>be me(18M)>don't have a proper facial hair yet>have a short hair>look like a dyke>have a long hair>look like a cis womanI'm cursed, right? Like there is no way that I would troon out or something because I'm really sure that I'm straight but this is the way it is. I just can't "look like" a man and I don't think even a beard or a moustache would help me. What do I do?
>>18316984start jawmaxxing so at the best people will assume you're a troon
>>18316984>What do I do?Go to the doctor, get your hormone levels checked.>Like there is no way that I would troon out or something because I'm really sure that I'm straightYou can be trans and into girls, that's a thing too.
>>18316984Youre jusr young nigga
young? are you sure