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Is anyone else completely done with workwear style aesthetics after this election?

I just threw away my $200 Levi's trucker jacket. Same with the few pairs of shirt jackets I own. I will never be seen with a beard or goatee ever again.

I am done with fetishizing this group of people, they never deserved to be fetishized in the first place. In fact I agree with their grievances that urbanite hipsters "stole" from them; fair enough, your style will no longer be cool anymore.

From here on out I will appropriate the neo upper class, not working class people, and refuse to interact with anyone who wears a denim jacket. I will also be boycotting Levi's and every other company that has fetishized w*rking class people.
>Is anyone else completely done with workwear style aesthetics after this election?
Never got into it, I've got several "trucker" jackets but I don't style myself like a blue collar worker
>I just threw away my $200 Levi's trucker jacket.
OK, I don't usually pull this card, but... this is honestly the most reddit post I've ever read on here. To the point that I wouldn't be surprised if this was an actual reddit post you copypasted to troll here.
>wanting to look blue collar when you arent blue collar
i think op is a neet
ask your mom to buy different clothes next time
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frankly it's stolen valor
unless you're coasting on passive interest from intergenerational wealth, you are also working class.
no one wears denim jacket in construction or any hard labour jobs
I can't believe I share a fashion board with people who think $200 is a lot.
im a neet
you're retarded
>/pol/ bait thread on the fashion board
it's all so tiresome. just hide this thread and move on
I’m blue collar but i have boyish good looks. I wonder how many blue collar guys look at me with seethe thinking I’m larping since i don’t look rugged. I say this because some are shocked when they find out i work blue collar and it’s a dangerous one
Because Trump won? Lmao.
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Seethe more trend-hopping faggot. You will never have your own style and will just poorly emulate what others told you is cool.
He did
I'm an actual blue collar worker and I'll be happy if people like you stop cosplaying as us.
This but unironically.
here in yurop we labour lads wear trackies n trainers off jd sports, and deanos fetishise peaky blinders
I can't imagine track pants lasting very long on a job site. How many pairs do you go through every year? I buy a pair of wrangler jeans maybe once a year and that about does it for me.
sorry, not on the job, on the job it's mostly provided gear, but no fancy stuff anyone would wear off work
But i have seen videos of bricklayers and that kind of thing in the UK just wearing track pants. Very strange. Also sometimes they look like they are dressed up to go to the club or something but they're just going to work laying bricks. Maybe it's some kind of flex to be like look i'm so good at bricklaying i don't even get mud on my expensive clothes.
jeeesus christ imagine being the type of person who could write a post like this. Even if it's a parody... it's almost even worse if OP wrote it as a parody
if it's a bigger company you are provided with working gear, in small businesses you might just bring your own clothes which usually means stuff you're ready to let go of, get dirty, and worn out
this is what everyone misses. if you have a job that you use to pay your bills, you are working class. whether you make 200k a year or 20k a year, you are working to live
I like this fit and wouldnt have pinned it as being workwear aesthetic, but get what you are trying to say.
What if you actually do manual labor?
>buy Carhartt work pants
>wear them to work for two weeks
>couple washes
>sell on ebay for more than i paid
Bullshit retard, to say you are 'working class' when you are a lawyer making 200k a year is just disingenuous no matter what the technicality is
A denim jacket is not some trendy "workwear style aesthetic". It's a timeless, practical piece of clothing. Unlike your nigger hoodies, a denim trucker jacket has multiple functional pockets in addition to the hand warmer pockets, and it's much more durable. You also don't need to worry about a gay little zipper going bad over the years. It has a button closure which pretty much lasts forever. And since it has buttons, you cam choose which ones to keep open and which to close, which is especially useful while sitting down.
that's what the wealthy elite want you (and the lawyer) to think.
Do not talk shit about hoodies faggot
Proud of you anon, you've realized how the system is actually set up.
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OP please donate your clothes so someone else can enjoy them, don't just throw them away for the land fill like some faggot.
No. I think people who larp in spotless workwear are, and always have been faggots, but I was an actual blue collar worker, a mechanic and fabricator, before I went back to school and started a professional career (which is still somewhat blue collar-adjacent and involves a lot of time in the outdoors) and I'm gonna keep wearing my workwear and Western stuff because it's who I am, what I already own, and what I feel comfortable in.
10/10 fresh pasta. Thank you for sharing.
Yeah sure bud, so what you're trying to say is that even though you're a barista you're totally justified in wearing carhartt duck pants and detroit jackets because you're also working class?
no one gives a shit. you don't need to justify wearing carhartt to anyone.
my point is that you aren't "above" working class because you work in an office instead of an oilfield.
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lmao same @ both manlet legolas griffith irl. you're probably a tier up from me on trade gnarliness but i have a couple other very surprising things up my belt. most of my friends have told me some variation of 'i thought you were a computer dweeb the first 5 years i knew you but you're the most savage dude i know' then it goes full circle and they find out i jack it to anime and their initial read of me was also correct.
i'm gonna take a random guess and say you're a roughneck? or something around that sketchy.
this. i could give a single fuck if i see a barista wearing carhartts. they're barely any different from jeans which are the default pants on the west coast. people are so casual here even in the major cities that normies will ask you what you're dressing up for if you tuck a t shirt into your pants. even the old money turbo rich boomers around here just wear costco jeans and some hokas.
the idea of saying 'you can't wear workwear unless you're a tradie' is kinda weird in general because there's so many fabrics that cross over between business casual for the corporate office and workwear. oxford, corduroy, herringbone twill, chinos, i can go on. yeah things like the fit and construction details will differ but what's wrong with a barista wanting a more durable pair of pants that holds up better? not like they give a fuck what they look like if it passes work's dress code or w/e. i have a lot of friends who wear workwear because they skate. anyone who owns a house or works on their own car or w/e has a valid reason to own and wear workwear. the idea that tradie stolen valor can even exist is so retarded you can be on meth with 4 felonies and get a job digging ditches or waving a sign at a construction site tomorrow. how "much" of a tradie do you need to be to earn the right to wear carhartts which kinda suck now anyways? so dumb when people post that. i think its europeans.
I live in bumfuck nowhere in the midwest. blue collar guys do not wear denim jackets.
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who gives a fuck man. there's a lot of use cases for workwear a normie who's job has nothing to do with physical labor could have. its so braindead and npc-like to think someone's job is their whole life in the first place.

yup its cause denim jackets have been cut like fashion jackets inspired by hollywood/etc since 1962. the iconic type 3/trucker jacket isn't really a workwear jacket.
the workwear pattern (type 1) is pretty rare only nerdy japanese brands make it.
you see canvas carhartt jackets everywhere. they're sort of the modern equivalent to the type 1 workweary denim jacket. they used to own and have gusseted shoulders for mobility but carhartt nerfed them in 2018 and they suck dick now. so as the years go on you'll probably see less of them.
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this jacket (carhartt j97) used to be the ubiquitous job site standard issue you'd see just about everywhere in america. nerfed in 2018 and i would say there really isn't a go to tradie jacket you see everyone buying right now a lot of people are just holding onto their old jackets.
>who gives a fuck man. there's a lot of use cases for workwear a normie who's job has nothing to do with physical labor could have. its so braindead and npc-like to think someone's job is their whole life in the first place.
I don't give a fuck about people wearing it, yeah it's comfortable and functional clothing. Just don't be weird and larpy about it.
based and jacketpilled
Trolling aside (that’s some high quality bait man, you should post it in r/malefashionadvice), is there any popular clothing that is 100% not “larping”, “stolen valor”, “fetishization”, or whatever bullshit people attach to clothes originally worn in some specific profession most current wearers don’t belong to?
I wear Chucks although I’m not a baskettball player in the 50s-60s.
I wear jeans although I’m not a farmer or coalminer.
I wear polo shirts although I’m not a polo- or tennis player.
I wear harringtons although I’m not a golfer.
I wear Nike ACG stuff although I rarerly hike.

What should be the uniform of software developers for example?
>What should be the uniform of software developers for example?

It doesn't matter. Who cares what some failure on a Malaysian rice farming board thinks anyways. People weirdly gatekeep in all sorts of hobbies. Go full milsurp for all I care.
Of course it doesn’t matter, but indulge me.
>Go full milsurp for all I care.
I would but in yurop all the “milsurp” shops are infested with Mil-Tec shit.
You guys think he could button that jacket closed. I swear maybe I’m just fat but I feel like half the people I see wearing jackets are wearing one too small
Softwear dev should have something with pockets obviously. I'd do some kind of chore coat and derbies for shoes. Cords for pants, or denim. Pocket T, long or short sleeve.
I can’t remember a time I needed pockets as a softwer developer, I mean for stuff related to my work.
Full jump suit with cutouts for your nipples then.
I can’t remember a time I needed my nipples exposed as a softwer developer, I mean for stuff related to my work.
hoodies are nogwear outside your home
>i think its europeans.
Wrong, the stolen valor concept is 100% american. For once, we don't suck military dick like you guys do. Nobody gives a shit if you're in the military at best, and at worst they'll think less of you.
Second, nobody wears american workwear here to work. Euro "workwear" is high vis and stuff specially made to comply with regulations, more often than not provided by the employer. Overalls, cargo pants and such, mostly. Nobody wears jeans and flannels to a consyruction site or to weld stuff.
American workwear is considered americana and as such is part of casual clothes here. Nobody thinks you're larping as a tradie if you're wearing a carhartt jacket, flannel and jeans.
My point is that this "muh stolen valor" whether it's about workwear or military stuff is 100% an american thing, so stop projecting your weird ideas on us.
>What should be the uniform of software developers for example?
I've several wfh softdev friends, so based on my observations:

>cheetos-stained anime or vidya tee
>cotton track pants or shorts with an overstretched elastic waistband
>flip flops or crocs

Everything xs or xxxl, no inbetween.
just buy a flecktarn, it mogs everything else and is ubiquitous
yeet the g*rman flags thoughever
I wfh, my workwear is:
- t-shirt (C&A)
- briefs (Sloggy)
- flip-flops (Adidas)
You have a nog's brain lmao
Workwear is for trend chasing plebs like op.
fair point, you're right it probably is just particularly retarded americans.

i have one that looks pretty slim unbuttoned but i can fit a uber thick hoodie under it and button it if i really want to.
a lot of guys wild up getting a slimmer unlined one for warmer months and a looser lined one to layer under when its cold.
spoken like a true non-tradie soft handed bitch
>stolen tradie valor is stupid

Fuck off you soft handed retards. I worked hard to learn my trade. I spent 4 years in an apprenticeship getting paid like shit and having to do all the bitch work while trying to learn. I get up early every morning and bust my ass while most of you latte drinking faggots are still lying in bed. My work has tangible results that are the consequences of me trading my physical health for a paycheck. And no, this isn't some dead-end job that any meth head could do, I do complicated detailed work that requires actual skill. I work a man's job and I work hard to be able to say that.

Yet some fucking 25 year old part time working FAGGOT thinks he can dress like me and just become a man overnight because he's wearing Carhartts and work boots. You think you can just buy masculinity? Don't give me that 'oh it's cheap and durable' bullshit. You can wear normal chinos and normal jackets without larping and it's far cheaper than the heavy clothes tradies wear, and nothing you do in your life requires actual durability in clothing because you're a bitch made child.

So yeah, it is stolen valor and I don't care how cringe you faggots think that is. You're cringe. You try to dress like something you're not because you don't have a personality and you have the mental characteristics of a woman.
Hate to break it to you bro, but that's not what "working class" means. It doesn't mean the same as "anyone who works".
Beyond triggered.

>the workwear pattern (type 1) is pretty rare only nerdy japanese brands make it.
Not really, they're less ubiquitous than type 3, bit Levis, on both its premium and vintage lines has released several type 1&2 models. Uniqlo had type 2 a couple years ago, and Zara had a couple type 1 lined and unlined models years ago. Lee also has, or had not long ago, a type 1 in their archives collection.
Some of them are pretty accurate, some are not, but definitely not as rare as say, up to ten years ago.
I don't get it.
Suck my dick you are a BITCH
>wanting college boys working your willy
sounds pretty gay m9, you do you
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Seethe, cope, and cry moar.
>hoodies are too slop-core / nog-core
>denim jackets are too larp-core / laborer-core
What's the solution for a casual jacket?
Get a real fucking job
good point. they're still really uncommon relative to the type 3 though, since its the most ubiquitous highest selling jacket in history.
>And no, this isn't some dead-end job that any meth head could do, I do complicated detailed work that requires actual skill. I work a man's job and I work hard to be able to say that.
so a guy who's digging ditches for a living hasn't "earned the right" to wear proper attire for his job yet? and he can't buy work clothes until he's worked for 4 years to prove himself first? that's retarded.
a guy who skates all the time can't wear carhartts even though he's probably 4x harder on his clothes than you are?

>So yeah, it is stolen valor and I don't care how cringe you faggots think that is. You're cringe. You try to dress like something you're not because you don't have a personality and you have the mental characteristics of a woman.
i build non lowest bidder homes and remodel commercial properties with my friend and no mexicans or helpers. i do almost everything start to finish myself. your attitude is so fucking cringe and gay its unbelievable.
Get a big mans cock to relieve your pain
>Is anyone else completely done with workwear style aesthetics after this election?
Stay mad wagecuck.
>i do almost everything start to finish myself
Lol yeah okay you fucking hack. The only people who 'do everything' are guys who don't know enough to know how bad their shit sucks.
Oh and that's really cool you do it without helpers. That's actually a sign of really poor management more than anything. Is your labor worth so little that you it's not worth it for you to hire a guy to move and cut studs for you at $20 an hour?
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I am 6'2" and denim jackets are always too short for my torso. I think it looks awful to have a tshirt poking out from underneath your jacket.
This looks awful.
>shitting on someone doing honest work while being a gatekeeping faggot
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this is hilarious.

thats the millenial/reddit look from back when dudes were wearing girl hip hugger jeans... well not even girls wear jeans like that anymore haha.
the classic look is having the tee tucked or cropped short and the pants be higher rise which balances the look of the short jacket.
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untucked cropped example
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lil better of a tucked example the first pic i noticed the guy is sagging a tiny bit.
Damm, I need a type 1 trucker.
they're very viable as work jackets because of the drop shoulder.
Good to know, but it's mainly to steal some tradie's valor.
based. good clothes are good clothes.

lol one time we did hire a helper and he shot up heroin on his lunch break in some guy's driveway. we mostly work on old money boomer mansions they appreciate not having a bunch of sketch fucks in their house alone with their wife or using their job to case for burglaries for their "homies" like mexicans do.
Is that you? You wasted someone's time writing scripture on the trusses? Please tell me you're joking.
And yet, larping as a masculine worker is so much better than larping as a rich aristocrat. Go visit the Tard/Ivy/Prep general if you want to taste some real cringe.
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Left looks orders of astronomical magnitude better than right. What type is it?
The same type as the right, but one size larger, with a lighter wash and pulled out collars.
Both are type 2. I like them, but the pocket placement looks weird to me after a lifetime of seeing and wearing jackets tgat either have them way up or down. That middle of nowhere placement looks unbalanced to me.

I'm pretty sure someone's about to loredump why the chest pockets are where they are and that I'm wrong on everything forever.
Left is on a white man
Don't be a retard. Right looks bad on white people too.
Don't be brown

the chest pocket position back then was just because its a convenient functional place for them to be. it does look a bit off. i always preferred the single pocket non flap pocket version of the type i's to the type ii personally.
nothing like seeing 9-5 tech niggers who can't lift 50 pounds over their heads decked out in workwear
This post has to be a troll. Literally a bourgeoisie posing as a humble working man upset that the liberal elites didn't win the election so he now shuns the aesthetic that he appropriated to seem more down to earth and fashionable. I don't even like Trump but this is actually embarrassing for you.
don't see how other men keep beards. decided to not shave for 2 weeks and its really bothering me. everyone says it looks good but i want to shave. i think it looks okay but it just feels so weird

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