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How do I get over my fear of wearing expensive clothes in public?

I am scared I will look as goofy as pic rel and people will make fun of me
Don't be a billboard
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The problem is if you have to walk somewhere while wearing expensive clothes you look fucking cringe. Think about it. Expensive and highly fashionable clothing is for events that you get driven to. Nothing more cringe having to catch public transport while wearing a leather jacket and nice shoes.
Incel logic
By realizing that about 99% of people you will encounter outside won't give a shit about what you wear. Or you, for tgat matter.
i think the best way is to dress the best of your peers or in the style of your environment so if you live in the hood you have the dopest sneakers
if you feel uncomfortable in the clothes you wear you will never look good, it's everything

Wear something you are comfortable in, you'll look better to other people
This, it is tacky to show off labels. Unless you're trying to show off to poor people who will be impressed. But for anyone who grew up middle class or higher it is a bit much.
this is it, showing off wealth is impressive only to the people who would be ruined by spending that much on the item.
Me, being middle class, would be impressed by someone show off a lambo or something, because it is basically inaccessible to me.
But if you showed off a 500€ jumper that would look very tacky: I could afford the same jumper too if I wanted to, it would just be a dumb way to spend my money.
I guess it's the same concept, just make it relative to any wealth level.
the big polo logo is the one they use on the lower end lines for poorer people.
The first step is always not being fat
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yeah fo sho on god if it aint got duh teddy it aint shyt nowatamsayan
What's is your logic then? Explain to me why flashing brands and logos is a good thing.
The npc brain is fascinating, literally thinking the same thing unison, literally just following what the algorithm tells them to follow, to hate what the algorithm tells them to hate
I've been on /fa for a decade and the amount of schizophrenic kvetching about how 'logos are le bad' has reached braindead heights these last couple of years. Funny how exactly when /fa/ gets flooded with anti logo schizophrenia the normie bots also embrace 'old money' and 'stealth wealth' shit. The most amazing thing is that you npcs don't realize your thoughts aren't unique that they come from the algorithm, you think they come from your unique understanding of the world. You do not realize you are a hivemind. Let me guess.. you also started hating on polyester a couple years ago, oh and seed oils..
No I only started hating on polyester now when I got an actual 100% cotton pair of pants for the first time and saw it hold up way better. Never buying anything "stretch" again.
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The "old money" and "stealth wealth" shit is common yeah. And I guess it is part of the culture that people are brought up on based on their class. If you're only surrounding yourself with people who are destitute or from a poor background then logos makes sense and might be considered stylish. If you're going to make it work for the middle class and up then you might need to embrace some hip-hop affectation or like you come from the hood and then it is endearing that you can afford some new clothes I guess.

Caring about cuts and materials however IS a way to impress a little. By having strong opinions about materials in one way or other shows that you thought about it. I think what you're reacting to is just a class thing. It might seem incomprehensible to you, but seem obvious to someone who has been brought up in another class. But massive logos are popular and for a lot of people that is impressive and fine.
Stealth wealth as middle class is fucking cringe

Nobody cares about your bottega veneta jeans, in fact they will think you are mentally ill. Real middle class, that makes less than 100k a year, wont even buy a pair of skechers if they are over 80 bucks
Only poors show off their label. You wear expensive clothes not because you want to signal wealth by flashing the labels of the brands and stupidly doing free advertisement for them, but because they are high quality with good craftsmanship and a unique design. You wear expensive clothes for yourself, not others. People will notice good clothes even if you don't wear giant labels and logos.
True, you might get mistaken as actually wealthy. That is always a danger though. Having massive logos does avoid that. But it does make people look like they just got out from the slums.
>True, you might get mistaken as actually wealthy.
Every wealthy person I know wears giant logos. You can actually tell their age from what logos they use, boomers have Ralph Lauren and Canada Goose, millenials wear Supreme and Bape, zoomers wear Gallery Dept etc. Plus the obligatory Rolex or Breitling
Truth be told they “only” own a few companies, or are the sons of bankers, but people above them have their own chauffer and private jets, which you cant save up for like some mother of pearl oxford shirt from some random store Mark Zuckerberg shops at

How can you even tell the famous brands without logos anyway? Quality is no indicator, high quality clothes are diet cheap in the modern day, it’s not like the middle ages where only the nobility can afford purple shirts or some shit, I can buy fully shearling leather jackets for 1000 euros. And nobody can tell if your white shirt was made by a one of a kind Japanese loopwheel machine or it’s some polyblend crap from a chinese slave factory
You can go to cos or arket during a black friday sale and build a capsule wardrobe of “fancy” clothes for one week’s wage, if you want to dress like a 1910’s caricature of a rich person
>Only poors show off their label
I mean this is OBJECTIVELY wrong. Not only there are countless pictures of millionaires and billionaires wearing 'logos' but historically european aristocracy did nothing but flaunt their wealth all day for thousands of years. Stop projecting virtue onto rich people, they are just people with money they don't have 'le friggin taste' inherently in them. It is obvious you have never interacted with rich people and are just parroting whatever you saw on tiktok
Fuck europe
sounds like an American flyover problem
Bro his mad he can't use his "esoteric knowledge" to impress girls at bars anymore because of tiktok
Always hated huge logos. Do kot mind small ones, but usually prefer stuff without logos. Exceptions apply.
Do kot mind it on athletic and techwear, but opt for natural fibers or whatever has less poly if I can. I hate poly larping as something else, lije 100% poly "flannel" shirts and stuff. It always performs worse and disguishes how actually cheap the garment is.
>sneed oils
Overblown scaremongering. Yeah, you shouldn't be eating the stuff by the gallon, but every few years there's a new big evil in the food industry. This decade is seed oils. Maybe avoid deepfrying everything and processed stuff that contains a fuckton of it.
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The key to longevity in the hood is having the least dope sneakers.
I have only seen it on people who get paid to wear it, never in a store.
>How do I get over my fear of wearing expensive clothes in public?
buy clothes
wear them
go outside
Those arent expensive clothes, I had the same pair of glasses they were like 30$ on etsy. Tim Dillons a faggot

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