New hereWhy is it so expensive!I want that ~1830 aesthetic without spending an arm and a leg.Pls help anon
>>18317727you gotta luffaren-maxx. europe in the 1800s was filled with wandering vagabond hobos that oozed with drip and swag
>>18317727>boots>pants>vest>shirt>coat>gloves>hat>$886.55That's hardly an "arm and a leg," anon. You'd spend that on an equivalent outfit at fucking Macy's these days.
>>18317727Just steal itOr get it secondhand
Why are poorfags always fixated on the delusion that if something is expensive there has to be an equivalent that is orders of magnitude cheaper?Sometimes shit just costs what it costs. Do you honestly think there's a cheap equivalent of 1830s nobility clothing being mass produced inexpensively in 2024?It's like looking at a Lamborghini and saying it's an amazing car but too expensive, please help.What help do you actually expect?Go to discord,steal some troons pics. Then go to reddit and twitter, say you're going to kill yourself because Trump won and set up a gofundme to pay for the emotional damage. Use the earnings to buy your clothes. If you do it right you'll be able to make at least 5k.