rate my antisemitic fashion fit
Looks cheap.
>>18353234I'm guessing you're more into wearing pic related
>>18353230way too subtle
>>18353972I don't even remember what kanye said, I know he said something about jews, but not remember what exactly, kanye is alright, just not my cup of tea
>>18353230no bottoms? are you exposed to flaunt your uncircumcised penis?
>>18353980yes, but idk really which pants could add a new anti semitic hint to the fit>>18353980
>>18353230The /pol/ losers trying to astroturf here is pathetic. You're not a vibe bro, people here know see the trying to be an edgelord because you're a loser irl.
>>18354026>amirite 4channel bros? can i have a upvote for my post?
>>18354026I remember when I was a young retard too.Lord please take me back before I ever looked into the history of central banking and the 109 expulsions.
>>18354038You didn't "look into" anything, retard. It was spoonfed to you by an influencer who was shoved in your face by an algorithm. Congratulations on being a braindead normgroid.
>>18354154Whatever helps you sleep at night fashionboy
>>18354616my favorite part is when they got kicked out of a flight for BO and cried antisemitism, rofl
>>18353230Only ppl who live in the ghetto where clothes with letters on them. Schizoware.
>>18354026Epin gomment hab uh updut
>>18354056>chef's kiss
>>18354616>for no reason whatsoever
>>18354616some pants with 109 number on them maybe?
>>18353230you gotta get them kike airs bro
rugga's mighty "bbc" right here >>18356446
>>18356700these look swell, that green
>>183539855.11s, obviously
>>18359082gotta carry the gass somewhere