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>watching a 'walking tour' video of my city (melbourne) to see what people are wearing for inspo
>most people wear the same crappy outfit
>some women have really nice outfits that stand out and look really classy
>theres no male equivalent
>cant decide what to wear because all the guys who look good only look good because theyre tall and handsome and that aint me
looks like im gonna have to stick to wearing nike shirts and shorts and new balance shoes like every other normie
>improve my looks
yeah im working on it, should ask before making assumptions

>guys with women
ive noticed a trend among guys walking with a partner and thats that they tend to wear baggy t-shirts and jeans and have mop heads
That's why you should try to dress better. There's so little competition in anglo countries that not dressing like a Walmart shopper means you mog 99% of men. Look at Instagram, this board, reddit, magazines, YouTube videos, or literally anything for inspiration and to help you develop a taste for what kinds of styles you do and don't like.

Walking tour videos are fine but kind of inefficient and not the best for actually getting a good look at someone's outfit. You should go into the city yourself and do some people watching in the places where fashionable people hang out.
That's a dude
>There's so little competition in anglo countries that not dressing like a Walmart shopper means you mog 99% of men. Look at....this board

100% true. Look at WAYWT, pick the shittiest fit you can find and then realize that even the absolute retards from 4chan still dress better than the vast majority of American men.
There's no excuse to not at least try to dress well. Forget about women for a second, when you dress well, you feel better and more confident. That helps with all aspects of life, not just getting laid.
you should try lifting. you'll feel even better and look good no matter what you're wearing.
>There's so little competition in anglo countries
true, and thats what i notice when i watch these videos. im looking specifically for moggers, for people i can emulate, but you know what? most people dont look good to me. the guys who really stand out are the guys who arent trying to be anything, their outfits are plain but they fit well (very easy if youre tall) and look modern. the short guy with a very creative outfit that he put a lot of thought into looks like shit in comparison. like cool bro, youre wearing the baggiest most ripped jeans ever seen and your shirt has an interesting pattern on it, but you look like youre a nobody, you look like youre trying to hard to be noticed, it looks bad.

>videos are fine but kind of inefficient
come on man, video is no different to real life. i know what im looking at when i press pause. these guys who post these walking tour videos walk everywhere. and 'fashionable' in melbourne is just hipsters who thrift all their clothes and generally dont look good either.
>nike shirts
are you me in 7th grade?
pretty much. i dont know what shirt to buy man. judging by these videos, this brand is extremely common here in australia:

i might buy some of their t-shirts just to fit in. but i dont like this brand, it doesnt appeal to me at all, i dont know why its popular here all of a sudden.
This is extremely true. One day I decided to dress well and I started getting tonnes of compliments from women and even children. The whole "le men don't get compliments" is such bullshit. Funnily enough, it actually pissed off other men seeing me dressing well. They started asking why the hell am I wearing that, that I look ridiculous, etc. So, just be aware if you start dressing well suddenly, you would need a new friend group.
what do you wear? i dont really have a frame of reference for what dressing well is. like i said all i see is t-shirts and shorts. the guys who make an 'effort' wear long sleeve shirts with shorts/pants and white sneakers. i dont have the body to pull that off though, im 5'9 and its so hard to find a shirt that fits.
if you try to "dress nice" as a normie male you will look like a tryhard doofus, and also stick out like a sore thumb but not in a good way
yeah ive noticed that.
I just buy the superior version of what normal people wear.
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Demanding bussy, immediately.
When I first started dressing well, I was just copying the "old money" aesthetic. I mostly used Brandon Balfour as inspiration and bought shit from H&M and Zara. Now, I have just developed my own vintage inspired style focusing on quality and drape of fabrics. This pretty much mandates getting everything made bespoke though, but I can afford it.

>im 5'9 and its so hard to find a shirt that fits.
Get clothes altered. Alternatively, you can use some 3rd world bespoke or M2M service like Luxire.
I get fa inspo from kpop dance pracitce, where the idols are just dressed normally without any scene costume
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>watching a 'walking tour' video of my city
Saw this unexpected gem from Stockholm.
Start with color theory, then progress to styles of clothes. It makes a big difference.

I've just gone with earth or muted tones and I just switch out either pants or the shirt when I need to just slightly change my outfit each day. It's simple, effective and doesn't scream for attention.
Everyone knows the most colorful outfit in Melbourne is all black.

Jokes aside, from one Melbournian to another, fuck the standard. Show off your fits
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Not OP but my usual outfit in the CBD is olive chinos, a faded grey t-shirt (or navy) and some pretty well worn Nikes. Kinda like this but Nikes instead of whatever is in this photo obviously.
god I wish that was me
>fuck the standard. Show off your fits
im starting to feel that way. the more i think about why i want to avoid dressing how i want, the more i realise its because i dont want people to look at me and judge me. i really need to deal with that because for the past 10+ years ive never been happy with my outfits because ive always dressed to 'blend in'.
Looking sharp, anon.

Hey, most people are more worried about themselves. Additionalyl, yous ee far crazier outfits nowadays that make you look completely normal no matter how weird you think you look. I go out in traditional Chinese clothing sometimes, who cares about judgement lole
>pose that conceals narrow hips, large hands, AND broad shoulders in one go
hao yoo afford B-$poke errethang?
Everyone in mine is fat and brown

>What being intimated by bcc does to a nigga
I get all my new clothes from the park in the summer time, never had to pay for a toque or hoodie again. Bonus points, go to a music festival and wait till people start going home, bring back a wet bag full of beer-soaked clothing and sunglasses you can wear for the next 5 years and still look cool.
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I have a PhD in math.
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its endearing and usually really hilarious when non whites try to dress up. sort of in the same way a little kid wearing his dad's jacket or mom's shoes can be adorable.
some ethnicities can really pull it off but others always gravitate towards very infantile dandy styles. you can tell they come from cultures very detached from this stuff and are trying to figure it out as they go as adults.
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guys who 'have it' don't have to post strategies on how to attract women online. if you have to think that deep you were born as a low tier man and can never escape that.
the guy who makes all these anti white posts is a black incel, for instance, because he was born with a 2 incher.
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people have lower expectations for low tier men. 'at least he's trying' and 'at least he's not wearing pajama pants and a spongebob shirt'
its a different much lower standard.
That just looks like any other dude in sexcore?
do you have a link to that video?
i like watching stuff like that
how can you tell?
this meme is still hysterical
OP here, i browsed a clothing site today, i told myself "i will just scroll through the diffferent categories and pick what i like, no matter what brand it is." well, i did that, and i saw some pieces i liked, things that i see lots of other people wearing, but of course, i go on twitter, and i see some famous guy that i think looks really good, and i realise he wouldnt ever wear anything like this......and now im back at square 1. i cant even decide what underwear to buy.
Stomach is a dead giveaway
nigga look like a ripe strawberry
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>looks like im gonna have to stick to wearing nike shirts and shorts and new balance shoes like every other normie
i just want to fit in. but because im a neet my options are severely restricted. if i could dress how i wanted, my style would be like tyler durdens. i would be the king of /fa/. but i dont want to draw attention to myself.
Yes Ivan we know this is a failed poltard thread.
Dude I was just thinking this today while watching another walking tour video. I saw an Indian dude sitting down, with the most handsome facial features, the best haircut, a nice outfit.......yet because he was Indian, and really dark skinned, he was basically invisible. None of that shit counted because it's all negated by the fact that he's brown. He just looks like any other brown in the sea of browns that were there. I have nothing against them really, but they really are just NPCs who aren't worth shit.
op here. i dont know what this guys spamming about, wish he would stop fucking up my thread. anyway i was just watching some random youtuber, 25k subscribers, typical labrador energy zoomer vlogger type, goes everywhere, talks to everyone, has his own iinteresting and unique style, seems to effortlessly look good, and i wish i was like that. and ive also realised that if i put so much time and effort into finding what i think are good fits, im gonna get mogged by a guy like this. it sucks. i want that effortless carefree style. that 'i saw it and i liked it so i bought it' style. not that 'i browsed hundreds of different items before choosing this one and it doesnt even look good' style. fuck sake
Mateo and Elisa or something like that, they are an argie couple
how can you not?
op here, still watching walking tour videos, still have no idea what to wear. would probably be easier if i wasnt so skinny. sigh

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