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How do I compete with this?
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Left looks like Kirei from Fate
I need a long overcoat
Be tall. Shouldn't be that difficult, they're all like 5'4".
They’re so cringe. Just don’t be cringe I guess.
i thought the point of contemporary fashion is to be intentionally cringe.
Cringe because you could never afford what they're wearing and could ever come across that effay? Gotcha
Looks cool, but hardly versatile.
Why does it have to? Its cold and all black looks good
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>vaya con dios
no need to hate just because you feel inferior
dress edgier

literally just get a long coat, become thin (if you aren't already, you fatso), wear an excessive amount fo chains (only silver/steel color), mostly black or still some dark color, more crosses than an eastern european's windshield, and you should be good.
topkek niggers
You cant compete with them just admit it. You dress basic.
get the same fit but not in polyester.
these 5 foot bug men haven't had a crumb of pussy among the four of them I don't need to 'compete' with them
Be white
if a white person dresses like the two on the left they will look like columbine larpers
You don't.
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the postal dude look is pretty cool to a niche group of people. maybe im just biased though

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