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I’m going to try and describe it the best way I can.

It’s a certain look that a lot of male actors of the mid 20th century had. People like Robert Redford, Alain Delon, Paul Newman, Clint Eastwood, Steve McQueen.

They would mostly wear things like suits without a tie, chinos, aviators and even had a casual western look with two pocket button shirts with denim jeans and a cowboy belt.

What is the official specific name of this style that people use to refer to it? I need more inspo and more information about how to replicate it.
before 2020 we didnt name our aesthetics zoom zoom, we also didnt make mood boards or inspo folders
It's just menswear
It's literally just 60s/70s casual menswear. Nothing else to say as it's literally just basic shirt, basic pants and basic shoes
Help me find something like those pants
Lmao back in the 70s my mom would literally cut nice fits out of magazines and pin them into a cork board. You're right about not naming aesthetics though.
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It's the "just have a handsome face and a fit body, bro" look
boomer cringe
this nigga never heard of tumblr
for fucks sake big bro I'm 21 and even I used the tumblr aesthetics inspo posts thing in 2017
as someone else noted it's just classic menswear J Press, Brooks Brothers, RLP, Gitman Bros etc
chinos, ocbd are a good place to start

add stuff you like to cultivate your look
I missed out on humanity.
It's just men's clothes you woman brained faggot. There's no name for it. Men have a few types of shirts and pants that they rotate between depending upon the occasion and season. There's no gay "core" or "maxxing".
Those kind of clothes are just the very basics of 60s streetwear. It’s their version of just buying stuff out of Walmart. It wasn’t a style.
>zoomers have never seen anyone dressed nicely in their entire lives to the point where a guy in a shirt and jeans is best thing they've ever seen
I honestly find this hilarious
Yippie core is suits and finance bro shit
these ones too https://therealmccoys.com/products/blue-seal-chino-trousers-beige-041
real mccoy's and toys mccoy aren't the same brand so those are two separate options. real mccoy's had drama ages ago and split into a bunch of diff brands.

see the post i quoted they're more like the great escape chinos but really close.

the trousers they sell these days don't fit the same. but yeah close.

>There's no gay "core" or "maxxing".
kinda its 60s menswear specifically. the fits aren't the same as the ones today and it does matter if you're going for that look.

yeah but you can't look like that buying clothes from walmart and the mall today. fits changed. clothes are cut for the average person which is a lot less masculine and either fat or skinnyfat reddit build and le 56% squat. guys like that were far less common back then so clothes fit differently.

tbf its an iconic photoshoot.
I am currently evilmaxxing so you're partially wrong.

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