane era have been the only times classics have really been hard-hard out of style.
The price of the phone is built into the contract, people just have very poor financial education and don't realize $10/mo for two years is much more than $1000 upfront.
Fewer clothes, buy them for life (as long as possible)
as said above, think of it as money per wear. if you wear it for 50 years, then that's pretty good money investment.
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This guy gets it.

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