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can a poorfag be /fa/?
yeah just don't fall for the high fashion meme
Not really. You can try, but in the amount of time you spend finding one viable aspect of your wardrobe, most high-earners can buy literally hundreds of pieces better.
Go back to school or something insted.
you can be effay by thrifting
You can look good but you cannot be /fa/ as a poorfag.
You see, there's an intangible component to fashion that goes beyond looking goid and it's inherently classist. Fashion allows you to make statements through clothing, but only insofar as you're in a position to make said statements.
As an example, a rich guy dressing in Lidl apparel might be making a statement, like "look how I make it work", or "let's vindicate cheap clothing", or "looking poor ironicaly is cool". However, someone who can only afford Lidl clothes cannot make such statements, he's wearing what's available to him.
You cannot be ironically poor if you're just poor. So lacking the ability to pick those statements, you cannot be /fa/. You can still look good and make it work, though, so there's that.
Do you live near a major port city?
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fashion is free
Yeah. I know I’m going to get shit on for saying this, but a lot of zoomer thriftcore/slackercore actually looks good. You just need to get good at thrifting clothes that actually complement your proportions. Opt for straight/wide cut pants and slightly cropped tops. Color theory isn’t as hard as knowing how to optimize the proportions.

If you aren’t into zoomer thriftcore, get into vintage 50s/60s style. There’s a lot of vintage cut pieces you can find while thrifting
Being rich doesn't mean being a better person. There are teachers who earn less than physical workmen. There are craftsmen (artists) who earn less than Amazon assembly cattle. There are professional sportsmen who earn less than YouTube clowns.
I'm a hiker and I've met several people on remote mountains working as farmers, lumberjacks, innkeepers, and they were genuinely more well-read and smarter than some of my university professors, who were basically parasites.
Everyone knows how much of an asshole a boomer businessman can be. Everyone knows how artists, writers, musicians, actors often have a hard time earning a living. I know it sounds like memes, but it's exactly what it is.
So it all comes down to how you decide to spend your money. Human value isn't involve in this. Someone you meet might be extremely cool and fashionable, might "make statements", but his house might be an Ikea-furnished small apartment.
Another guy might drive a cool sport car, but only wear polyester crap because he doesn't even check the garment labels of the clothes he buys.
Another might be shabbily dressed but constantly traveling the world. Another might spend all his earning on books and vinyls. It really comes down to who you are and what you're doing with your life.
Having a decent wardrobe doesn't require being particularly rich. Even assuming you only want to own high-end items, if you closely select what you want, if you have some self-control and if you know how to take advantage of sales, in general if you choose a quality-over-quantity approach, with highly selective choices and clever planning, you can build a wealthy wardrobe in just a few years.
Rich people usually know all of this and most of the times not only respect, but are genuinely fascinated by people who know how to look good with minimum spend. The 2% of them who'll be hating on you are basically seething poorfags who have earned a little but yet not enough to be able to see themselves as upper class.
i have a pair of good pants that i only wear once a year because they cost me $60
Oy vey very materialist post my fellow groid
I don't normally read long posts but this was well put.
>Rich people usually know all of this and most of the times not only respect, but are genuinely fascinated by people who know how to look good with minimum spend.
Rich people hire influencer scammers to give them life advice all the time
Not listening to a ukfag
Your country is devoid of culture
Muslim paki grooming gang rapists have more culture than white brit bongs will ever have
The entire fashion sense of middle class is basically poor people clothing from 10 years prior
I saw an /fa/ homeless guy once. He looked like he was wearing 7 pairs of pants and 5 jackets.
I don't know what you want to tell me with that, everything is about money. Jews are greedy, but in my book european countries are on similar level like "jews". Since Israel is an european colony.
Get rich or die tryin'.
being /fa/ while poor is called working out so you have a great body and can mog people simply by wearing jeans and a white t shirt
maybe you can be poor in a meta-ironic or post-ironic way
>some asian homeless man has a better hair than me
it's so fucking over

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