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File: pepe truth nuke.png (61 KB, 218x221)
61 KB
There is not a single gayer thing than a v-neck on a man with nothing underneath. It is the single gayest thing you could ever buy as a man. Not only is it gay, it's also very ugly.
straight men dont worry about "gay things", the only people who do are closeted fags from the midwest who are terrified of being called gay because its the truth and it cuts them to the quick
That's like saying that buying dildos isn't gay as long as you aren't using them. It's not about actually doing it, it's about the message you are trying to send with your purchases. V-necks scream homo and it's the truth.
The real TRVTHNVKE here is that nothing you wear matters and nobody fucking remembers 24 hours later.

Wear the gayest v-neck you have. Or spend 5k on trad ivy prep clothing or wear h&m. Nobody else fucking cares enough about you to notice.
>that nothing you wear matters and nobody fucking remembers 24 hours later.
That is not true. Maybe it might be true to people that go outside often and socialize, but to me, seeing someone wearing odd clothing that sticks out makes me think of it years later. I was out one time and I saw a short asian guy dressed up in a suit and a top-hat and I think about it to this day. It matters.
you can buy dildos and not be gay
The V points down at my penis bulge. It should be work with tight pants and trunks underwear for maximum lift and hold
There have been retarded outfits I've seen people wear that are stuck in my mind years later

>I was out one time and I saw a short asian guy dressed up in a suit and a top-hat and I think about it to this day.
OP spends way too much time thinking about v necks on men.
I don't think about anything else other than that.

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