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What are some telltale signs a person doesn't know anything about fashion or pretends to? I'll start
>when they mention rule of thirds
>wow that looks so high quality! Did you get that at ZARA?
Incredible how often women say these things. Exclusively very young ones to be fair.
Literally hear this all the time
I know Zara has quality control issues, but when their garments aren't falling apart they look good
>they just copy so and so
I know, but still
>What are some telltale signs a person doesn't know anything about fashion or pretends to?
They make threads on /fa/
they wear their shirts untucked like a little boy.
Seething about the rule of thirds is the obvious one.
Literally. It just helps you from not looking like a complete slob. Clothing is supposed to be flattering.
plebs watch this https://www.tiktok.com/@deanxxw/video/7269492567379692805
no audio.
let me guess he just discovered there's exceptions to every rule and he's suggesting people who don't understand fundamentals go out and break them. maybe interspersed with some participation trophy 'every fit looks good sweaty' shit in between?
and they also take advice from /fa/
this sounds so american, indian or eastern-european.
>Nice watch, anon! Is it a Daniel Wellington?

No bitch, it's a $3000 Omega DeVille.
>When they wear stuff with obvious branding
>When they overspend on low-quality shit just because it's by some famous designer
>when they copy what they've seen in some fashion magazine just to look different from the others around
And, last but not least
>when they start shitty threads on /fa/
people with autism often dont understand vague, breakable rules
they dont like that there can be a rule of thirds and that someone can consciously break it and look good in spite of or because of it
they want set in stone rules, so it's either rule of thirds ALL the time or NO rule of thirds
>when they brag about only wearing “natural fibers”
>when they care too much about materials instead of considering the form and conceptuality of a piece
>when they wear chinos
>when they see an avant garde, highly conceptual collection and exclaim that nobody would ever wear that in real life
>when they think fashion forward = wearing bright colors
>when they adhere to male style rules that they read about on r/mfa
>when they dress to impress others and not purely for their own amusement
>when they act like little buttblasted bitches about wearing all black outfits
>when they refer to clothing as a "piece"
Mentions if something is on-trend or off-trend with the implication that being off-trend is unfashionable.
Really? I mostly only interact with western European girls and they're the ones I hear that from. They also fucking love shein for no reason.
this nigga mad
Tick tock? No thanks I'm not retarded
when their clothes don't fit. literally the #1 rule of fashion. i've known too many people who were "into" fashion and followed trends or make it a point to only wear timeless styles, but not a single one ever got their shit tailored to actually fit them properly
This is all true except wearing chinos is fine if they aren't those ultra gay WW2 era repro chinos that spergs here seem to love.
>>when they mention rule of thirds
I wish normies never discovered this, its exactly what I was calling my fits like 10 years ago when people were asking me why I wore short jackets
>t. bought a back polysester suit and refuses to admit it was a mistake
if you mean russia just say russia
if they post on /fa
they dress different to what their level of everyday activity calls for
>They also fucking love shein for no reason.
It's super cheap, so they have an endless flux of disposable yet brand new shit.
>using tiktok as a source of information
>calling other people plebs
Like pottery
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The proof that someone knows fashion is literally right there in front of your eyes
They either look good or not
What they say doesn't change that
Fits that look like they're out of an H&M mag. Bruno Mars shit.
My friend is always showing off things from Zara. Tbf they have some 100% cotton sweatshirts and stuff, but it's literally mall fashion.

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