How to remove jeet eyes like Öner has?
>>18354744Literally don't be an oriental brown.1# Mulattos(incl. mestizos)2# Mediterraneans3# Arabic browns4# Asiatic/indian brownsMutt pride worldwide.Sotd Cybergarden
>>18354744Eye cream, use sunblock under eyes when going out. But if you have hyperpigmentation it might be harder
>>18354744Turgut looks like a PNW stoner.
>>18354744I'm afraid you lost the genetic lottery. Better luck next time.
>>18354744Is that a grooming gang?
>>18354744The middle guy can get it
Fasting. Lose the extra fat on the face, eat healthy, drink lots of water to reduce the Simpsons pigmentation and use skin whitening creams. Also sleep at least 8 hours to reduce eye bags and possibly don't stay on your phone too much (it gives you eye bags). Last but not least, don't let the eyebrows go wild, get them done by a white barber, not indians or blacks/latinos. Same for beard and hair.
>>18354815Definitely has mostly eastern Roman ancestry. The rest are mystery meat mutts like most Turks.
>>18354744remove self
It’s screens. I have them too. I started to get the sense that it was screens so I went /noscreen/ for about 3 months (I’m self employed creative so I can do that easily) and they got better. Some stuff helps. Good sleep helps, avoiding and treating allergies helps, rinsing my sinuses helps, eye drops help, vitamin c helps, niacinimide helps, caffeine cream helps, tretinoin helps, sunlight helps, but nothing helps like just not staring at screens for 12 hours per day.
>>18355912Clearly they aren't all that good at it since they haven't groomed themselves.
>>18354744Try growing your hair out like you're a guitarist in Bloodywood or a Rastafari