i tried old money, neofolk, warcore, dark acamedia. now i have a mixture of those styles, but i dont feel one to 100%, so i just wear basically the same cloths and im not even sure what cloths i need or i would like.also not sure where to find anything i like?i look at farfetch, yoox, etc. and 90% i just dont like.then i look at cheaper stuff like zara, uniqlo, etc. and its either to basic or the quality is trash.why the fuck is this so hard?
This books framework might help clarify and align your tastes.It is aimed at women but you can find some use from it.
>>18354940Wear what you likeIf you dont like anything just wear sweatshirts and jeans
>>18355016ye, but i do that i fear looking autistic/spastic.for example i like vintage field jackets in camo, but if i wear this it looks like im gonna shoot up something
>>18355066Who cares? Lift and practice good hygiene so you mog anyone who would say anything.
>>18355066If you care about what people think then you'll never find your own style.People will dislike anything that is out of the norm and that is usually when you do your own thing, until... people start doing it and think it's cool.
>>18355066if anyone says anything just shoot them
>>18354940Most of you fags end up looking gay as fuck or like school shooters when you have "your own style".
I know this is sacrilege on this site and among /fa/ggots everywhere but I think being fashionable is 99% about dressing well for the environment/occassion. Yes, the minutiae like silhouette, colors, blocking, things like this do matter but st the end of the day you’re going to look out of place wearing NeoFolk in New York night club or Dark Academia at a NASCAR race. So when you go somewhere, there’s an appreciated look and the goal should be to lean into that look. At home, just wear whatever is comfortable. This makes fashion so easy because it what you wear becomes largely about your job, your location, stuff like that. For example, I’m currently working at a college here in Vermont after leaving New York. So I dress sort of Ivy/Dark Academia and that works. If and when I go back to New York, I might dress less Ivy and more Trad and introduce some streetwear. I was in Utah earlier this year and I wore mostly gorpcore type clothes with a bit of LARPy cowboy clothes here and there. It was fun. So it all just depends on where I am and what I’m doing. I don’t believe in finding your own style, only living up to what already looks good. It’s a meme that clothes indicate your personality. They’re functional, and some people are just too stupid to realize that and use one tool for all uses.
>>18355066When it comes to field jackets and milsurp in general just only wear 1 piece from that style at a time. Field jackets are versatile, you can work them into plenty of different styles. This is what I wore yesterday, I don't look like I'm about to commit a mass shooting.Also don't feel locked into one specific style, blend elements from different styles together to put something together that you like.
>>18359944Get a different coat
>>18354940Explore what you already like.
>>18354940I feel like the best way to explore your own style is to ask yourself what piece of clothes that you like from whatever aesthetic you're into.It's generally better to create your own style and ask yourself what you like, perhaps you prefer sneakers to boots, perhaps you prefer mid rise jeans with flare on the bottom than a normal straight cut. I feel like this is way better than just triyng to copy an aesthetic because for the most part you're just going to look autistic and cringeworthyI guess what I'm trying to say is to create your own style rather than trying to copy it.
>>18359901Blending into a setting is a conversation of its own but undoubtedly great advice.>>18355016>>18355066>>18360123Liking a piece is one half of it. The other half is finding the piece comfortable and workable enough to put together with other pieces. If anything feels remotely awkward chances are you're not going to wear it let alone be able to put together an outfit.
>>18354940By knowing yourself.
>>18354940Find a bunch of styles you like or just find interesting, use things like vintage magazines, lookbooks, all types of inspo. Use Google Lens to ID what you think looks goodTry to copy/recreate outfits you like, ditch what you don't feel confident in and keep what do feel confident in. Define the style you feel confident in and buy more pieces that match that styleThe end goal is to get a closet where you can effortlessly mix and match and still look good.